Paedophiles! - Where Is Your Dignity?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
I now invite the paedophiles (of substance) to a sensible and rational discussion. I refer of course to those men say between the ages of 25 & 50 who are professionals in their field, perhaps surgeons, architects, IT CEO's, judges, Lawyers, Rabbi's & so forth. The working (moronic) classes - builders, brickies, bikies, butchers, philosophers, railworkers & other such social riff raff need not bother to read this (assuming, of course, that they can) because they're just acting on their reflex instincts as do most pit bulls and should simply be taken to the vet.

Dear upper crust paedophiles - I now beseech you on bended knees & with tears in mine eyes to reconsider your status and your hard earned position. You have obviously sacrificed much to earn your university degree, you have networked skillfully in a highly rarefied field and you have earned the respect of your peers. You are cultured, you have taste, breeding and social quality. You have travelled, earned an enviable position in society and in theory, you should be at the peak of your potential - except for your small, fatal flaw, and the risk this poses your career & therefore your very life.

For some unfathomable reason, you seem attracted to one of the vilest creatures spawned of humankind. They are smelly, they reek of popcorn & lemonade, they fart, they belch, they screech & scream, they wouldn't be able to hold a conversation if it was provided by a scriptwiter, and they have the manners & intellect of a curried meat pie. Cultured paedophiles - how could you?! I would rather inert my member in the tailpipe of a farm appliance than in one of these repulsive creatures (tractors give better conversation afterwards) and would rather be flogged on a jibbet, that have someone link me with such corpuscular sub-humans. They are children, for Odin's sake!. You can't roll around in all that chocolate and KFC and Maccas and bubblegum without risking some sort of emotional scarring. How can you even think of touching such a THING? They are disgusting. They should have their own gulag. They should have warning labels on them. Please, cultured paedophiles - stop hanging around with the wrong crowd. Stop watching those school yards & kindykreches and daycare dumps. Come back to the University. We will forgive you! It's really for your own good. Sacrifice your selfish addiction for the sake of your country. Come back before it is too late.
You know, I cannot help but not like you. Every post you write you seem to give off that you THINK you know it all, have all the answers and are so much better than everyone else. You are wrong, you are not even likeable. And I am not only referring to this post, especially since I LOATHE pedophiles myself, but for different reasons. Like you were never a child....but let me guess, you were different and perfect as a child.

And since you are always talking down to people and certain people of a different society than yours, what prestigious occupation do you hold? And you do know a person's occupation doesn't make all that they are, right? Any doctor can be the biggest scum on the earth and you know how most people feel about lawyers..... You have a very skewed perception.

Also, how would you feel if you would have been unfortunate enough to have been born into a life of poverty? We all come from all sorts of different starts, you have to start somewhere and work your way up! You can't hold certain things against people if they had no say or fault in the matter. In fact, it is that much more admirable, respectable and amazing when great things are achieved by oneself from nothing/very little rather than it simply being handed down with little to no effort. Where is the great accomplishment in THAT???
Jesus, Chi - did you go and do a special course in college and train for many months just to learn how to avoid a subject? Did you really miss the elephant in the room? The whole thread is meant as a SATIRE! I'm poking fun at the rich & powerful, you dolt. I actually AGREE with you, but I'm expressing it in the language of SARCASM. To criticise garden variety scumbags is like water off a duck's back. Even Hitler was mortified when he was laughed at. My argument is, if a girl is being molested and she wants to complain, what does she do if daddy happens to be a high court judge - call a policeman? You'll never see the whoile puzzle with just a couple of wrong pieces, you know. Cheers!
You're freakin' nuts! And if you really expect anyone to believe that, even more so.
Chi said:
Actually, other countries like the UK and Australia where I believe Flatearther is from, spell it like that.
Yeah they got all kinds of arseinine ways to spell ****. Did I spell that right? Oh well we know what I'm talking about. :D
Chi said:
You're freakin' nuts! And if you really expect anyone to believe that, even more so.

After deep analysis and weighing up the pros & cons, your considered debating rebuttal point being?.......................Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh!
Flatearther said:
The British & Oz way of spelling 'kiddie molester" or "rock spider". A bit un-American, I agree. Cheers!
Hey if it's good enough for my Ozy friends, its good enough for me. Cheers!