Orthodox Capitalists, and the plastering of every blank surface withads

  • Thread starter ultimauw@hotmail.com
  • Start date


On Dec 7, 10:11 pm, l canoe <@lake.edge> wrote:
> The calls from intrusive, invasive, unwanted aggravating Marketers have
> started again.
> I don't want a credit card. O don't want a loan. I don't want a vacation
> rental.
> I thought we were on a no call list.
> Why, in the hell is our Congress letting these aggravating *****s invade
> every aspect of our lives.
> You can't watch tv unless you enjoy ads with brief reruns in between.
> You can't go to the movies without being force fed advertising. You
> can't drive down the road without a forest of irritating advertising sign.
> Get the hell out of our lives Corporate America.
> No we can't even get some sleep because of the damned advertisers on the
> telephone.
> I will be paying extra for an unlisted number to hopefully keep the
> bastards at bay.

Unfortunately, we live in a very sleazy society that seems to have a
very high limit on what kind of cheezy crap
and how much of it is tolerated. Nothing is sacred to the "Orthodox
Capitalists", and if they can get away with doing something, they will
do it. Here in some parts of Los Angeles., I've noticed mats with ads
printed on them glued to sidewalk corners! Yuck!. The "Christmas" ads
being played on the tee vee this year seem to be very blatant in their
advertising and don't even seem to be trying to hide it. Oh, did I
mention "Christmas" displays appearing in stores as early as September

Yes, it is sickening, but until people really have had enough of this
sleaze, it's going to continue, unabated.

(if you are wondering why I put "Christmas" in quotes, it's because
all of this **** has nothing to do with the birth of Our Savior. I bet
he would do the same thing to the merchants today that he did to the
money changers in the temple.)