OWA Login problems with IE8



I've a problem with two different PCs running XP Pro SP3 when trying to access OWA (running on a SBS 2003 server) via IE8.
Basically, if I try to login to one mail account (say "mydomain/fred") everything is fine. However, if I try (after closing IE8 and re-opening) to login to a different mail account, say "mydomain/jim" the login box re-appears even though the password is correct. If I just click on Cancel, I get "authorisation failed". If I then click on Refresh, I find I'm logged into the mailbox.
When doing this several times I notices that when logging into "jim", the URL IE8 is trying to access is https://webmail.mydomain/exchange/fred - i.e. it seems to be trying to access the directory for the "fred" even though I'm giving the login credentials for "jim". I've tried clearing all the browsing history options, resetting SSL, turning "integrated windows authentication" on and off. Nothing seems to let me log into the other mailboxes than the first one without this problem.
In addition, even though I've turned off the username/password autocomplete, the login box keeps showing the last login.
Now the two machines on which this happens are in different locations and access OWA via home broadband connections. In addition the "working" logins are not for the same account (e.g. one machine works for "mydomain/me", the other for "mydomain/him"). Trying the same logins on other machines works fine and there are no problems logging into one mailbox after another on those machines.
What setting am I missing that causes this behaviour on just these two PCs?

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