


Firefox just developed a memory-leak on me, just past page 20 of

customer-reviews of a new and rather expensive reprint of K&R(2d ed.) (my

favorite was the feller who called C "the B-52 of programming languages"),

and I couldn't even get to my terminal to fire up top to see what was

going on, that triggering an error about not being able to operate the

launcher-- "unable to allocate memory".




smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot. +++

< Hex



On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 04:29:19 -0500, mimus wrote:

> Firefox just developed a memory-leak on me, just past page 20 of

> customer-reviews of a new and rather expensive reprint of K&R(2d ed.) (my

> favorite was the feller who called C "the B-52 of programming languages"),

> and I couldn't even get to my terminal to fire up top to see what was

> going on, that triggering an error about not being able to operate the

> launcher-- "unable to allocate memory".


> <reboot>

Incidentally, the above-mentioned reprint is an appalling-to-me

thirty-eight bucks for a (twenty-year-old!) paperback, and I knew damned

well I'd choke on my own bile before etc., so I looked at mine and looked

my order up on abebooks (it'd take me forever to dig through my e-commerce

records drawer to find it, and abebooks apparently keeps a record

_forever_ of your purchases, which is about equally totally cool and

totally alarming), and my edition is the "Eastern Economy Edition" put out

by Prentice-Hall of India in New Delhi in 2005, wot I got used (I guess)

but in a quite pretty blue pristine condition in 2006 for six and a half

bucks and three bucks shipping.

This "out-sourcing" stuff can work both ways, it seems.


Although now that I think about it this may well've been booty from some

poor murdered Indian special-visa programmer, since I find it hard to

believe any real programmer in any language would let the book go except

out of his or her cold dead hands.

So it goes.



smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

C is a good language for implementing better languages in.

< Mike Vanier


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