Paint Shop Pro vs Photoshop!!!

Which do you prefer?

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Which do you prefer? Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop?

Well.. I personally think both programs are quite powerful... But I prefer... Paint Shop Pro... For many reasons... It's lower in cost then Photoshop It does just as good job as Photoshop maybe even better and finally doesn't use up as much processing power then Photoshop does :)

What you guys think? :)


M Joel

New member
I gaven't used PSP, but I'm very happy with my PSCS2 program to go with anything else. Well, unless it's a later version of CS, that is, :p


New member
Photoshop. I could explain the reasons... but Photoshop is superior in pretty much every way to Paint Shop Pro.


New member
paint shop pro costs less because it sucks.

psp is like the innocent do good that gets stuck in jail and pscs3 is like the huge (_insert race_) guy that rapes it and beats it up and calls it shirley.


Scotty B

New member
psp is like the innocent do good that gets stuck in jail and pscs3 is like the huge (_insert race_) guy that rapes it and beats it up and calls it shirley.
HAHAHAHA love it lol

permission to use it im ma sig?



Active Members
Never used PSP, but I see no reason to change. PS:Cs2 does the job just fine, and I love it :)


New member
I've never tried PSP before either, so I wouldn't know, but I like how Photoshop functions and I find the program very powerful.


New member
I don't know how to use Photoshop properly yet, but I'm learning =D

For now it's PSP, because it's the only thing I know how to use, and I'm pretty good at it =]

I don't know how to use Photoshop properly yet, but I'm learning =D
For now it's PSP, because it's the only thing I know how to use, and I'm pretty good at it =]
Yeah your like me :p I'm really good with Paint Shop Pro, But I suck at Photoshop... If anybody is willing to teach me how to use it like a pro or give me website links lol I will be happy to Use PhotoShop... Anyway I have both programs :thumbsup:
I don't know how to use Photoshop properly yet, but I'm learning =D
For now it's PSP, because it's the only thing I know how to use, and I'm pretty good at it =]
Hey o0SugaxNxSpice0o Did you make your sig with animation factory by any chance?` :)


New member
to tell the truth I think both are good in their own way

I mean I got Paint Shop Pro 9 and they have many plug-ins that are good.

and Don't really need many downloads.

Photoshop on the other hand you don't need to **** around with the brush settings to make it

look a certain way.

but I hate that I have to download alot of things for it....

But I like the effects it has compared to PSP

so I'm not voting for any cause I like both.

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