**** on WPYO... WTF ??


New member
So you might be saying to yourself right now, WOW, look at that, or you might notice the child in the picture who sees what I am assuming is his/her mother, making the pose for the picture. Oh look, the kid is seeing nudity !!!

Well, what about the internet ??

GF does it all the time.. Do you think we should do something about it ??

Do you have a suggestion that would not impose on someones free speech ??

I'd like to hear comments.




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New member
I'm seeing more and more **** pop up on here everyday. It is a debate forum, not a **** site. It is easy to say, 'just don't look at it' or 'don't go in those threads', but there is no way to differentiate between threads that have that **** and threads that don't. I look at this site at school and do not want that **** on to my screen. Not that I care to see it when I


New member
So you might be saying to yourself right now, WOW, look at that, or you might notice the child in the picture who sees what I am assuming is his/her mother, making the pose for the picture. Oh look, the kid is seeing nudity !!!
Well, what about the internet ??

GF does it all the time.. Do you think we should do something about it ??

Do you have a suggestion that would not impose on someones free speech ??

I'd like to hear comments.
I did not remove the image to make a statement. I removed it to make this a fair poll. People who do not care to see **** will not stay in here long enough for the poll if it is staring them in the face. That would make for a bias poll, which would not be fair. I'm sure you understand.

Also keep in mind that alot of the 'kids' that shouldn't be veiwing this stuff are allowed to vote. And, any computer savvy minor can lie about their age and sign up...



New member
I did not remove the image to make a statement. I removed it to make this a fair poll. People who do not care to see **** will not stay in here long enough for the poll if it is staring them in the face. That would make for a bias poll, which would not be fair. I'm sure you understand.

Also keep in mind that alot of the 'kids' that shouldn't be veiwing this stuff are allowed to vote. And, any computer savvy minor can lie about their age and sign up...
Fair enough, so lets give people a pixelated version of the original pic.



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New member
I have no young children so I haven't investigated how viewer content screening programs work, - how well they work, and so forth.

Phreak, are you familar with these?

If one can pgm one's computer so that no **** shows up and the pgm would work on a site such as GF, - ie, for random photos interspersed - I would vote for absolutely no controls by GF creators. The intrinsic concept of this site would be a vote against controls of that nature.

I'm all for screening it out for children - and I believe it's the parent's responsibility to have these in place at home. It then also falls to the librarians and teachers, etc. to put such in place for other places where children have access to computers.

I don't watch **** OR violent horror type things on TV or computer and I don't personally enjoy the images on GF. But I'm a big girl and I won't shun the site because of them. You won't find me contributing to those threads..but I won't judge others for doing so.

(****, I may post a knitting thread sometime, and wouldn't expect everyone to jump in yelling, "oh Goody!!")

Raging against **** on the internet is about as effective as picketing against gravity.

..so...I can vote if a helpful person out there has knowledge of the efficacy of the censoring pgms available to parents.

anyone familiar with these?



New member
GF is pretty adult oriented, yet we like to be educational too, if someone wants to protect there children, they could always visit http://kids.getnetwise.org/tools/ for more info. However, I think the real arguement here, is how far GF should allow its content and subject matter to be pushed.

Personally, I love the teens coming on here, I thinks it's completely wrong that alot of schools would block GF, we can be VERY VERY educational at times, schools have just yet to see this, and I know my son, he surfs the web too, and could very easily click on the GF link and see the material on the site, even though he can't read what it says very well. And that does concern me.

My feelings on **** on GF are simple, if one is old enough to figure out how to create an account, then they should be old enough to view GF's content. If they are too young to know how to sign on, then they are too young to view images. WORDS can never be hidden as they are used in search engines. But something CAN be done with images.

It's not a hard change at all to make, so the real question is, how would REGULAR visitors to the site feel about it.





New member
Fair enough, so lets give people a pixelated version of the original pic.


That works. See, I didn't even notice the kid in the original...

I have no young children so I haven't investigated how viewer content screening programs work, - how well they work, and so forth.

I'm all for screening it out for children - and I believe it's the parent's responsibility to have these in place at home. It then also falls to the librarians and teachers, etc. to put such in place for other places where children have access to computers.

Raging against **** on the internet is about as effective as picketing against gravity.
I believe it is an all or none type of concept. You can either look at the site or you can't. At least, that is how it is with all of the filters I have dealt with. Then you run in to the question, at what age do you consider someone a child? This site is set up like a regular 'chat/forum' which a join age of 13. Is that not a child. If a person is between 13 and 17, my guess is that he/she would not consider him/herself a child and therefore see nothing wrong with viewing elicit material. I agree that parents should know what their children are doing and that is the parent

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New member
Keep in mind that six/seven months ago, things dropped into chaos with the approval of the other mods. At least according to Nazz... I was not on here to explain because I got stuck in Atlanta, and you took it more as entertainment than a serious debate, until the whole child **** fiasco and CES threatening the site...
I really don't wanna get into this again, and I really don't wanna hear the ****, I happen to think Jaffer and myself did a fine job with it, but if you wanna ***** about it, then fine, **** it, I give up, you win.
I don't wanna deal with the **** anymore, Tori. Bob when you see this message, would you please DE-MOD me. Evidently I'm not taking the site serious enough.





New member
So you might be saying to yourself right now, WOW, look at that, or you might notice the child in the picture who sees what I am assuming is his/her mother, making the pose for the picture. Oh look, the kid is seeing nudity !!!
Well, what about the internet ??

GF does it all the time.. Do you think we should do something about it ??

Do you have a suggestion that would not impose on someones free speech ??

I'd like to hear comments.




I don't believe in censorship, but if the chick in the picture above is a parent, she should be ashamed of herself. A child that young shouldn't be exposed to his mom flashing her naughty bits.

The rest of the adult world shouldn't be censored.

I saw the chick above needs to learn how to be a parent.


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New member
Hmm. I voted for anyone and everyone can see it.

What're you doing on the internet if you're wary what you're going to come across? I mean..this is the internet - you don't know what you're going to find/see. And if someone is so offended by it, they do not need to return to this site.

However, Tori makes an incredibly well-proven and well-said statement. I'm finding it hard to agree with myself :p



New member
I agree with Tori.

This is not a **** site.

I think the pictures although some are funny shouldn



New member
I really don't wanna get into this again, and I really don't wanna hear the ****, I happen to think Jaffer and myself did a fine job with it, but if you wanna ***** about it, then fine, **** it, I give up, you win.
I don't wanna deal with the **** anymore, Tori. Bob when you see this message, would you please DE-MOD me. Evidently I'm not taking the site serious enough.


Oh, quit being a baby. You know as well as I do that the **** a few months ago was done in order to create controversy. It was a prank that went wrong. Boohoo. I put this in the Staff Lounge because I didn



New member
I have DEFINATELY had to move the mouse quick to close a window when the kiddo is in th3e room. That image you posted phreak.. shudders I think maybe blocking images from guests would work (and as a parent I wouldn't objest to blocking images to under 18... sorry kids but I am a mom) I don't know, I still think freedom requires a little responsibilty along with it


Active Members
**** could get the site shutdown. I don't have a problem with it. In fact I am part of a group that owns a number of hardcore **** sites. The problem with it here is the servers are not hosted at a company that allows it. So far they haven't complained, but, if it becomes prevalent they will and if they do they more than likely will shut us down. Better to tread lightly and not have any problems.


New member
I don't have a problem if a person leaves a link in their post but I do think it might be better to not have open pictures of ****. I would hate for this sight to get shutdown. I enjoy talking **** with everyone.

There have been a couple of times that I have had to chase my daughter out of the computer room because I happened to be looking at something I didn't want her to see BUT thats on me, not everyone in the world.

I think if you post a link and someone CHOOSES to follow it then, thats their choice, its not being forced on them.

I don't beleive that any links to child **** should EVER be posted.

I clicked on a link left my smuttbutt the other day and thought I would look at all the pictures on the sight...some of those images are PERMANENTLY burned into my mind. I have had nightmares...BUT I CHOOSE TO GO TO THAT SIGHT, I knew this was not a sight of recipes and gardening tips...

I had to laugh because there are some sick mother ******* out there and apparently they all got together to pose for pictures on this sight.



New member
I agree, posting links is fine because you, personally, make the choice whether or not you go to it. If it's open already, that's different. It would suck EXTREMELY bad if this site got shut down. :cool:


New member
I think there is a place for ****..the trash. Seriously!

But if perv's wanna look at it and get off to get it cause they cant get real booty its their problem but not all wanna click on a thread and get a ****** **** and ball in the face or some girls ***** which is all jacked up looking back at me. Its gross. I think some of the funny pictures are ok cause hey they make us all laugh but most of this **** is irrelavent and is for someone to get someone else off. I almost feel ashamed to look on here sometimes!

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