Once Again...The Useless, Worthless, Unscrupulous ******s Of L.A. Strike Again!!

Hugh G. Rekshun

Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2005
:mad: Well, as fate would have it, the useless, knuckle-draggin', ****-breathed, cum-guzzling, worthless-excuses-for-human-beings, simian twat ****ING ******S hit again. In the wake of one of the worst human tradgedies in recent history, these similies of a baboon's rectum stooped to a new low (as if I'm surprized) and took advantage of the government once again whilst they were at their most vulnerable position yet. Since FEMA circumvented thier usual procedures to expedite the relief funds to the many thousands of individuals who were in dire straits, these ******S (as I am sure there are more to follow) took advantage of the lessened scrutiny and helped themselves to the "cookie jar" of dead Presidents.

Seems that these assholes just went on the internet, filled out a couple of questionaires and, viola! 2G's from Uncle Sam arrived at their mailboxes in LOS-****ING-ANGELES!! Unless the geography of the gulf coast has suddenly and violently shifted 12-hundred miles west (damn, that was one helluva Katrina!!!) I really do not recollect being able to see the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company from my vantage point while I was at Newport Beach (40 miles south of L.A. harbour) last weekend!!

I am never surprized by the tactics these low-lifes and this helps but reconfirm my beliefs that the statistics DON'T ****ING, EVER, EVER LIE!!!!
And just to prove how ****ing retarded these yard apes are, they are caught on video and used their own drivers license #'s and street addresses!!!

Heres the story in case you haven't heard :FEMA Check Scam

I saw this on the 11-o'clock news last night and it unerved me enough to keep me awake and resultant of that I had to watch that asshat Jesse James and his band of SouthBay nimwits trying to resurrect a rusted '51 VW with a turbo'd Briggs And Stratton...er, VeeDub engine what's the diff, anyway? for a jaunt down redneck Speedway...(that's another story)

These mother-****ers will never cease to amaze me and for all of you ******S who still wanna blame "whitie" for your troubles....a big **** YOU!!!!
The lowest of low... They should be boiled in thier own pudding... I can't wait for the big one to hit the San Andreas fault and run that whole ****ing city into the ocean...

Jetzt ist die Zeit, etwas zu machen. Nicht sp
I was never a big fan of Los Angeles. Why? I shall show you...

1) The ****** population is WAY too high!

2) The Walk of Fame is little more than an area to place your gum and spit. No respect for past talent those people have.

3) The talent of TODAY are just ****. Quit letting retards get to stardom so they can poision the entertainment industry and get some real talent please?

4) Smog city. You want to die by asphixiation? Go to LA.

5) You want to get shot in the head for no apparent reason at all? Go to LA.

6) You want to get robbed of your "benjamins"? Go to LA.

7) They allow the Mexicans to come to their city and then BITCH when they start taking their jobs. (and no I have no problem with Mexicans, except ones from Texas)

8) There is no population control for ******s and any other sub-humanoid scum there.

9) A hurricane has not hit this city.

10) A quake or a sinkhole full of tar has not shaken this city up like it needs to be.

11) LA is so full of themselves. I am sick of seeing EVERY ****ING MOVIE from that city. It is no more glamorous than any other city.

12) People breed there like jackrabbits giving birth to mutated smog babies only for them to grow up and get shot by some pissed off ******. If they were smart, they'd stop being "soldjas" and go try to make one of those LA made movies. At least its money.
All valid points... I'm not sure why people are so hung up on LA... All I've ever seen of it is shitty....
Smog? L.A isn't even that dirty compared to NYC. AND, Considering how much pollution there is, there's actually more problems in national parks than in L.A. That means the air in L.A is cleaner than the air in Yellowstone!
Hmmm...then why is LA so associated with smog? Everytime I look up facts about LA, smog is always there. Have yet to see anything about NYC besdies their crime which LA ALSO has an issue with. I have yet to see or hear of a national park with an overabundace of smog, considering the fact there are not a million cars and factories sitting inside them. Sure people litter and the animal dung is present (and sometimes river pollution) but ummm...I doubt that would be a factor considering the fact that no one really lives there?
daisypapaya said:
Smog? L.A isn't even that dirty compared to NYC. AND, Considering how much pollution there is, there's actually more problems in national parks than in L.A. That means the air in L.A is cleaner than the air in Yellowstone!

Having personally lived in LA and having been to Yellowstone MANY times, this is utter horseshit. I don't know where you get your information but you are just wrong. My PERSONAL experience tells me otherwise.
I was born and raised in the L.A. area. The "smog" is nearly non present any more. back in the early 70's t0 early 80's, however, that was an entirely different scenario. Yellowstone smells like sulphur oxide. That part of the country is one of the most unspoiled and clean!
lay off the crack pipe you ****head!
Outlaw2747 said:
Smog or no smog...the compulsive crack-fiend "benjamin" thieving ******s must go. Point blank.

and while we are at it... Lets also do away with Social Security grubbing, no teeth whites, and Illegal imigrants.... and oh yeah... 3 time fellons.... Let's take over a few Islands and send all these knuckle draggers to an island so they can kill themselves instead of haulting progress....

Hugh G. Your a god damn moron.

If you had any intelligence or at least some social vision you would have reffered to the people whom commited these fruads without noting their color. Whites are involved with every bit as much fraud and deception as "******s".

You and outlaw both sond like misguided dipshits mouthing off like your racial orientation has inherited you superiority. You think some government fraud makes any ****ing difference, not thats its right. MOST all child sexual offenders are WHITE. MOST all corperate fraud is commited by WHITES, bilking the little guy out of his savings. MOST all serial killers are white.
The only mutha****as that I have ever had break into my house were two piece of **** white boys who I caught running out the door as I drove up.

I guarentee, I ****ing promise, that many many whites were on the phone within hours of the tragedy in N.O. in order to defruad and rip off anyone who would make the mistake of letting them. Not ripping the government, ripping the people as private individuals.

So tell me all about it boys. Why? Why the frig do cavemen like yourselves still insist (its the year 2005) on drawing a picture of whites as always the victim and never the assailant? Does it make you fell like a big man?

****ing faggots like you wouldn't last a damn junkyard minute in my neck of the woods. But I suppose you feel pretty comfortable being the picture of perfect whiteness sitting on your fat ass behind your pc. If you want to vent about the bottom feeders of our society then by all means go ahead. But drop the race issue.
Ummm Jhony5, for the record...I'm black (albeit part Irish) and I see no superior race. Not to mention the fact that we are not the only two who sees them as ******s. Oh and let's not forget, a ****** isn't just a black person. A ****** is a black person that is detrimental to society. It's old intention was to insult blacks because the whites seen them as inferior due to the fact when they were brought here they were considered uneducated, savage, and just downright stupid and low. So let's think about this for a second...isn't that EXACTLY the way these people that Hugh has described is acting? A ****** (besides color) is no different from white trash, which has almost the same meaning except for whites.

In closing, I am in no way racist, neither is Hugh (if he was, I would be a ****** to him), and as far as this topic is concerned...the whites weren't the culprits. And I would give you an entire list of how bad WHITES are too but I am sure that you are intelligent enough not to need such an explanation for I have encountered bad members of several races.

P.S. No one else has opposed so far from me, Hugh, and a few others here by saying the word ****** for pretty much everyone here knows what it means and who we are referring to. And in case you are going to ask, I am quite PC in person and know this word deeply offends alot of people in my face for alot of people misuse the word enough so I only say it here or to those who also understand its meaning. Hope this clears things up. If not then...I dunno what to tell ya.
Jhony5 said:
MOST all child sexual offenders are WHITE.
Jhony5, This is an odd one. The FBI lists hispanic sex offenders as WHITE, believe it or not! It is weird that they list hispanics in other catagories but oh well... that's gov't logic for ya!
Outlaw2747 said:
Ummm Jhony5, for the record...I'm black (albeit part Irish) and I see no superior race. Not to mention the fact that we are not the only two who sees them as ******s. Oh and let's not forget, a ****** isn't just a black person. A ****** is a black person that is detrimental to society. It's old intention was to insult blacks because the whites seen them as inferior due to the fact when they were brought here they were considered uneducated, savage, and just downright stupid and low. So let's think about this for a second...isn't that EXACTLY the way these people that Hugh has described is acting? A ****** (besides color) is no different from white trash, which has almost the same meaning except for whites.

In closing, I am in no way racist, neither is Hugh (if he was, I would be a ****** to him), and as far as this topic is concerned...the whites weren't the culprits. And I would give you an entire list of how bad WHITES are too but I am sure that you are intelligent enough not to need such an explanation for I have encountered bad members of several races.

P.S. No one else has opposed so far from me, Hugh, and a few others here by saying the word ****** for pretty much everyone here knows what it means and who we are referring to. And in case you are going to ask, I am quite PC in person and know this word deeply offends alot of people in my face for alot of people misuse the word enough so I only say it here or to those who also understand its meaning. Hope this clears things up. If not then...I dunno what to tell ya.

I guees I just have a real issue with these ****in labels we attach to everyone. ******-white trash-spic-kike-chink-atheist-agnostic-pagan.

I forgot that you were black, I knew that at one point.

I hang with more then a few blacks. Some are managers, some are dope dealers. Some are good people, some are a little on the shady side.
But they all have one thing in common. If my white ass even says the word ****** then im gonna be swinging with a brutha.

What im saying is this. If I see a group of blacks rioting I dont think "look at those ******s". When I see whites tearing up their city because their favorite team won the stanley cup, I dont think "look at that white trash". When I see people acting like ****ing bottom feeding **** stiring trolls, then thats all the label I attatch to them.

Sorry for calling you out like a racist, just not used to blacks tolerating the rampant use of the term '******'. I grew up in the west ghettos of Tucsan so I learned to attatch a great deal of stigma to racial slurs. In my hood we were one of only 3 white families so if you so much as farted and it sounded a little like the word ****** or spic then you were a mark.
Jhony5 said:
I guees I just have a real issue with these ****in labels we attach to everyone. ******-white trash-spic-kike-chink-atheist-agnostic-pagan.

I forgot that you were black, I knew that at one point.

I hang with more then a few blacks. Some are managers, some are dope dealers. Some are good people, some are a little on the shady side.
But they all have one thing in common. If my white ass even says the word ****** then im gonna be swinging with a brutha.

What im saying is this. If I see a group of blacks rioting I dont think "look at those ******s". When I see whites tearing up their city because their favorite team won the stanley cup, I dont think "look at that white trash". When I see people acting like ****ing bottom feeding **** stiring trolls, then thats all the label I attatch to them.

Sorry for calling you out like a racist, just not used to blacks tolerating the rampant use of the term '******'. I grew up in the west ghettos of Tucsan so I learned to attatch a great deal of stigma to racial slurs. In my hood we were one of only 3 white families so if you so much as farted and it sounded a little like the word ****** or spic then you were a mark.

Hey man, it's cool. I understand it makes you upset bro. That is why I didn't go ape **** on you because after reading your post I understood what you meant. It is only natural that you would be upset. Now don't get me wrong. This racial labelling is dumb as hell but the way some people use it is different. Believe it or not I do get offended when someone overuses the word ******, or spic, or whie trash. That's because I know how most people use the word. I can usually tell if someone is being a blantant racist (in which I take high offense to that ****) or when someone is just referring to a scum sucking degenerate. Which is why I only use any of those words around certain people, in fact I rarely speak of the word(s) here. I do it here because alot of the people use it in the same way as I do.

But oh trust me, if someone just came up to me and automatically labeled me as a ******, there would be some words and if push comes to shove, some swingin'...trust me on that.

******s or not, those ****smacks have no business doing what they are doing and are tainting the very image of their race which would give the dick sucking racists more reason to call them out by their color.
And if you were coherent enough to read between the lines, asshole, you would gather from this post that the label "******" refers to the attitude/mindset that is carried with this term that has been pointed out numerous times within this forum. Unfortunately, we are constantly reminded by the press and the law enforcement agencies all accross this vast span of real estate we call the USA of just how much these losers are a plague on society.
And, by the way, in case you are too ignorant to realize the fact, statistically it is proven overwhelmingly that the ******S are at the top of the chart. Prominent black people are pillars of society. ******s are 4th generation welfare recipients that are the proliferation of societal misgivings in the black community. White trash and cholos are in the same catagory. If my post offended you, too ****ing bad. You'll get over it.

Oh, and just for your edification, Outlaw is a brother who KNOWS the difference!. He is a black man who, like most of the rest of the decent society, is a contributing, intelligent and decent individual who is not a whiner and is not offended near as often as his white counterparts here. So, Johnny, get a grip on life and pull your head out of your ass and keep your palms on your putz. :)
You fail to understand. I know 'what' you meant with your use of the word ******. Its because of people like you who think that its still ok to use that term that gives way to people useing to describe any black man that they find undesirable. I would bet my ass that you use that word all the time. If a black man does something in traffic that you didnt like I bet you say to yourself "that ****ing ******".

..The label "******" refers to the attitude/mindset that is carried with this term...

I suppose you consider yourself qualified to determine who is and is'nt a "******"? As well I imagine you disperse that "label" upon any black man that doesn't find himself in agreement with you, not just the low life criminals.

I may be wrong but I am white and I see the way '******' is used by most whites and I have a feeling that your one of those who lets the term fly whenever possible.
Its the way memberes of our society react to the use of terms like this that show there true power. You have down played and justified your useage of it and even seem to be trying to convince me that its acceptable to use the word ****** as long as its toward the right individuals. Heres an example of how your definition only holds true on this BBS and not in the real world. Lets say your in a room with 3 whites and three blacks and you and your fellow man and watching the evening news. The reporter is doing a story on 2 black men who robbed a gas station. So being that you think its ok to use the word, you blert out " man i'm so sick of ******S like that". What do you think the reaction from the people in the room with would be? Do you think they would nod their heads and say "ya your right, damn ******s". OR, or do you think that all 6 would be taken back by your off color remark?

This is where your arguement fails. If it doesnt hold true in the real world then it doesnt hold true on the net. Just because you can hide hundreds of miles away safely tucked behind the aninimoty of you pc doesnt make it right.

...if my post offended you, to ****ing bad

Its not that it offended me. I just flat out find it cowardly for wannabe intellectuals like yourself to determine the "new" definition of the word ****** after hundreds of years of it being used to describe any and evey black man.