Panel wants fuel taxes hiked to fund highways



WASHINGTON (AP) -- A 50 percent increase in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes is being urged by a federal commission to finance highway construction and repair until the government devises another way for motorists to pay for using public roads....


Read the full story.



New member
A rare tax I agree with. Road building is a legitimate task of government and the best way to pay for it is to tax the users of the roads. The most efficient way to do that is gasoline taxes.


New member
I still find it ironic that all we hear from government is ******** and whining that Americans use too much gasoline, drive too much and need to cut down on gas usage and driving. Americans do just that and now they are whining that they aren't getting enough tax revenue from gas sales because Americans have cut back on use. :confused:


New member
It gets even better. Oregon, (mostly liberal state) and liberals in Congress are talking about taxing people in the future by the mile instead of by the gallon of gas to offset the fuel efficient, hybrid and future vehicles not using gas, and the loss of revenue from them not buying as much gas to get taxed.

They have even talked of putting GPS in cars to track mileage.

Oregon looks at taxing mileage instead of gasoline
By RYAN KOST, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 6 mins ago

PORTLAND, Ore. – Oregon is among a growing number of states exploring ways to tax drivers based on the number of miles they drive instead of how much gas they use, even going so far as to install GPS monitoring devices in 300 vehicles. The idea first emerged nearly 10 years ago as Oregon lawmakers worried that fuel-efficient cars such as gas-electric hybrids could pose a threat to road upkeep, which is paid for largely with gasoline taxes.

"I'm glad we're taking a look at it before the potholes get so big that we can't even get out of them," said Leroy Younglove, a Portland driver who participated in a recent pilot program.

The proposal is not without critics, including drivers who are concerned about privacy and others who fear the tax could eliminate the financial incentive for buying efficient vehicles.

But Oregon is ahead of the nation in exploring the concept, even though it will probably be years before any mileage tax is adopted.

Congress is talking about it, too. A congressional commission has envisioned a system similar to the prototype Oregon tested in 2006-2007.
Oregon looks at taxing mileage instead of gasoline - Yahoo! News

ugh... i'm so tired of taxes.

how about this... let's cut out 90% of the social taxes we do. And use the newfound BILLIONS or TRILLIONS of dollars to pay for all the other ****.



New member
A rare tax I agree with. Road building is a legitimate task of government and the best way to pay for it is to tax the users of the roads. The most efficient way to do that is gasoline taxes.
Why the should we pay more for gas when Obama is gonna put us all to work building roads with government money anyway?



New member
Why the should we pay more for gas when Obama is gonna put us all to work building roads with government money anyway?
Yea. Can't wait to see how fast those contracts become corrupt pay for play projects and instead of hiring out of work Americans, they hire illegals to save money on payroll and bank more on the backs of the rest of us.



New member
why the should we pay more for gas when obama is gonna put us all to work building roads with government money anyway?
yep, in the brave new world of trillion dollar deficits it is hard to justify raising any tax.



New member
yep, in the brave new world of trillion dollar deficits it is hard to justify raising any tax.
Like Rahm Emanuel said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,".

Perfect opportunity to spend, spend, spend your way into a bigger government and push through, "Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before."




New member
Bush walks in with a rescission and leaves handing off a bit bigger rescission. Not as bad as expected with the cost of two wars really. History will show this as time passes.

Unemployment is on the rise and Obama promises new jobs and the light of day from this rescission he will reverse it by creating jobs reviving our infrastructure.

How? By the blood and sweat of our children.



New member
McCain had the right idea. Pork barrel spending and wastefully Washington spending. I think that would've been a good start.

A flat tax would be another good way to go.



New member
Don't you feel like your hands are tied?
We have got two socialist borrow and spend parties and the sad thing is we got exactly what the majority of us deserve. Our kids and grandkids don't deserve what is coming down the pipe.



New member
You need to either become a Libertarian Party member or if ya ain't ready to jettison the Republican Party than look here
Well your right there.

The republican party needs to revamp. I feel confident that they will or see the Libertarian party expand. Up until this last election I have always been a registered Independent. I don't know what happened or what I did that at one point they had me down as a republican. My ideals are more republican and I didn't see a chance in **** for the Independent party going anywhere so I left it as me being a republican. I would love to see a third party rise and have a chance but it seems to me that they are so close in ideals that it splits the vote thus giving the democratic party an edge.



New member
Well your right there.
The republican party needs to revamp. I feel confident that they will or see the Libertarian party expand. Up until this last election I have always been a registered Independent. I don't know what happened or what I did that at one point they had me down as a republican. My ideals are more republican and I didn't see a chance in **** for the Independent party going anywhere so I left it as me being a republican. I would love to see a third party rise and have a chance but it seems to me that they are so close in ideals that it splits the vote thus giving the democratic party an edge.
Please check out The Heritate Foundation this is what drove Reagan, Thatcher was behind and is what the Republicans need to get back to. I'ts also the beliefs that Sara Palin is closest to and the way back for the Republican Party.

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