Oracle rejects Google’s offer to settle patent suit with Android revenue share


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Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Google on Tuesday offered to pay Oracle a percentage of its Android revenue if Oracle wins a patent infringement suit set to be tried soon. Google offered to pay the company roughly $2.8 million in damages on the two patents remaining in the case, giving Oracle 0.5% of Android revenue on one patent until it expires this December, and 0.015% on a second patent until it expires in April 2018. <em>Reuters </em>reports that Oracle rejected the offer, however, claiming it was too low. Earlier this month, a U.S. judge in San Francisco <a href="">scheduled the trial between the two companies for April 16th</a>. Oracle sued the the Mountain View-based firm in 2010, alleging that Google’s Android operating system infringes Oracle’s intellectual property covering the Java programming language. In addition, the company is also suing Google for copyright infringement, which could reportedly earn Oracle hundreds of millions of dollars. The company previously claimed that the search giant <a href="">earns $10 million in annual revenue each day from Android activations</a>. <span id="more-133648"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report