

New member
This is pretty cool. You sit there and chat with a computer that has a ton of built in responses. Yeah I know, it's a waste of time. If you ask/say weird things it probably wont know what your talkin about and go off topic.

Oliver Bot



New member
lol i started swearing at him and i said i hated him and hes like i thought we were friends and im like that shows how dumb you are and then hes like i understand, LMAFO..


New member
good find. only cuz this mufukka is fun to argue with lmao. seems to be.. 'the thing' to do kya kya kya.

Dark Collision

New member
Okay uh...that was stupid. You can barely keep a nice conversation with him since he replies with the same responses. So arguing with Oliver is the most fun way, lol.


New member
eww, you're a molester lmao. thas prolly why it was so hard to have a pleasant convo with him :thumbsup:


New member
hehe i talked to him again and i called him a stoner.. then he called me a stoner..

and suddenly we started talking about ben stiller.. lol.. and he is gay.. he asks out of the blue "where can i find a boyfriend" lol :)



New member
HAHA... i said to him ur a loser and then he goes im a winner and then im like fine then ur a **** sucker and then he said I am glad to hear it. Good reasoning. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a **** sucker **** sucker? Yes., LMAO

p.s. srry lang.



New member
i kept calling him a ******, it was funny, and he kept correcting my grammer, then i told him he was the worst friend ever, then we got in an arguement, it was funny


New member
Allied gave us a link to something like that before.


It's hilarious. This one you can copy and paste the conversations.

Human: you're stupid

ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.

Human: yea that'll happen when pigs fly

ALICE:" I will remember you said that when robots take over the World." WILL happen when pigs fly? I understand. Wow!

Human: yea, WOW!

ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, unknown person. Woe!

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