Dr. Jai Maharaj

Facts about terrorist Islam and Muslims:

Special Dispatch Series - No. 1830
MEMRI - Middle East Media Research Institute
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pakistani Taliban Emir By'atullah Mahsoud: We Will Destroy
America and Britain, But Won't Use Nuclear Bombs

Following are excerpts from an interview with By'atullah
Mahsoud, the Emir of the Pakistani Taliban, which aired on
Al-Jazeera TV on January 25, 2008. Throughout the
interview, the assassination of former Pakistani prime
minister Benazir Bhutto was not mentioned, and it seems the
interview was recorded earlier.

To view this clip, visit

"Musharraf is Merely the Slave of Bush, the West, and the

Interviewer: "Did you pledge allegiance to Mullah Omar?"

By'atullah Mahsoud: "We pledged allegiance to the Emir of
the Believers in the past, and Allah willing, our
allegiance to him will continue infinitely. He is our
religious Emir, and our allegiance to him stems from the
love and respect we have for him."

Interviewer: "What do you hope to achieve by this
coalition? What are your goals? What are your plans for the

By'atullah Mahsoud:"The goal of our coalition is to conduct
defensive jihad. The Pakistani army is induced by Bush to
send its forces here, and it bombs our homes and fights us.
Therefore, we established this coalition in order to
provide security to Muslim individuals and Muslim society.
The Pakistani army employs tactics of deceit. It wages war
in South Waziristan, while it maintains a truce in North
Waziristan. Then it wages war in North Waziristan, and
maintains a truce in Bajaur. Then it wages war in Bajaur,
and maintains a truce in Swat. This is a policy of deceit.
We established this coalition in order to confront the
deceit of the army and its soldiers' attacks.


"Musharraf is merely the slave of Bush, the West, and the
infidels. Musharraf is subjugated to his masters. The
Muslims in the tribal regions have suffered greatly at his
hands, while our Arab and non-Arab brothers who have come
here in order to defend Islam and the people, and in order
to protect Pakistan -- Musharraf has declared war against
them, at the direct command of Bush. Some of them have been
martyred, and others have been handed over to the
Americans. All this did not satisfy Musharraf, who attacked
the mosques, killing women, children, and youth inside. His
motivation in doing this was to please Bush. We say that
Musharraf persecuted the Muslims, demonstrated injustice
towards them, and destroyed mosques."

"The Pure Land of Pakistan Does Not Tolerate Traitors; They
Must Flee to America and Live There"

"Our response will be more bitter than his deeds. We will
teach him a lesson that will be recorded in the pages of
history in letters of gold. The crimes of these murderers,
who were acting at Bush's command, are unforgivable. Soon,
we will take vengeance upon them for destroying the
mosques. The pure land of Pakistan does not tolerate
traitors. They must flee to America and live there. Here,
Musharraf will live to regret his injustice towards the
students of the Red Mosque. Allah willing, Musharraf will
suffer great pain, along with all his aides. The Muslims
will never forgive Musharraf for the sin he committed."

Interviewer: "How are you connected to the Imam of the Red
Mosque, Mullah Abd Al-Aziz?"

By'atullah Mahsoud: "Mullah Abd Al-Aziz is a faithful
mujahid and scholar. Mujahideen like him are very rare.
Prior to the current war, I did not have any connection
with him. But when the war broke out, it was like what is
said in the hadith: 'All Muslims are brothers.' Mullah Abd
Al-Aziz is now languishing in prison, and this is painful
to us. The brotherhood of Islam is what ties us to him.
Allah willing, we will not abandon Mullah Abd Al-Aziz, and
we will sacrifice our souls and our property for the sake
of his liberation.


"Above all, we are Muslims, Allah be praised. Islam does
not allow us to kill women and children. Using a nuclear
bomb leads to the killing of children, women, the weak, and
the elderly. We cannot kill all these people, and so we do
not think about using a nuclear bomb.

"America, in contrast, commits crimes, and oppresses and
persecutes others. America killed innocent people in Japan.
What crime did the weak and the women in Japan commit that
made America kill them, when it dropped nuclear bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Washington did not care about the
women and the elderly who died. We now fear that America
will use a nuclear bomb against the Muslims, just like it
did against the Japanese. We fear the American bomb, but
not the Pakistani bomb. At least the Pakistani bomb is in
the hands of Muslims. We pray to Allah that the Muslims
will take over all the nuclear bombs from the infidels,
whose hands are soiled with the blood of the innocent.


"All Muslims are brothers. The Taliban have the Emir of the
Believers. He is not only the Emir of the Afghani people,
but the Emir of the Believers throughout the world. We
pledged allegiance to him, and we have the strongest ties
with him. We consider Muslims -- even in America -- to be
our brothers. With regard to Al-Qaeda, they are Muslims,
and the Islamic zeal that runs in their veins is very rare.
Al-Qaeda has fought heresy head-on, and confronted it with
their weapons. They are our brothers, and Allah willing, we
will remain brothers, and we will serve them, even if they
ask us to sacrifice our heads for their sakes."

"I Have the Utmost Love and Respect For [bin Laden and Al-
Zawahiri], Because of their Enmity towards the Jews and the

Interviewer: "Have you ever had any connection with Al-
Zarqawi, Al-Zahawiri, or bin Laden?"

By'atullah Mahsoud: "Before Al-Zarqawi left for Iraq, he
was in our region with us. We had strong relations with
him. After America began committing injustice in Iraq, he
went over there, and he had an extraordinary role. With
regard to Osama and Al-Zawahiri, I never met them, but I
have the utmost love and respect for them, because of their
enmity towards the Jews and the Christians. The Muslims
must be harsh towards the infidels and compassionate among
themselves. These two men reflect this Koranic verse. Their
enmity towards the Jews and the Christians is strong, and
therefore, I respect them.


"We Muslims are united, and we will wage jihad in
Afghanistan and in Pakistan. We will fight jihad in
Palestine, Bosnia, and Iraq as well. This is our religious
duty, and in Islam, there is no text that says that a
certain place is Pakistan, and another place is
Afghanistan. There are no borders in Islam. We fight the
Jews and the Christians in Afghanistan out of ideological

Interviewer: "Did you send your fighters to Afghanistan to
participate in battle alongside the Taliban?"

By'atullah Mahsoud: "We fought alongside the Taliban, and
we will continue to do so full force. The enemies have come
from distant places. They have come from many Western
countries, for the sake of money, and they kill for the
sake of money. We, on the other hand, are Muslims. Our goal
is to please our God and to raise the banner of monotheism.
Yes, we send and will continue to send young men to the
battlefronts in Afghanistan."


Interviewer: "In practice, where do you get your money
from? Are there countries or businessmen who support you?
Who supports you?"

By'atullah Mahsoud: "Most of our funding comes from our
fighting with the enemy. After every battle, we collect a
lot of booty. With the help of this booty, we fight the
enemy again, and so on. We don't even know how some of the
money reaches us or who donated it. According to our
principles and our resolutions, we cannot accept donations
from an infidel."


"We pray that Allah will enable us to destroy the White
House, New York, and London" Interviewer:"Are you sad when
you fight or kill Pakistani soldiers? Can the soldiers of
the Pakistani army become your friends in the future?"

[...] By'atullah Mahsoud: "We are by no means sorry when we
kill them. They carry out the orders of the West and
America, and destroy our homes. That is why we kill them,
although I pray that Allah will guide them, because
Pakistan is an Islamic country. But when the army soldiers
come here to fight us, we will kill them, because the
presence of the army and its soldiers here is in response
to the orders of the infidels and Bush.


"We want to eradicate Britain and America, and to shatter
the arrogance and tyranny of the infidels. We pray that
Allah will enable us to destroy the White House, New York,
and London. We place our trust in Allah. Soon, we will
witness the miracles of jihad. I myself have experienced
many miracles. Every time I was determined to do something,
I prayed to Allah, and he made it possible. Our jihad is
defensive jihad. Our determination is great, and it is
directly entirely against Britain and America. The soldiers
of heresy who have come here to oppress the Muslims -- we
will respond to their injustice and tyranny. One of the
miracles of jihad will be that sooner or later, we will
destroy their countries."

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Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

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