Paid shill for long-term care insurance industry to make nationaltour starting January 2008 -- tryin

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Stephen Moses of the Center for Long-Term Care Reform Travels U.S. To
Convince State Leaders to Limit Medicaid To Help Expand Long-Term
Heath Care Insurance Industry

Washington, DC - Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in
Washington (CREW) sent letters to two national organizations, the
National Association of Insurance Commissioners and the National
Association of State Medicaid Directors, concerning Stephen Moses and
the Center for Long-Term Care Reform and his planned "National Long-
Term Care Consciousness Tour." Moses has spent the past decade posing
as an independent expert from a respected think tank that analyzes the
need for long-term care insurance, but is in fact serving as a front
for the long-term care insurance industry.

According to his website, Mr. Moses has testified as an independent
expert on long-term care before two-thirds of the nation's state
legislatures. He has been quoted in stories around the country and has
been actively working to create legislation to benefit the industry in
states including Kansas and Texas.

Mr. Moses is not, however, actually independent. When he launched the
Center for Long-Term Care Reform in 1998, he began actively soliciting
the industry for contributions, stating "The long-term care insurance
industry -- and LTC providers whose financial survival depends on the
growth of private financing -- must take steps to encourage private
sector solutions. The Center for Long-Term Financing is uniquely
positioned to promote this effort." He also boasted, "the Center
increases long-term care insurance sales remarkably" and he has touted
his appearance as an impartial expert claiming, "our established
credibility as an independent third-party voice allows us to perform
in essential roles that no one else can fill for reasons of perceived
bias and self-interest."

In January 2008, Mr. Moses will begin a "National Long-Term Care
Consciousness Tour." The tour first focuses on the southeast, then
moves to southwestern states, followed by the northeast, the midwest
and finally the west coast. Details of the tour are available at Mr. Moses has been
soliciting corporate and organizational sponsorships to help him make
the tour profitable. Part of the purpose of the tour is to make
"political contacts with Governors, state legislators, city council
members, Congressional representatives, state Insurance Commissioners,
Medicaid directors and their staffs toward the end of improving long-
term care public policy."

By "improving long-term care public policy," Mr. Moses really means
working to increase the number of people purchasing of long-term care
insurance. Mr. Moses has blamed government funding of Medicaid for the
fact that the long-term care insurance market is not expanding as
rapidly as insurers would like.

"Any state insurance commissioners or Medicaid directors who meet with
Mr. Moses should at least be aware that he is not an independent
voice, but rather is paid to express the views of the long-term care
insurance industry," Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW.