Parallels Desktop 6 Build 6.0.11820 (revision 602974)

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Parallels Desktop 6 Build 6.0.11820 (revision 602974) (English) | Mac Os X | 204 MB

Parallels Desktop® 6 for Mac scores big with additions and enhancements that cover everything from enhanced 3D graphics to making it simple to find your Windows applications using Spotlight. With over 80 new and improved features, including speed 40% above the previous version, it’s never been simpler to run Windows applications on your Mac. And we've got something special for you that we can't talk about until Sept 14.

Parallels Desktop® 6 for Mac scores big with additions and enhancements that cover everything from enhanced 3D graphics to making it simple to find your Windows applications using Spotlight. With over 80 new and improved features, including speed 40% above the previous version, it’s never been simpler to run Windows applications on your Mac. And we've got something special for you that we can't talk about until Sept 14.

Enjoy the best performance on the market

New! Take advantage of all your Mac’s power with an all-new 64-bit engine

New! Immerse yourself in games, music and videos with 5.1 Surround Sound

Enhanced! Smoother import of VMware, Virtual PC virtual machines and Boot Camp partitions

Enhanced! Improved network, hard drive and Transporter performance

Free! Includes complimentary Mac and Windows Anti-Virus from Kaspersky

Run thousands of Windows applications at lightning speed on your Mac

Enhanced! Find Windows programs faster with Spotlight integration

Enhanced! Launch Windows 2x faster than other solutions

Enhanced! Enhanced 3D graphics that are 40% better than previous versions

Create your own custom blend of Mac and Windows

New! Extend Mac OS X Parental Controls to Windows applications

New! Use OS X keyboard shortcuts to make Windows applications work the way you do

New! Choose how much Mac and Windows you want with simple profiles when setting up a new virtual machine

Enhanced! Enjoy better control by managing Windows through Spaces and Exposй

Tests have proven Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac to be heads and shoulders above the competition.**

Parallels Desktop 6 boots Windows more than 2x faster than Fusion 3.1.

Parallels Desktop 6 scores more than 2x better on 3D graphics

Parallels Desktop 6 works with files on a USB drive faster than Fusion 3.1

Parallels Desktop 6 works with files on a network faster than Fusion 3.1

Parallels Desktop 6 works with shared folders faster than Fusion 3.1

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