On the Genocide in South Africa




On the Genocide in South Africa
Report; Posted on: 2007-02-06
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Here is an excellent article on the genocide in SA by Ilana Mercer,
who incidentally is a Jewess from South Africa. We read that:

"Mercer was born in South-Africa, from where her father, Rabbi Ben
Isaacson, was forced to flee due to his anti-apartheid activism. The
family departed for Israel in the late 1960s, where Mercer spent her
formative years. She returned to South-Africa in the 1980s, married
and had a daughter. The family immigrated to Canada in 1995, and then
went on to settle in the US."

Ms. Mercer apparantly does not connect her father's anti-apartheid
activism with the resulting genocide for Afrikaners. The Jews in South
Africa were/are almost to a man, Zionists, and also, virtually to a
man were virulently opposed to the White, anti-Communist, nationalist
Government of South Africa, and put their entire weight into efforts
to undermine and destroy it, and along with mining oligarch Harry
Oppenheimer, supported the Black ANC.

The results of destroying the White government in South Africa were
easily predictable.

(A) From the results in the rest of Africa, filmed in the
excellent Italian documentary "Africa Addio."

(B) From the purges in Russia, following the Bolshevik Revolution
and the 'reigns' of Lenin and Stalin, for the ANC and the SA
Communist Party were inextricably intertwined, and

(C) For the savvy, from the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 during which
the forces for the New World Order, at that time represented by
Rothschild and the British-Freemasonic-Rhodes forces, sought the
genocide of the Boers, to enable them to get their hands,
unfettered upon SA's gold and other mineral resources. Today,
that force is represented by the Oppenheimer dynasty,
(Anglo-American Corp, and the now-taken-private De Beers Corp.)
As in former Soviet Russia, aided by Communism, it is these
financial oligarchs who are ransacking not only South Africa, but
all of Africa, and the genocide of the Boers is merely collateral
damage in the process. -- Deirdre Fields

The genocide in democratic South Africa

by Ilana Mercer

They are conservative, Christian Caucasians, a fact that might help
explain why the fashionable left in the West doesn't much care that
they're being exterminated. The Boers - or farmers - of South Africa
have tilled the land for generations on small holdings or on large
commercial farms. But orgiastic killing sprees by The People, combined
with a Stalinesque land grab by their representatives is threatening
this minority's survival.

Not to mention making life an inferno for farmers across the country.

Journalists for "Carte Blanche," the South African equivalent of
"20/20," conducted a six-month investigation into what has become
known as farm murders, or plaasmoorde in Afrikaans. The short
documentary opens with a funeral, Elsie Swart's. Elsie was one of
three farmers killed in the span of only seven days. She died after
being "severely tortured, burned with an electric iron, beaten and
strangled to death."

The victims of this ongoing onslaught, we are told, are invariably
elderly, law-abiding, God-fearing Whites, murdered in cold blood, in
ways that beggar belief. For the edification of racism spotters in the
West, "Carte Blanche" ought to have pointed out that their assailants
are always Black.

Typically, the heathens will attack on Sundays. On returning from
church, the farmer is ambushed. Those too feeble to attend Sunday
service are frequently tortured and killed when the rest are
worshiping. In one crime scene, Bibles belonging to the slain had been
splayed across their mangled bodies. In another, an "old man's hand
rests on the arm of his wife of many years." She raped; he, in all
likelihood, made to watch. Finally, with their throats slit, they died
side by side.

Full Article

ALSO SEE: State Department statistics on killings in South Africa

Source: Deirdre Fields

2006 NationalVanguard.org.