Opinions about Imigrants and there Free Rides through our country

Jonny Rebb

New Member
Oct 26, 2005
I Know that im a new commer to this website but i thought i would just have to bitch about a few things. WTF is our country comeing to these days? Maybe its just me but i think that the american people should be superior to the imagrants comeing in to our country. The imagrants come into our country, and live her for FREE? what the **** is that about they come here have no taxes, get free cars, and there kids dont even have to pay for ****ing college, But if i were to send my kid to college i would be paying out the ass? Does anybody else see anything wrong with that? pls share opinons.
Jonny Rebb said:
I Know that im a new commer to this website but i thought i would just have to bitch about a few things. WTF is our country comeing to these days? Maybe its just me but i think that the american people should be superior to the imagrants comeing in to our country. The imagrants come into our country, and live her for FREE? what the **** is that about they come here have no taxes, get free cars, and there kids dont even have to pay for ****ing college, But if i were to send my kid to college i would be paying out the ass? Does anybody else see anything wrong with that? pls share opinons.
Examples of this FREE stuff that they get and other welfare cases don't please .

If your gonna bitch about my tio "Lencho", then bitch about my Sister in law too.
Jonny Rebb said:
I Know that im a new commer to this website but i thought i would just have to bitch about a few things. WTF is our country comeing to these days? Maybe its just me but i think that the american people should be superior to the imagrants comeing in to our country. The imagrants come into our country, and live her for FREE? what the **** is that about they come here have no taxes, get free cars, and there kids dont even have to pay for ****ing college, But if i were to send my kid to college i would be paying out the ass? Does anybody else see anything wrong with that? pls share opinons.
I don't understand the FREE aspect of what you say, but I think the US does need to get a hold of the reins on this whole immigration thing.
Do we live in the same country?
I know they get welfare (sometimes).
But since when do they get free cars? And exempt from paying taxes? And their kids DO have to pay for college, some more than others. When my Abuela came over in 62' nobody gave her a free car. Nobody gave her a free place to live. She learned English, PAID for a place to live, PAID for food, BOUGHT a car, and raised her kids. And her paychecks were taxed the way every other American citizen's paycheck is taxed.
I do not have a problem with immigration per say. I think our government should be more selective with whom they let in, but immigration itself does not bother me. However, it is sad to know that an immigrant can get business loans and government grants more easily than those who were born here. I do not think that is fair. Of-course this country isn
angie said:
Do we live in the same country?
I know they get welfare (sometimes).
But since when do they get free cars? And exempt from paying taxes? And their kids DO have to pay for college, some more than others. When my Abuela came over in 62' nobody gave her a free car. Nobody gave her a free place to live. She learned English, PAID for a place to live, PAID for food, BOUGHT a car, and raised her kids. And her paychecks were taxed the way every other American citizen's paycheck is taxed.
Angie, my parents migrated from Mexico to South Texas in the late 50's
This country was built on immigration. My father's family came here in the late 1800s from Ireland. My mother came in 62. Most people's families have been here less than 200 years. For population's sake, we should lessen the amount of people coming here. Let's face it we're running outta ****ing room. But to look down upon someone because of it, or to say it should be stopped altogether, is ludacris.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Angie, my parents migrated from Mexico to South Texas in the late 50's
And did they get a totally free ride? Somehow, I doubt it.
And just about every Mexican I have ever met has been an honest, hardworking person.
Vander said:
I do not have a problem with immigration per say. I think our government should be more selective with whom they let in, but immigration itself does not bother me. However, it is sad to know that an immigrant can get business loans and government grants more easily than those who were born here. I do not think that is fair. Of-course this country isn
Regarding Immigration, my main beef is that the Fricken US won't let my Canadian friends in without a million years of hassle.

I have both US and Canadian Citizenship - which is absolutely golden. But I've a ton of friends who'd love to come work in the states and it's just **** and nonsense.

If you're brown, dress funny, don't undertand English, and whine about your country's conditions, it appears we huck out the old welcome mat.

If you're whitebread Canadian you get the shotgun through the screen door treatment.

Pisses me off.

Then again, if they just opened the floodgates, who'd be left up there to tend the tundra? "Last one out of Canada, please turn off the lights". Sigh
I was born in Atlanta. My parents first lived in Bahrain, then moved to Japan for two years... Finally came to the US, where I was born and then to Switzerland when they seperated, and now I live in Ottawa, Canada. I know jack-shaiza about International Citizenship laws, but a lot of my friend tell me that since my father is Lebanese, If I ever go to Lebanon, I will be forced to join the army... Although, I have Canadian and American Citizenship, technically American owns me... I wonder what would happen though.