

john f winston

Subject: There's Just Something About Lee Chin. April
20, 2007.

Here is something that was sent to me by Winifred that is about an
friend of mine called Lee Chin.


Subject: Divinations of the universal consciousness: Include (part 2) the
Acupuncture Meridians

Hi Win: Place in your save files for the many other forthcoming
continuums of
this many now remembered thought projections.
Loving us all, SHARING LIGHT, Lee Guilmette Chin

Begin forwarded message:
In the late 70's I received my first pair of divining rods from my
father. His only knowledge of their use was to find buried underground
wires and water pipes. I was yet partially paralyzed from my cerebral
hemorrhage in late 1973, therefore my beginning usage of my first pair
of these tools was strictly within the confines of my own home. These
rods were L shaped and made of brass. One 36" rod was cut in half and
each half of 18" was bent to form a handle with its length of 8 inches.
Only problem for me was that my left hand remained paralyzed and my
grip was too tight and did not allow for the freedom of the rods
intended movement. This problem was resolved by purchasing hollow 8"
brass tubes to insert the handles into. The freedom of their own
conscious movements was then obvious to onlookers as well as self.

I have a 24 ft. long hallway with two narrow windows facing north near
opposite ends of the hall directly across from bedroom doors on the
south side. Th hallway was extra wide for its intended use as an art
gallery. One small shelf had been placed at the west end on that north
facing wall. I was then unaware that I was being guided to place the
rods on this shelf and that it later would become an alter for the
questions that I would ask of this unknown oracle. Everything in my
life had been controversial as was the causation of my brain damage.
A C-tholic father and a M-rmon mother and my untimely birth 2 months
after their forced marriage led to years of disharmony in my childhood
environs. My own ill timed pregnancy and refusal of abortion set me
apart from my parents when I was 20 years old. To further expand upon
my controversial learning experiences I married my Chinese husband when
I was 24 years old. This marriage union was then an unexpected anomaly
within my husband's community as well. No one expected this marriage
to last the duration of its now 50 years.

I relate the above for your understanding of my alone experiences that
led to the dwellings of my own self judgement and wasted energies spent
in my personal pity party during the earlier years of paralysis. It
would take me several years to acknowledge that all experiences
were/are good if we learn from them! Living in fear kept me from
chancing a personal sleep time and I would sit alone during the late
night hours of 1: to 3:a.m. scribing my questioning thoughts as to WHY
ME? What had I done that had confined me to this physical punishment.
If there is a G-d, where is he in my life now? I had a great job in
the space industry and a s-cret clearance that qualified me as a good
citizen. My social life had been full. Why did all cease to exist
when I was only 39 years old!

It was my usual late night awake time when I picked up the divining
rods and pointed them at the blank wall above their shelf. Was there
not to be a rebegining for me? So many questions! To my amazement the
rod in my right hand swung open in the east direction of my hallway.
Instinctively I turned my body in that direction and both rods opened
pointing their directives for my forward movement.
At the east end of the hall was a bathroom and the rods directed my
entrance. Again the rod in my right hand pointed at the sink and as I
moved forward it opened towards the to-let and then the bath tub. What
did water have to do with their movement? So, I filled the sink and
submerged the rods and their handles into the basin. Thusly I was
guided to baptise these tools in the waters of their catalyst for
incoming energies. For some yet unknown reason this made sense to me.
I returned with the rods to the shelf that was now their alter for the
universal oracle. Was this to be the intent of my rebeginings?

The rods responded with quick little swings to the right as their yes,
yes answer. Then both rods pointed toward the opposite east end of my
hallway. I moved in their pointing directions and they redirected me
into the dining room, pointing at my table. There was one single piece
of blank paper and a pen left upon the table. My thoughts immediately
went to my usual intent of late night automatic writing. I sat down,
picked up the ball point pen and placed it upright over the paper.
Closing my eyes I could feel the loosely held pen begin to move. Such
previous attempts at automatic writing had usually produced a lot of
scriblings. This time was different in that the words were clearly

What on Earth did this message intend? What gate, and just who is
Ephraim? What prayer is being requested and for whom?
I immediately went into my library to retreive a bi-le and carried it
back down the hall and leaned it upright upon the little alter shelf.
Instinctively I wrapped the note around the handle for the rod held in
my right hand. I pointed both rods towards the upright bi-le and the
rod in my right hand began to quickly move back and forth acoss this
book as though it was searching for the answers being sought. When it
stopped I realized that I would have to reconfigure my hallway with a
series of numbers from 1 to 9 and a zero. This would have to wait
until the morning for its completion. Sleep would be impossible for
the excitement that I was experiencing regards this new enlightenment
that I would contemplate upon.

In the morning numbers were placed upon the basebord running the full
lenght of my hallway. The bib-e was again placed upon the little alter
and the note from the night before was placed around the handle of rod
held in right hand. Who is Ephraim? Again the rod searched the bibl-
and when stopped it directed me to the numbers that would reveal the
sought page and verse numbers. Thusly my first introduction to the 12
tribes of Israel and the half tribe of Joseph's son Ephraim. Further
reading would inform me of the "gates" guarded by the selected priest
of the tribe of Levi appointed as guardians of the temple gates. (this
info would be greatly expanded upon with my forthcoming knowledge of
acupuncture and its spectrally encoded meridians for the Chi energies.)
My next request would be for What Pra-er was being requested. The rods
selected the 23rd Ps-lm! I again held both rods with note attached
and pointed toward the alter while reading the p-ayer request for the
unknown entity. Immediately the rod in my right hand opened up and
swung back towards me. Thusly both rods were now in a direct alignment
with the alter and my own body. I simply asked if request had been
confirmed as completed. The rod in left hand swung back towards me and
both rods were now pointing directly towards my own heart. When
reading the 23rd Psa-m I was appropriately introduced to Thy rod and
thy staff, they comfort thee! Indeed they are the tools for divined
communications with the most high thought created universal

Further interpretations of that pr-yer might indicate The valley to
be the Earth, and the shadow of de-th to be that cast by matter.
Although this requesting entity remained in his orb of light, he still
needed the assist to which gate required its opening to reconnect him
to his So-l Family. I would follow up with my own inquiries, learning
his name and date of early death at the age of 21 in the year of 1941.
I would also make inquiry as to my own Sou- Family and that too would
be the half tribe of Ephraim. Like energy does seek its like! The S-ul
family for Ephraim receives its predominant energy from the spectral
ray of ultra-violet! I like most of my local friends are of this
energy family and located here to anchor the spectral encodement
aligned to the earthly meridian of the UV light servicing the wing of
the Dove aligned to the grided ley lines for the Puget Sound arena.
There are 9 acupuncture points aligned to this meridian beginning with
its entrance point in Victoria, BC. Its 9th point is the locale of its
exiting star gate. The Olympic mountain range and the Cascade mountain
range might thusly be the original pyramidal containment vessels for
anchoring these paired meridians for the Greater Co-creative Light.

These informations remain in their ongoing continuums for the sharing
of light.-------->lee

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfw@mlode.com
Subject: There's Just Something About Lee Chin. Part 2. April 21, 2007.

I have communicated with Lee Chin over the years on the Internet.


My paralysis from the cerebral hemorrhage in November of 1973 remained in
ts continuum until 1975 when I had my very first , yet illegal
acupuncture treatment. My marriage name would readily identify me as
being Chinese and probably as a male with two sur names of Lee and Chin.
The Uni-verse and my higher guidances had obviously pre contracted me to
co-participate in bringing forth the ancient knowings of the East to this
Western hemisphere of the body of Mother Earth. No, I was not yet
spi-itually prepared to understand the probability of these experiential
knowings and the enlightenments they would provide. My medical records
were readily accessible at the U. of W. medical center. In 1975 the
university's summer sessions for their medical extension school included
a presentation by the visiting Director of the acupuncture college in
Johannesburg, South Africa. One of the students in this class asked "can
acupuncture reverse the brain damage and paralysis of her friend, Lee
Chin?" He simply stated that it was too bad that acupuncture was not
legal in this state! Assuming that this Lee Chin was Chinese, he
singled this student out after the class and asked that she should give
me a phone call where he was locally staying. He was seeking an
introduction to the local Chinese community.

My husband's uncle had recently married a Je-ish woman who happened to be
a nurse. She was anxious to meet with me because I too, was the only
other caucasian in this family. When I told her of the request of this
visiting acupuncturist to make contact with me, she made the phone call
to him on my behalf and an appointment to meet with him was arranged. I
had been confined to my home for 14 months and feared riding in a car
because of its vibrations and my transient ischemic attacks. The visit
to meet with this doctor was some 45 miles from my home and my over
protective husband would not approve of the ride or my participation in a
possible unproven and dangerous acupuncture treatment. This new auntie
simply stated that only I was responsible for my physical embodiment! and
it was time to get out of my own self imposed pity party. She was very
persuasive and together we chose to not tell my husband of my intended

Using a sturdy walker and with her additional support she lifted me into
her car. For each mile I was becoming more short of breath and my
pulse was becoming more rapid. As a nurse, she assured me that my fears
were responding with their own intents for recognition. Oh yes! I got
my lecture from her regards MY THOUGHTS CO-CREATE MY REALITIES! Was I
not yet alive and willing to seek whatever healing that was being
offered? How many more months or years would I choose to be an invalid?
She emphasized that the choice was mine and that all of my prior
controversies had been good only, if I had learned from them. My
introduction to the ancient methodoligies of Eastern medicine and
herbalogy might then be a new revelation aligned to my own ongoing
life-learning experiences. Did I not wonder how this information had
been aligned to our ancients so many thousands of years before? It was
obviously time for me to stretch my damaged brain cells towards their
re-newed beginnings.

Our first meeting with Dr. Luying Liaw, master acupuncturist and
professon of ancient history was a bit shocking for him. We obviously
were caucasians. This was unexpected for him and it took some time for
him to be comfortable with his knowing of us. We assured him that our
husbands were well known and respected in Seattle's Chinese community.
His beloved wife assisted with the required english interpretations for
our ongoing conversations. She assured him that it would be acceptable
for him to provide his acupuncture skills upon my damaged body. She
calmed my nerves by applying moxibustion to certain acupuncture points
related to my nervous system. I was then placed upon a platform and a
blanket was placed over me. Together they explained the procedure that
he would be doing with an 8 volt battery box with wires extended to
alligaror clamps attached to the individual needles that he would insert
and hand twist into my brain. The battery box had two hemisphere
adjustable for the currents compatble to the simultaneous hemispheres of
my brain. Without any remaining brainwaves in the right hemisphere of my
brain I could take the full 8 volt charge. I could only tolerate the
charge of 2 and 1/2 volts in the left undamaged hemisphere. The
sensation was such that I thought I might d-e right there on the
platform. No, I wasn't experiencing any pain, only my own fears. I was
reminded about the lecture I had just received about my own response to
my thought created fears.

A single needle about 3 inches long was inserted into the very top of
my crown (GV 20) and two needles were placed on the (BL) meridians on
either side of the top of my head. I don't recall, but I think needles
were also placed at key points on either leg. After several minutes of
thse electrical stimuli my left paralyzed leg jerked! Whoa, this had
been its first reaction since the massive subdural hemorrhage to the
right hemisphere of my brain. The doctor explained that the left Yang
hemisphere of the brain controlled the right bodily hemisphere and the
right Yin hemisphere of the brain controlled all reactive responses to
the left side of my body. After my knee jerk, the doctor smiled and said
I could now sit up. He had disconnected me from all of the electrical
stimulators and his wife gave me a few sips of tea. He then said get up
and take a step. I said I couldn't and he said, YES you can! Taking
both of my hands he gently moved me into a standing upright position at
the head of the platform. I had considerable atrophy because of muscular
inactivity and knew that I could safely fall back onto the platform. He
then told me to move my right leg forward by one step, this I did. He
then said to move the left leg forward by one step also. In amazement,
this I was now able to do. Still holding both of my hands he requested
that I take a few more forwarding steps. Having done so, I excitedly
blurted out, how is this possible?

Dr. Liaw simply explained that my body was a containment vessel for an
internal electrical wiring system. My brain damage had initiated a
spontaneous short circuit! The blackout where the light-life Chi
energies needed to be recharged to receive their enlightenments. Over
tea and cookies he then explained his personal knowledge and research of
the 12 paired acupuncture meridians and their invisible space timed
circumnavigation within our physical temple. A modest man, he admitted
to being one of the 12 masters of this ancient knowledge. His lack of a
full understanding of the english language would require a more gentler
ongoing series of treatments to fully recharge my physical embodiment.
He also needed to better understand the history and causation of my brain
damage some 14 months.. He would remain in the local area for a few
months and requested I receive his treatments at least twice weekly. If
I would consent to his schedule, there would be no charge.

My new auntie rushed me home in time for me to be there before my husband
returned home from his office. Both auntie and I were exhilerated from
this phenomenal experience and she agreed to continue transporting me to
these treatments. The atrophy was difficult to stabilize my alone walk,
but with a cane this could be cautiously accomplished. I met my husband
at the entrance into our home when he arrived. I was excited to show off
my latest accomplishment and told him of my day's experience. He was
angry that I had done this without his permission. I reminded him that
it was my body and my decision and I did not need his permission! He
then insisted that my next appointment be made when he would be able to
be an observer. I would not allow his interference for several weeks as
I was becoming better educated as to these methodologies myself and
better acquaint myself with Dr. Liaw and his wife.
He couldn't help but notice the rapidity of my healings and his rants
were lessened!

Dr. Liaw was the youngest of 9 children born in a northern province of
China. All were graduates of their local university. Dr. Liaw had
received his P.H.D. in ancient history and its pol-tical sciences. His
eldest brother was 30 years his senior and first w-r lord of their
province to be beheaded by the invading c-mmunist from the far north.
This tragedy initiated the immediate escape for the family to follow with
the Nation-list party to Taiwan. Continuing his education there as an
educator he was nominated as a Senator and later forwarded to South
Africa as the Chinese counsel general in Mozambique. With the further
invasions of the com-unist party in South Africa it was not safe for him
to remain there. He returned to Taiwan, giving up his po-itical
aspirations and sought a better way to help mankind. With his knowledge
of ancient histories he chose to further his education in the health
field and studied to become an acupuncturist. As to be expected, he
followed his heart to return to Johannesburg and marry his Chinese
sweetheart who was then living in the multi cultural city of
Johannesburg. Her father was the owner of the largest brewery in
Johannesburg and concerned for Dr. Liaw's prior polit-cal positions and
the commun-st threats.

He was then experiencing his own controversies and determined to continue
to enact his own S-ul Search.

When Dr. Liaw returned to the states with all 5 of his children they were
enrolled at the University of Washington and a home was bought north of
Seattle for the entire family to include the parents yearly visits from
Johannesburg. It was in this home that he began his local acupuncture
services. He had increased his knowledge of the English language and
could now better understand the medical terminologies of my brain damage.
His telepohone call to me was most welcomed. He and I both were
anxious to rebegin the electro-magnetic stimulations to transfer the
needed brain wave apportionments to the empty hemisphere of my right
brain. Within 24 hours I was rapidly being reunited to the universal
consciousness. I could not keep up with the holographic presentations
that were flooding into my brain. I scribed as much as I could and with
the following sleepless nights their explanations were forthcoming. Dr.
Liaw provided me with his ancient acupuncture charts and the copy of the
original bla-k and wh-te charcoal illustration from some 2,000 yrs. b.c.
He said it was a duplicate of the knowing provided some probable 10,500
yrs. b.c. He said that in all probability I was also being aligned to
expand upon such knowledge to this western hemisphere. He would then
begin to educate me with his own knowing. So much to comprehend and
its rewards would be, and have been, life changing!

It would be these knowings that would eventuate my forthcoming
connection to the 12 paired acupuncture meridians and their relationship
to the 12 Tribes of Israel to be identified via the divination tools
that would identify their spectral energy signature to the harmonic
octave's sound and frequency vibrations of the rungs upon Jacob's

This essay will have several continuing parts. Bear with this one
fingered typist as I get into the space allocated to my personal
Loving us all, SHARING LIGHT,
Lee Guilmette Chin

Part 2.

(JW That is all of the material that has been sent to me at the present

John Winston. johnf@mlode.com
Subject: Beautiful Death Valley. April 21, 2007.

Actually it's not all that great but I have been in it two or more times.
Be sure and don't go during the middle of the summer because it gets
pretty hot, sometimes over 130 degrees or more.


From: Jonathan Gray

Kenneth, this news is from Jonathan Gray -
Oh no, not toilet water... please!
When Toowoomba City Council began talking about recycling sewage water for
drinking, things had to be bad.

Australia was in its worst water shortage in decades. Even before the dry
summer began, one town reported its reservoir was almost empty.

People were asking, What is happening here? Why is this young country
experiencing water shortages? Must we expect this to get worse?

In outback Queensland, a seven year old suddenly ran indoors to her
mother, screaming in fright. Raindrops were falling - and up till now
this child had never seen rain.
If the truth were known, people on most continents are facing growing
shortages of useable water.
Dick and I lay back on the deck soaking up the sunshine. The topic turned
to water.

"You would have loved it," crooned Dick. "One of the lushest spots you
could find."

"Where?" I asked.

"Death Valley."

"Oh, come on, Dick. That's one of the most h-llish, desolate places on

Dick waved his arm. "Jonathan, did you know that Death Valley once
contained a hundred mile lake? It was a green paradise.

(JW That is correct. The Rangers at the Furnace Creek Ranger Station in
Death Valley say that the area was covered with a lake many years ago.
There is a story that we have an area half way up the sides of the
Panamint Mountains where a the openning for boat launching openning can
still be found half way up the mountain and you can look down on the
Ranger Station from there. It would be of interest to me if someone
would go the the Ranger Station and look up on the mountain to see if
there is still a water level that can be seen today where the water
used to be. Do we have any takers?)

"And here lived a race of giant men and women. These people enjoyed
palatable foods - taken from the local lakes and forests."

"How do you know?"

"There is fossil and skeletal evidence to prove it."

Well, this sounded so far out, I just had to get to the truth of the

So would you like to know what really turned up? Okay, here it is.

In that same valley lie the ruins of a city more than a mile in length.
And the streets are still traceable, running at right angles.

There are stone buildings reduced to ruins by the action of some great
heat that passed over. All the stones are burnt, some of them almost
cindered, others glazed as if melted.

You will find further mention of ancient cities in this region, which is
now desert, in my book Dead Men's Sec-ets.

North America, has, of course, quite a number of ancient dried up seas,
which have turned to desert.

And - are you sitting down? - this may rock you!

Ships have actually been found, stranded in these deserts. Indian and
Spanish legends also speak of such ships - left behind when the inland
seas dried up.

Over centuries of time, it seems, the rainfall decreased, and widespread
forests gave way to grasslands.

Year by year, the imprisoned water bodies dwindled.

Finally, the dry-out broke the grass cover, exposing the soil to wind
action. And it appears that terrible dust storms arose at this time.

And so desert conditions gradually crept over this early dominion of man.

Just a word about that wild region at the head of the Gulf of California.

Described in 1850 as "a day's march from San Diego", were discovered seven
lofty pyramids within a mile square.

There were also massive granite rings, dwellings, blocks of hieroglyphics
and ruins reminiscent of ancient Egypt.

This once fertile, bustling land of people has now become an unpeopled,
thirst-stricken and heat-crazed land.

The process is still occurring.

So much fertile farmland has had to be abandoned for lack of water along
the interstate highway between Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, that by the
latter half of the twentieth century dust storms were frequently sweeping
across the road.

I understand that the state had to install expensive warning lights to
tell motorists of dust storms ahead.

But this trend of a world drying out from the flood puddles" of an
ancient cataclysm, left its marks not only in North America.

The same scenario is repeated in South America, Asia, Africa and

Australia, a very flat continent, is now mostly dry. Traces of salt pans
and rivers that dried up thousands of years ago indicate that it was once
green, its climate mild.


The Australian aborigines speak of an ancient city hidden in the remote
hinterlands of northern Australia.

According to the Australian Weekend News, three men made it through the
remote outback to visit the ruins of this alleged city, known as Burrungu.

They reported ruined walls, stone houses, wide courtyards, and stately
arches that look down upon statues set along tree-shaded streets.

Legends of the aborigines tell of wh-te men living in the city thousands
of years ago.

"They were so tall they needed very big buildings," the natives claimed.
"The city is taboo. It was once a place of much activity."

From a plane I have gazed down upon the sand dunes of this wasteland.
Satellite pictures of sand dune patterns indicate that a sea larger than
America's Lake Superior existed in Central Australia. Today's salt lakes
were once part of this sea.

The dunes were formed as it progressively shrank and the climate became

In December, 2003, Australian antiquities researcher Gilbert Deem told me:
"We have sites to investigate around the perimeter of the old inland sea
in central Australia. We have some amazing; stuff from there."

He noted the many references to the inland sea in the early history of

About 3,000 years ago, the Phoenicians were mining in central Australia,
accessing via two entrances: one near Broome and the other in the Gulf of

There was once a strait called "the north-south passage", which ran from
the Gulf of Carpentaria in the north to the vicinity of Spencer's Gulf in
South Australia.


"This was the one that [the British explorer] Flinders and the Frenchman

Baudin went looking for when they met at Encounter Bay," said Gilbert.
"Flinders had secret orders to find the passage, as the British East India
Company was looking for the old strait mentioned on the Phoenician charts
which were used by Columbus, Cook and the early Australian navigators.
"They knew exactly where they were going.

"The Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and French (all expanding their empires)
had the same maps.
"It is also on record that a Captain Williamson, an American whaler,
sailed through the passage - and that was only 'recently.'"
The British East India Company was interested in it, as it was a much more
viable alternative (than to navigate through the Great Barrier Reef) to
access the Spice Islands, Timor Sea, etc.

The early Australian explorers went searching for the inland sea as well.

Charles Sturt's journals are a brilliant read. He concludes that the
inland sea must have only recently dried up and had been the subject of a
great cataclysm as the top section of vegetable matter still stank.

He found a bank of sea shells - there are drawings in his books - that was
300 feet thick.

Also there are many Phoenician petroglyphs in central Australia which are
high above the land line now. They trace back to the inland sea levels
when they were much higher.

Even today, in central Australia, when the monsoons come the old basin is
exposed and it is possible to navigate from north to south within the
"There are many maps of Australia which show the inland basin and the
outlines of the passage," said Gilbert. "It's all there."

In Western Australia, the east-west road from Esperance to Ravensthorpe
dips down periodically to traverse numerous wide, dry watercourse beds,
carved out as the inland sea drained to the Southern Ocean.

Australia's giant animals suddenly became extinct as the freshwater lakes
quickly dried and the surrounding grazing lands became arid.

In a nutshell, then, this is the picture.

At the termination of the cataclysm which ancient civilizations spoke of
as the Great Flood, large amounts of water were stranded in the interior

Such bodies of trapped water existed all over the planet. And rain
continued to be abundant.

As man spread out to repopulate the globe, cities sprang up where there
was water.

John Winston. johfw@mlode.com