On The Eleventh Day of Every Month - Join Us!

  • Thread starter robertrice@rogers.com
  • Start date




The cause of history, is just, and it's turning out that the
historical record, not the 9/11 Commission Report, or the NIST Report,
is on our side.

". . . they [the majority of Americans] shall come to realize what I
now realize... that the 9/11 Truth Movement are the real patriots in
21st century America!"

-- Steve Alten, New York Times Best Selling Novelist
(author of "The Shell Game")

Join forces with us, for truth, justice, accountibility, historical
transformation and peace. Investigate 9/11, and DEMAND answers!

We know Zelikow, the chairman of the 9/11 Commission, is a
professional mythmaker

We know the NIST report didn't even address the actual collapse of the
twin towers except to say that once initiated it was "automatic and
inevitable" and they have yet to release the final report on WTC7.

So are we simply to accept everything that we are told on CNN and Fox

Or ought we look into these matter, and get in the FACES of the MSM
and the "elite" class rulers, and tell them NO MORE. NO MORE false
flag terror black-op, no more injustified and unneccessary wars of
agression, no perpetual war "for a generation", ENOUGH!

We're going to put a stop to it all, and we're going to use the
evidence regarding 9/11, and the questions posed by that evidence, to
place unrelenting pressure on "the system".

Join us, on the eleventh day of every month. 9/11 truth now.


watch this short video

Thank you in advance for your help, for your efforts, and for your
caring, about everything that matters most.


Celebrating 9/11 Truth Activism!

Small Starts..

I call our movement "the/ quiet revolution", and the medium, largely,
has been via the Internet, but we do need to see more of this street
action, and the distribution of 9/11 truth information to the masses
via all manner of means and opportunity, including what many have
coined "narrowcasting".

Thus, and particularly in light of the US government's absymal failure
and self-evident mutliple abuses of power in the name of 9/11, we may
very well be, and in fact ARE, on the very cusp of a dynamic
historical transformation, not in military affairs, but in human

I think Steve Alten is correct, that our movement will be seen in
future history, for what it is, namely the real history, (beyond the
so-called "investigation" of the 9/11 Commission led by Zelikow) as
something preserved at great perserverence and in the face of much
ridicule, by the first true Patriots of the 21st century, the
publishing medium, the Internet, where the entire historical record
has been laid down and preserved, from generation to generation, and
from age to age. In this sense, we've already won, and the
transformation, is already at hand. People are beginning to question
en mass.

No one can heave those buildings back up into the New York City
skyline, and given the way and the manner, and the speed, with which
they plummeted to the ground, killing thousands, on that dark day in
September, no one can ever forget, or, come not to see it clearly for
what it was, and in many ways, what it still represents, which at the
most fundamental level, is everything worth living for, and even dying
for. That's what they are up against, both reality, and the stuff of
life itself, which is the meaning and the purpose of life, relative to
what has been, and what's been learned in the process. That's the
stuff of history, and in this way, history is on our side from every
angle and perspective, unto the very foundation of life and history. I
am confident therefore, that we and the truth about history, will
prevail in the final analysis.

In the interim, ACT, and do everything you can with whatever resources
are available to you. Nothing less than life and history is at stake,
because life cannot be effectively lived, in relation to a lie,
perpetuated in your own name's sake, and in the name of "security" and
even of "justice" and worse still, vengeance.

Tread it under foot, in action, and in time the entire mountain of
historical causation WILL move! It's a guarantee. We're almost there..
On the 11th day, of every month
robertrice@rogers.com wrote:

> On Feb 22, 1:38 pm, robertr...@rogers.com wrote:
>>bump thread..

> What's wrong, everyone follow the official story right down the line,
> is that it?

The "truth" movment has no legs, Robbie. In six years, it has offered
nothing even remotely close to proof of their chanted conclusion.

Let me know if the "truth" movement ever manages to generate one
falsifiable piece of evidence that can only be explained by controlled
demolition. Until then, you would probably be best served at the circle
jerk known as the Loose Change forums.