• Thread starter theloneranger100@aol.com
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Yup........Like it or not, OJ is OBVIOUSLY being Treated UNFAIRLY this
time........I look for BIG Lawsuits against the

"Simpson Getting No Celebrity Breaks
Sep 17, 6:22 PM (ET)

LAS VEGAS (AP) - News conferences, a slew of felony charges, a perp
walk in handcuffs and detention in a holding cell without bail - it's
clear authorities aren't giving O.J. Simpson any celebrity breaks.

Police insist such treatment is prudent for a man whose name is
synonmous with a slow-speed chase from officers in a white Ford
Bronco. But legal experts are questioning whether Simpson is being
singled out for extra-tough prosecution in his casino-hotel robbery
case as payback for his murder acquittal more than a decade ago.

"It is regrettable that America has not gotten over the O.J. Simpson
criminal case," said Carl Douglas, who was co-counsel with Johnnie L.
Cochran in Simpson's 1995 criminal trial.

"The fact that he is being held without bail seems unfair and over the
top," Douglas said. "O.J. has always been able to satisfy his
obligations to the court. He cooperated with the authorities in this
case. He is not a flight risk. And he certainly can't hide anywhere.".

In a clear misstatement, Lt. James Dillon said Friday at a news
conference that, because Simpson was involved, police were being extra
careful to conduct "a thorough, biased and competent investigation."

But some think it might have been more than a slip of the tongue

Jerry Reisman, a New York lawyer who represented O.J. Simpson in the
early 1990s in business and real estate matters, said the public and
law enforcement "are looking for some sort of conviction for those who
want justice for Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. Everyone wants to be
the one that gets him."

Experts also raised questions about the decision to release a man who
police said carried a gun in the alleged holdup of two collectors at a
Palace Station casino hotel room.

Walter Alexander, 46, of Mesa, Ariz., was released without bail,
despite facing charges almost identical to Simpson's. Legal experts
said that may indicate his testimony could be key to convicting
<theloneranger100@aol.com> wrote in message
> Yup........Like it or not, OJ is OBVIOUSLY being Treated UNFAIRLY this
> time........I look for BIG Lawsuits against the
> Police........Donchaknow.......

What's wrong, don't the Clark County Sheriff's pull back OJ's foreskin
before they blow him like L.A. County did? Or don't they supply a lapto,
internet a daily LA Times and a telephone in his cell like L.A. County did?