One For The President


New member
UPDATE -- Sept. 15: The full audio of Obama's exchange about Kanye West has been posted by TMZ. Here's the transcript:

Q: Were your girls as hacked off as mine were that Kanye gave Taylor Swift the Joe Wilson treatment?
Obama: I thought that was really inappropriate. You know it was like she's getting an award -- why are you butting in? I, I hear you -- I agree with you.
Q: So does that count as the first question?
Obama: The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there? He's a jackass. (Laughter) No, now -- this -- all this stuff -- I'm assuming all this stuff. Where's the pool? Come on guys. Cut the president some slack. I got a lot of other stuff on my plate. Yeah. Cause I remember last time it was the fly thing. Now that was the highlight of (trails off)
Q: No that worked out well for you. You were a ninja.
Obama: Except PETA... (laughter)
[ame=]YouTube - Obama Calls Kanye a 'Jackass' -- The Audio[/ame]


New member
It's funny how PrezBo didn't quite see the "jackass" in people like Van Jones, Ayres, Rev Wright, Rezko, Dorn, F. Marshall Davis, and a whole host of others that are actually much more important in the grand scheme of things.

Let's see what this comment was all about - it was low-hanging fruit, an easy risk-free comment against an entertainer jerk in an effort to make himself look more mainstream and not so racial because he is criticizing a black man.



New member
I am gonna have to give Barack the benefit of the doubt on this one and assume this comment was not simply for political gain.


Active Members
It's funny how PrezBo didn't quite see the "jackass" in people like Van Jones, Ayres, Rev Wright, Rezko, Dorn, F. Marshall Davis, and a whole host of others that are actually much more important in the grand scheme of things.
Let's see what this comment was all about - it was low-hanging fruit, an easy risk-free comment against an entertainer jerk in an effort to make himself look more mainstream and not so racial because he is criticizing a black man.
Well said, there were lots of chances for Obama to come out against radical behaviors but in this case he only came out because this idiot does not have any political ties to him.

I don't see him calling all his friends at ACORN 'STUPID' for example.

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