Oil Promise Wins Wyoming Governor for Obama



Oil Promise Wins Wyoming Governor for Obama


Another superdelegate has come out of the Jell-O for Obama. "Wyoming Gov.
Dave Freudenthal, a former Clinton administration appointee, announced
Wednesday that he will support Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for the
Democratic presidential nomination. Freudenthal said he was impressed by
the large, enthusiastic crowds --" That is why? That's why? That's why he
is supporting Obama, because of the big crowds? "Hey, Barry, you're getting
great big crowds out there. I'm supporting you." "The governor also said
Obama gave him an honest answer about putting the Wyoming Range in western
Wyoming off-limits to oil and gas drilling, something Freudenthal would
like to see the US Senate approve." So they're going crazy up in North and
South Dakota, but the governor of Wyoming said Obama promised him to put
Wyoming Range in western Wyoming off-limits to oil and gas drilling.
(interruption) No, it's not the deposit we just found.

The deposit we just found is in North Dakota and South Dakota and a little
bit of Montana. Point is, there's oil in Wyoming, too. But this is
liberalism. We got a Democrat governor endorsing Obama because he's
promising not to drill for oil. Folks, the next time you start wondering
about high gasoline prices, and the next time you get mad at it, please,
please, do not blame Big Oil. Would you blame your government? Would you
blame liberalism? That hearing yesterday was the opposite of what it should
have been. Big Oil ought to be conducting hearings and bringing members of
Congress up and saying, "Why are you making it so damn hard for us to
conduct our business? Why are you making it so hard for us to provide the
American economy what it needs: the free flow of oil at market prices. Why
are you standing in our way?" That's the question that needs to be asked.
