One Step Closer


New member
I don't know if anybody else has noticed this, but I did while watching Frat Party.

In OSC, Chester somehow changes his clothes or at least his shirt. See below.

Chester without sleeves


Chester with sleeves


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Well they take time off the set and they change clothes and stuff for certain scenes even though thats the only video that they use different clothes on.


New member
I noticed that the first time I watched the OSC video. And of course it's very normal, I mean they just take different takes and scenes and put them together of the band "performing", and they certainly don't shoot everything in one take, and when watching the video, you notice the things Chaz is doing would make a person sweat a lot, so it's just normal he'd switch shirts.


New member
Yeah. Its like two personalities singing in there. The solo part is without sleeves, but the chorus is with sleeves. I think. Or vice versa.


New member
My friend's uncle directed that video :D

If I only had some way of contacting him, Id find out for you... but I dont, so I cant, sry...

But that dosent seem too strange...



New member
Maybe he took off his shirt really fast lol
lol and maybe he's had a lot of practice with that... :rolleyes: :thumbsup:

why does Chaz suddenly start singing upside down at the end?? its so.......random. trust joe to think it up lol

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