pain (another one)


New member
here are two things that i wrote

Tears of pain, sorrow and emptiness. All alone is what I think, left a hollow person inside locked in myself. Honestly can people know what I feel, inside? Can they see the pain beneath the happy facade? Will they still accept me when my thoughts are revealed? Quite and hollow…only thought to keep me from life, reality, the true pain that awaits these days. Numb, a true feeling, one of solitude that so generously grips my heart . Only thought can harm me, my thoughts of things which I do not speak of, thoughts that scary me yet they put me at peace in my confinement. Dried tears once came from the pain streaked eyes which belong to my life, Day dreams to what I think, prolong the thoughts racing threw my head, left in a world alone or alone it seems, the light looks far out if reach, far from the grasp of my fingers, Friends scared for me, of the thoughts that plague this mind that I own. Life, what is it really? A set of mind or is it a drive to live and love, question that echo around my head. Distracted by few things that are few and far between, despair seeks my wretched mind. Peace which I hope will arrive at one time, only then can I feel what I once did. Crying to myself masking the pain from everyone else. Silently, the pain is mocking, laughing, at me for what its done to the once happy life I had. Then pain, will go away only to lour in another in someone else’s place.

WHY? Why do they lie and cover up the truth? They say everything is fine yet they lie and don’t tell the truth. “Every thing will work out for the better” is what they say, what they say isn’t what it seems. Don’t worry, worry is what keeps me away from everything attached to this life that I own. Lies, meant to cover up a truth and make things better that what they really are, Lies are what kill, Lies that cut the flesh of the hopeless receiver. Don’t worry, echoing around my mind, the mind that is pledged with other things. Everything will be better I promise, the words that gave me hope but now have faded into the cold winter air. Those words now cut down now they mean nothing, never will I look ant anything the same, judging what they say, never believing them and there truthful lies, once again I am failed, passed by one more time only to be the one hurt the most, no one there to see what really happened and what will happen. Crying away the pain only works till it is numb then the pain swallows and captured another victim. “Everything will be better, I promise” those words not mock me laughing in some distant place in my heart that new better than to believe the lies again. That little girl who was once failed comes back to the surface to see it recurring once more. That little girl holds a hand out for me to grasp, so far away that it is out of touch, the last hope is gone and never will be found……….

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