O'Reilly Mafia Threatens O'Donnell Over Sex Scandal - Fox News host promises to "go after" The View


No World Order

Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.

ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future

The policy of mafia-like intimidation directed at anyone who discusses
9/11 truth on behalf of O'Reilly is a common and disturbing theme.

Within the past two weeks, O'Reilly has threatened both Charlie Sheen
and Mark Cuban that he'll be "looking out" for them if they continued
their involvement in the upcoming release of the Loose Change Final
Cut movie. On his Friday show, O'Reilly demanded Cuban, the
billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, be thrown in jail.

In October of last year, O'Reilly threatened Jim Fetzer and Kevin
Barrett that he would use his influence to push for an FBI
investigation of the 9/11 truth professors, in an attempt to discover
if they had links with terrorists.

"I'd put the FBI on you and that nutty Barrett and find out what the
hell you guys are up to," salivated O'Reilly, making reference to
Sammy Al-Arian, a former professor at USF who was charged and later
acquitted of helping to lead a Palestinian terrorist group that
carried out suicide bombings against Israel.

During a September 2001 interview before his arrest, O'Reilly told Al-
Arian, "if I was the CIA, I'd follow you wherever you went. I'd follow
you 24 hours."

As Kurt Nimmo writes, "Bill O'Reilly essentially had Dr. Sami al-
Arian, an associate professor of computer engineering at the
University of South Florida, not only bounced from his job but also
arrested and indicted by the Justice Department on racketeering and
terrorist charges due to his alleged association with Palestinian
Islamic Jihad. Ashcroft went as far as to characterize al-Arian as
"the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad."

In March of 2006, O'Reilly threatened disagreeing callers to his own
radio show that their information would be turned over to law
enforcement and that they would receive a visit from Fox security
personnel. One such caller was actually contacted by Fox security
after he mentioned Keith Olbermann on O'Reilly's show, an action
classified by O'Reilly as obscene.

"If you're listening, Mike, we have your phone number, and we're going
to turn it over to Fox security, and you'll be getting a little
visit," barked O'Reilly.

In October 2004, O'Reilly Factor producer Andrea Mackris filed a
lawsuit in which it was alleged that O'Reilly had subjected her to
repeated instances of sexual harassment, including unwanted
invitations to engage in phone sex and unsolicited graphic
descriptions of O'Reilly's sexual fantasies, as well as O'Reilly
masturbating on the phone following an O'Reilly Factor episode in
which two porn stars were featured. O'Reilly is married with two

Out of court settlements were reached in both Mackris' and O'Reilly's
counter-lawsuit. The whole sordid affair can be read here.

O'Reilly has written five non-fiction books, one of which includes
graphic scenes of sex and violence, including teenagers having sex
with adults. The ending of O'Reilly's detective thriller, Those Who
Trespass, features a shower scene that is almost identical to the one
described by Mackris in her lawsuit.

Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly called for Rosie O'Donnell to be fired by
ABC for questioning the official 9/11 story as well as other
controversial statements. On Thursday night, MSNBC guest Danny
Bonaduce called for O'Donnell to be executed for treason.

"When Joy and I alluded to O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View," writes
O'Donnell on her blog, "we were told the following day that we
couldn't bring it up anymore or else Bill O'Reilly would "go after"
all the hosts of The View."

O'Donnell goes on to write that O'Reilly carefully edited her
statements in his end of week attack on her for discussing the Iranian
hostage crisis and 9/11, "molding the facts" like 1984 in an attempt
to appease Fox News owner "Big Brother" Rupert Murdoch.

O'Donnell quotes a passage from George Orwell's 1984.

"Parsons was Winston's fellow employee at the Ministry of Truth. He
was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of
imbecile enthusiasms-one of those completely unquestioning, devoted
drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability
of the Party depended."

The View host warns America that they must question authority before
it's too late, and that by 2050 no human being will be able to
understand a conversation that requires thought on behalf of the

"The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will
be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking-
not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness," writes O'Donnell.

O'Reilly's methods are disgraceful and are intended to create a
chilling atmosphere to prevent more high profile figures from going
public in support of 9/11 truth. But O'Reilly's arrogance is rivaled
only by his delusion, ratings for his Fox show continue to plummet,
while The View has gained 600,000 new viewers since O'Donnell took the

Telling the truth resonates with the American public - threatening
people with consequences unless they shut up does not.

Bill O'Reilly is sowing the seeds of his own downfall as more people
every day begin to see through his tenuous facade as a fatuous
cheerleader for the Neo-Cons and the Bush administration.

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 2, 2007
"No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
> broadcasts.

They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat dyke and
payout her contract.
"Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>> broadcasts.

> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat dyke
> and payout her contract.

"dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world
On 2 Apr 2007 10:10:37 -0700, "No World Order"
<carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>The policy of mafia-like intimidation directed at anyone who discusses
>9/11 truth on behalf of O'Reilly is a common and disturbing theme.
>Within the past two weeks, O'Reilly has threatened both Charlie Sheen
>and Mark Cuban that he'll be "looking out" for them if they continued
>their involvement in the upcoming release of the Loose Change Final
>Cut movie. On his Friday show, O'Reilly demanded Cuban, the
>billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, be thrown in jail.

Couldn't O'Reilly be thrown in jail for advocating the denial
of another of his rights?

>In October of last year, O'Reilly threatened Jim Fetzer and Kevin
>Barrett that he would use his influence to push for an FBI
>investigation of the 9/11 truth professors, in an attempt to discover
>if they had links with terrorists.
>"I'd put the FBI on you and that nutty Barrett and find out what the
>hell you guys are up to," salivated O'Reilly, making reference to
>Sammy Al-Arian, a former professor at USF who was charged and later
>acquitted of helping to lead a Palestinian terrorist group that
>carried out suicide bombings against Israel.
>During a September 2001 interview before his arrest, O'Reilly told Al-
>Arian, "if I was the CIA, I'd follow you wherever you went. I'd follow
>you 24 hours."

The CIA doesn't need to physically follow anyone to watch
them, and many of the people they watch are being watched not for the
nations' good, but because they know things about how the CIA and
other groups work.

>As Kurt Nimmo writes, "Bill O'Reilly essentially had Dr. Sami al-
>Arian, an associate professor of computer engineering at the
>University of South Florida, not only bounced from his job but also
>arrested and indicted by the Justice Department on racketeering and
>terrorist charges due to his alleged association with Palestinian
>Islamic Jihad. Ashcroft went as far as to characterize al-Arian as
>"the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad."
>In March of 2006, O'Reilly threatened disagreeing callers to his own
>radio show that their information would be turned over to law
>enforcement and that they would receive a visit from Fox security
>personnel. One such caller was actually contacted by Fox security
>after he mentioned Keith Olbermann on O'Reilly's show, an action
>classified by O'Reilly as obscene.
>"If you're listening, Mike, we have your phone number, and we're going
>to turn it over to Fox security, and you'll be getting a little
>visit," barked O'Reilly.
>In October 2004, O'Reilly Factor producer Andrea Mackris filed a
>lawsuit in which it was alleged that O'Reilly had subjected her to
>repeated instances of sexual harassment, including unwanted
>invitations to engage in phone sex and unsolicited graphic
>descriptions of O'Reilly's sexual fantasies, as well as O'Reilly
>masturbating on the phone following an O'Reilly Factor episode in
>which two porn stars were featured. O'Reilly is married with two
>Out of court settlements were reached in both Mackris' and O'Reilly's
>counter-lawsuit. The whole sordid affair can be read here.
>O'Reilly has written five non-fiction books, one of which includes
>graphic scenes of sex and violence, including teenagers having sex
>with adults. The ending of O'Reilly's detective thriller, Those Who
>Trespass, features a shower scene that is almost identical to the one
>described by Mackris in her lawsuit.
>Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly called for Rosie O'Donnell to be fired by
>ABC for questioning the official 9/11 story as well as other
>controversial statements. On Thursday night, MSNBC guest Danny
>Bonaduce called for O'Donnell to be executed for treason.
>"When Joy and I alluded to O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View," writes
>O'Donnell on her blog, "we were told the following day that we
>couldn't bring it up anymore or else Bill O'Reilly would "go after"
>all the hosts of The View."
>O'Donnell goes on to write that O'Reilly carefully edited her
>statements in his end of week attack on her for discussing the Iranian
>hostage crisis and 9/11, "molding the facts" like 1984 in an attempt
>to appease Fox News owner "Big Brother" Rupert Murdoch.
>O'Donnell quotes a passage from George Orwell's 1984.
>"Parsons was Winston's fellow employee at the Ministry of Truth. He
>was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of
>imbecile enthusiasms-one of those completely unquestioning, devoted
>drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability
>of the Party depended."
>The View host warns America that they must question authority before
>it's too late, and that by 2050 no human being will be able to
>understand a conversation that requires thought on behalf of the
>"The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will
>be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking-
>not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness," writes O'Donnell.
>O'Reilly's methods are disgraceful and are intended to create a
>chilling atmosphere to prevent more high profile figures from going
>public in support of 9/11 truth. But O'Reilly's arrogance is rivaled
>only by his delusion, ratings for his Fox show continue to plummet,
>while The View has gained 600,000 new viewers since O'Donnell took the
>Telling the truth resonates with the American public - threatening
>people with consequences unless they shut up does not.
>Bill O'Reilly is sowing the seeds of his own downfall as more people
>every day begin to see through his tenuous facade as a fatuous
>cheerleader for the Neo-Cons and the Bush administration.
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Monday, April 2, 2007
On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 17:21:29 -0400, Scotius <wolvzbro@mnsi.net> wrote:

>On 2 Apr 2007 10:10:37 -0700, "No World Order"
><carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>>The policy of mafia-like intimidation directed at anyone who discusses
>>9/11 truth on behalf of O'Reilly is a common and disturbing theme.
>>Within the past two weeks, O'Reilly has threatened both Charlie Sheen
>>and Mark Cuban that he'll be "looking out" for them if they continued
>>their involvement in the upcoming release of the Loose Change Final
>>Cut movie. On his Friday show, O'Reilly demanded Cuban, the
>>billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, be thrown in jail.

> Couldn't O'Reilly be thrown in jail for advocating the denial
>of another of his rights?

Sometimes I just have to shake my head when I try to imagine how
anyone could spend anytime at all in a government school (as bad as
they are and still be stupid enough to issue the asinine comment
"Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>>> broadcasts.

>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat dyke
>> and payout her contract.

> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world

She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.

You want I should call her something she's not?

You want me to pretend she's normal? She's NOT normal. She's a genetic
mutation of which ONLY 2%-4% of the population is....

And like you...
On Apr 2, 1:10 pm, "No World Order" <carmen.su...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
> broadcasts.
> The policy of mafia-like intimidation directed at anyone who discusses
> 9/11 truth on behalf of O'Reilly is a common and disturbing theme.
> Within the past two weeks, O'Reilly has threatened both Charlie Sheen
> and Mark Cuban that he'll be "looking out" for them if they continued
> their involvement in the upcoming release of the Loose Change Final
> Cut movie. On his Friday show, O'Reilly demanded Cuban, the
> billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, be thrown in jail.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/310307Cuban.htm
> In October of last year, O'Reilly threatened Jim Fetzer and Kevin
> Barrett that he would use his influence to push for an FBI
> investigation of the 9/11 truth professors, in an attempt to discover
> if they had links with terrorists.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/october2006/141006oreillyequates...
> "I'd put the FBI on you and that nutty Barrett and find out what the
> hell you guys are up to," salivated O'Reilly, making reference to
> Sammy Al-Arian, a former professor at USF who was charged and later
> acquitted of helping to lead a Palestinian terrorist group that
> carried out suicide bombings against Israel.
> During a September 2001 interview before his arrest, O'Reilly told Al-
> Arian, "if I was the CIA, I'd follow you wherever you went. I'd follow
> you 24 hours."
> As Kurt Nimmo writes, "Bill O'Reilly essentially had Dr. Sami al-
> Arian, an associate professor of computer engineering at the
> University of South Florida, not only bounced from his job but also
> arrested and indicted by the Justice Department on racketeering and
> terrorist charges due to his alleged association with Palestinian
> Islamic Jihad. Ashcroft went as far as to characterize al-Arian as
> "the North American leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad."
> In March of 2006, O'Reilly threatened disagreeing callers to his own
> radio show that their information would be turned over to law
> enforcement and that they would receive a visit from Fox security
> personnel. One such caller was actually contacted by Fox security
> after he mentioned Keith Olbermann on O'Reilly's show, an action
> classified by O'Reilly as obscene.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/110306foxsecurity.htm
> "If you're listening, Mike, we have your phone number, and we're going
> to turn it over to Fox security, and you'll be getting a little
> visit," barked O'Reilly.
> In October 2004, O'Reilly Factor producer Andrea Mackris filed a
> lawsuit in which it was alleged that O'Reilly had subjected her to
> repeated instances of sexual harassment, including unwanted
> invitations to engage in phone sex and unsolicited graphic
> descriptions of O'Reilly's sexual fantasies, as well as O'Reilly
> masturbating on the phone following an O'Reilly Factor episode in
> which two porn stars were featured. O'Reilly is married with two
> children.
> Out of court settlements were reached in both Mackris' and O'Reilly's
> counter-lawsuit. The whole sordid affair can be read here.
> O'Reilly has written five non-fiction books, one of which includes
> graphic scenes of sex and violence, including teenagers having sex
> with adults. The ending of O'Reilly's detective thriller, Those Who
> Trespass, features a shower scene that is almost identical to the one
> described by Mackris in her lawsuit.
> Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly called for Rosie O'Donnell to be fired by
> ABC for questioning the official 9/11 story as well as other
> controversial statements. On Thursday night, MSNBC guest Danny
> Bonaduce called for O'Donnell to be executed for treason.http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/300307executerosie.htm
> "When Joy and I alluded to O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View," writes
> O'Donnell on her blog, "we were told the following day that we
> couldn't bring it up anymore or else Bill O'Reilly would "go after"
> all the hosts of The View."
> O'Donnell goes on to write that O'Reilly carefully edited her
> statements in his end of week attack on her for discussing the Iranian
> hostage crisis and 9/11, "molding the facts" like 1984 in an attempt
> to appease Fox News owner "Big Brother" Rupert Murdoch.
> O'Donnell quotes a passage from George Orwell's 1984.
> "Parsons was Winston's fellow employee at the Ministry of Truth. He
> was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of
> imbecile enthusiasms-one of those completely unquestioning, devoted
> drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability
> of the Party depended."
> The View host warns America that they must question authority before
> it's too late, and that by 2050 no human being will be able to
> understand a conversation that requires thought on behalf of the
> individual.
> "The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will
> be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking-
> not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness," writes O'Donnell.
> O'Reilly's methods are disgraceful and are intended to create a
> chilling atmosphere to prevent more high profile figures from going
> public in support of 9/11 truth. But O'Reilly's arrogance is rivaled
> only by his delusion, ratings for his Fox show continue to plummet,
> while The View has gained 600,000 new viewers since O'Donnell took the
> helm.
> Telling the truth resonates with the American public - threatening
> people with consequences unless they shut up does not.
> Bill O'Reilly is sowing the seeds of his own downfall as more people
> every day begin to see through his tenuous facade as a fatuous
> cheerleader for the Neo-Cons and the Bush administration.
> Paul Joseph Watson
> Monday, April 2, 2007http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/020407oreillymafia.htmhttp://digg.com/politics/O_Reilly_Mafia_Threatens_ODonnell_Over_Sex_S...

First question: What background does Rosie O'Donnell have in

Second: What studies and/or experience qualify her to make statements
about public affairs?

I means,she is a celebrity and a loudmouth. Same as Ann Coulter. Same
as Michelle Malkin. Same as Howard Stern.

Well, it could be worse. We could be getting political analysls from
Paris Hilton. Or Britney Spears...
"Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
> message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>>>> broadcasts.
>>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat dyke
>>> and payout her contract.

>> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world

> She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.
> You want I should call her something she's not?

Republican Rule #3 (right after "Deny It" and "Blame It On Clinton"):

"If possible, use a pejorative when describing an opponent."

> You want me to pretend she's normal? She's NOT normal. She's a genetic
> mutation of which ONLY 2%-4% of the population is....

She's far more normal than you are.

> And like you...

Thanks for proving my point. You and DeeDee should get together -- you have
much in common.
"Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
> message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>>>> broadcasts.
>>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat dyke
>>> and payout her contract.

>> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world

> She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.

I shudder to think what you do to yourself as you imagine lesbian sex.
On Apr 2, 5:05 pm, Steve <stevencan...@lefties.suk.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 17:21:29 -0400, Scotius <wolvz...@mnsi.net> wrote:
> >On 2 Apr 2007 10:10:37 -0700, "No World Order"
> ><carmen.su...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> >>Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
> >>official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
> >>O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
> >>mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.

> >>ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
> >>broadcasts.

> >>The policy of mafia-like intimidation directed at anyone who discusses
> >>9/11 truth on behalf of O'Reilly is a common and disturbing theme.

> >>Within the past two weeks, O'Reilly has threatened both Charlie Sheen
> >>and Mark Cuban that he'll be "looking out" for them if they continued
> >>their involvement in the upcoming release of the Loose Change Final
> >>Cut movie. On his Friday show, O'Reilly demanded Cuban, the
> >>billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, be thrown in jail.
> >>http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/310307Cuban.htm

> > Couldn't O'Reilly be thrown in jail for advocating the denial
> >of another of his rights?

> Sometimes I just have to shake my head when I try to imagine how
> anyone could spend anytime at all in a government school (as bad as
> they are and still be stupid enough to issue the asinine comment
> above.-

Which comment do you brand as asinine? In fact, it is against the law
for Fox and O'Reilly to threaten anyoe for speaking their mind about
9/11. Check out Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241, which makes it
"unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress,
threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district
in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to
him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, (or
because of his/her having exercised the same)."

O'Reilly and bluster to his heart's content; but when he and FOX
threaten retaliation, they commit a criminal act.
"Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
message news:461285cc_1@x-privat.org...
> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:zNuQh.3130$_43.2700@trnddc02...
>> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
>> message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>>>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>>>>> broadcasts.
>>>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat dyke
>>>> and payout her contract.
>>> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world

>> She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.
>> You want I should call her something she's not?

> Republican Rule #3 (right after "Deny It" and "Blame It On Clinton"):
> "If possible, use a pejorative when describing an opponent."
>> You want me to pretend she's normal? She's NOT normal. She's a genetic
>> mutation of which ONLY 2%-4% of the population is....

> She's far more normal than you are.

Nope. Not in ANY way.

>> And like you...

> Thanks for proving my point. You and DeeDee should get together -- you
> have much in common.

Just admit you're fag, okay?
"grinder" <seagle@earthlink.invalid> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:zNuQh.3130$_43.2700@trnddc02...
>> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
>> message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>>>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future
>>>>> broadcasts.
>>>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat dyke
>>>> and payout her contract.
>>> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world

>> She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.

> I shudder to think what you do to yourself as you imagine lesbian sex.

I don't know what mutant dykes do for sex.

Why don't you share it with us?
"Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
> message news:461285cc_1@x-privat.org...
>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:zNuQh.3130$_43.2700@trnddc02...
>>> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
>>> message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
>>>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>>>>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>>>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>>>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>>>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>>>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all
>>>>>> future
>>>>>> broadcasts.
>>>>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat
>>>>> dyke and payout her contract.
>>>> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world
>>> She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.
>>> You want I should call her something she's not?

>> Republican Rule #3 (right after "Deny It" and "Blame It On Clinton"):
>> "If possible, use a pejorative when describing an opponent."
>>> You want me to pretend she's normal? She's NOT normal. She's a genetic
>>> mutation of which ONLY 2%-4% of the population is....

>> She's far more normal than you are.

> Nope. Not in ANY way.

Yep. In EVERY way.

>>> And like you...

>> Thanks for proving my point. You and DeeDee should get together -- you
>> have much in common.

> Just admit you're fag, okay?

Just admit that you are a pedophile, okay?
"Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "grinder" <seagle@earthlink.invalid> wrote in message
> news:2jxQh.19202$tD2.18503@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:zNuQh.3130$_43.2700@trnddc02...
>>> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
>>> message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
>>>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>>>>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>>>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>>>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>>>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>>>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all
>>>>>> future
>>>>>> broadcasts.
>>>>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat
>>>>> dyke and payout her contract.
>>>> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world
>>> She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.

>> I shudder to think what you do to yourself as you imagine lesbian sex.

> I don't know what mutant dykes do for sex.

But, you do know what pedophiles do.

> Why don't you share it with us?

"Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
message news:46151257_2@x-privat.org...
> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:fbQQh.3686$jZ3.1676@trnddc06...
>> "grinder" <seagle@earthlink.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:2jxQh.19202$tD2.18503@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:zNuQh.3130$_43.2700@trnddc02...
>>>> "Lamont Cranston" <lamont.cranston@EvilLurksInTheWhiteHouse> wrote in
>>>> message news:461161e5$1_1@x-privat.org...
>>>>> "Patriot Games" <Crazy_Bastard@Yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>> news:eek:LcQh.5019$be2.3900@trnddc08...
>>>>>> "No World Order" <carmen.sutra@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:1175533836.960048.97470@y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>>> Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the
>>>>>>> official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill
>>>>>>> O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they
>>>>>>> mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View.
>>>>>>> ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all
>>>>>>> future
>>>>>>> broadcasts.
>>>>>> They're trying to hold onto rating without having to fire that fat
>>>>>> dyke and payout her contract.
>>>>> "dyke" -- an example of reasoned debate within the conservative world
>>>> She's a DYKE. Period. End of story.
>>> I shudder to think what you do to yourself as you imagine lesbian sex.

>> I don't know what mutant dykes do for sex.

> But, you do know what pedophiles do.

Yep, I've studied them. I've also helped track a few....

>> Why don't you share it with us?

> Indeed.
