Part 1: Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (repost)

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On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:00:22 -0400, bob <> wrote:


Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (1)

This is the story of how the CIA uses "war zones" to garner kids for the
sex slave business. You may have heard how the two companies, DynCorp and
Halliburton, were caught trafficking in women during the war in Yugoslavia.

Some background on this topic can be found at

or see the Rep. Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld On Dyncorp Sex Rings video

In these cases,they were importing and trafficking inRussian and East bloc
women as sex slaves.

I want to talk about the children that are native to any war zone. The CIA
did this across Africa, and anywhere they went as a standard part of their

The names of the front companies will change over time. I am writing this
down from memory after being inside the CIA for decades. Some of the details
may be off, but the gist of the material will be correct.

>>Other Top Stories
>>CIA Tortures Ex-CIA Doctor in Ireland (Update) by SUE ARRIGO, MD
>>Ex-CIA Whistleblower: Issues of My Mental Health by SUE ARRIGO, M.D.
>>Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (3) by SUE ARRIGO, M.D.
>>Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry(2) by SUE ARRIGO, M.D.
>>Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (1) by SUE ARRIGO, M.D.
>>CIA - DIA Mind Control & Sex Slavery of Children by SUE ARRIGO, MD



No surprise! This is how our world leadership leads. They buy and sell
children so they can have sex with them and black mail each other about it.

Are we confident yet that they can provide for the long-term survival of
human kind?

No is the correct answer.

Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (1) (continued)


The economics of a child being sold into sexual slavery are such that it is
very lucrative.

A child in the sex slave business has a useful expected lifetime of two
years. They fail to thrive in that setting. They die of disease, neglect,
abuse and giving up.

The kids are killed if they are seriously hurt, refuse to work, or become
too jaded to attract customers. They are almost never freed by their owners
because they could talk. It is a dead end occupation usually.

No one takes a child like that to an ER because the sexual abuse might come
to light. They are expendable goods that the owners don't expect to last
anyway. If they are boys, they might grow up up to be a pimp. S
ome children run away, but they are often re-captured by other pimps. If
they come from another country, they have no papers and poor language
skills. If they are picked up by the police, they are detained for months to
years and deported, often back to the same war zone.

Some were child soldiers or child spies before being forced into sexual
slavery. Even without that, they have disabling Post Traumatic Stress
Syndrome intentionally inflicted in them in order to disable them and keep
them from being able to run away successfully.


If they are transported to a place like New York City, the owner can make
about US$50 per hour for about 10 hours a day, roughly US$500 a day or
$3,000 a week, which is $150,000 a year.

The kid's food costs next to nothing. The owner has to house them. The rent
and clothes, etc. are less than $10,000 depending on the location. It is
still $140,000 profit per year, or about $300,000 for the expected life span
of the child.

The going price for brothel owners to buy a kid on an auction block in New
York City and D.C. is between $500 dollars for a sick kid to $50,000 for a
choice virgin who is blond and blue eyed and speaks English.

The average price for a kid from a war zone is about US$2,000. Then there is
about a $10,000 cost to get into the auction at all.

(Note: I have attended a number of these. I used to have a hobby of figuring
out how to shut the auction houses down. It is a dangerous hobby. People
practicing it are flirting with death. Hopefully, they are good spies or
operatives before they try it. For training good spies, it is an intiation
practice; like the American Indian practice of slapping a grizzly bear. )

The CIA runs the kids in and sells them in large lots like by the ship full
or several hundred on a trainload to the auctioners. In that regard it is
like the CIA drug running, the CIA only does the big stuff.

If you mess with them at that level they order a hit on you without thinking
twice. If one interfers with the next level down, after they sold the kids
already, they are not so uptight about it--it may not be their financial

Gathering the "harvest" of orphans in war zones

The CIA and its corporate bosses like the Rockefellers and Bushs make about
1,000 USD per kid from a war zone if they sell them to auctioners. Of that
1,000, the CIA will get about 300, and about 700 will go to the corporate
bosses. For drugs the split is more like 15 USD per 100 in profit going to
the CIA. There is much more money to be made when the bosses keep the kids
in their own hands. So the best kids are skimmed off the top and never make
it to the auction houses. Kids are skimmed off either because of looks or
smarts. A smart kid, like I was, can be a life long asset and make an owner
a lot more money. About 1 -2 percent of kids are tried that way, as spies or
corporate slaves. About 5 percent of the kids are skimmed off by the bosses
for looks. The best of these end up as a house boy or girl of a politician
that the boss wants to keep happy and controlled. They will also be spying
on the politician for the boss. In that position some of these kids make it
into adulthood.


"Presidential Models" who get trained by the CIA are in that category. Brice
Taylor is an example of that (See her books).

She says that 3,000 women got made into Presidental Sex Slaves per the
figure she heard. They are mind control victims.

See Dr. Colin Ross's book "Bluebird: the deliberate creation of multiple
personalities by psychiatrists" which he wrote after having patients like
this and reading 15,000 pages of CIA documents released under the Freedom of
Information Act.

Their minds were split using torture at an early age. Mine was split at age
3 to 4. One or more of the parts is often very psychic. There are however
much better ways to make accurate psychics without trauma.

Presidential Models often have been trained by the CIA in special ESP skills
like having a photographic memory. Other special CIA spy ESP skills they may
have been programmed to have include the ability to speak "in tongues" i.e.
in any language, the ability to see and hear at a distance, as in
clairvoyance and clariaudience) A/K/A remote viewing, shapeshifting, and
forecasting the future, including stock prices, etc.

The CIA needed these skills in spies. Shamans had the skills and the CIA did
the R&D to get them. (See John Perkins' "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"
and "Shapeshifting" books.)


The bosses own their own high class call services that make lots of money
off of servicing their friendly business men.

(See Washington Post Expose at )

This is sometimes associated with an escort type of service allowing
children to grow up as well by being charming. But that is really difficult
as most of the children are too hardened and jaded after a year or two to
carry that off.

In the highest class settings, the bosses make up to a million dollars a day
for the slave's service. That sounds unbelievable but it is a function of
how rich the buyers of the services are and what the skills of a good stock
price forecaster are worth to them for a day.

See Hilter's Psychic for a historical example of stock price

An Arab sheik wanting to please the President to put through an oil deal
will think nothing of spending the million to have a girl the President has
slept with; it is sort of a status and male bonding thing.


Presidential models made in CIA mind control fashion, beautiful girls and
boys who were charming spies without advanced ESP skills, usually fetched
$10,000-30,000 a day for their bosses when used at White House functions.

The girls would be at the White House dinner and the men would indicate
their preferences by talking to them and showing an obvious interest in

Either the man was rich enough not to care about the cost until he received
the bill later or he was politely informed of the price by having it listed
on the bottom of a card placed next to his drink on a silver or gold tray.

It was up to "the Butler" to know which category the man was in in terms of
his wealth and personal preferences.

I usually came into dinner on the arm of the DCI and sat next to him through
much of the evening so that he could have me answer his questions as a
remote viewer of known accuracy in that personality.

It was up to him if I was to be surrendered to another man for the evening
as it affected national security.

Consider for a moment the usual White House dinner. They range in size from
5 women to about 50 women slaves on a given night.

At an average profit of $20,000 per night, 5 nets $100,000 and 50 nets $1
million. Not all nights does that happen.

But roughly the President personally makes a good $30-100 million a year
just on the Presidential model sex slaves. That starts to tell you about the
conflict of interest in stopping this corrupt system. It has been going on a
long time, since about President Kennedy.

President Carter is the only exception to the rule that I know of.

Since I personally was forced into the beds of Johnson, VP Nelson
Rockefeller, Reagan, Bush, Sr., Clinton and Bush, Jr. this is not
theoretical for me.

However, because I was really a Director of Central Intelligence Model
primarily, I ended up mainly the the beds of DCIs from Helms to Tenet.

The $100,000-a-month club to ensure one's political success through

Now let's talk a little bit about the babies coming out of war zones because
I strayed too far into the American children in talking about the escorts
for foreign and domestic dignataries.

Women are raped in war and often abandon the babies at birth. The CIA helps
fund orphanges in the war zones so that it can skim off the kids it wants.
The children under 2 usually are too neglected to survive - failure to
thrive syndrome.

The cute ones are bought up by the CIA for the cabal bosses and sold as part
of the $100,000 a month club.

Rich people like fine wines to show up monthly and this is a variation of
that. They are signed up for it almost automatically without any choice in
the matter if they attend certain high class estate ceremonies around the
world hosted by people like the Rockefellers.

Getting in the door means that you can't get out it again when the ceremony
starts unless you are a very good spy. The ceremony will involve the human
sacrifice of some person - often a toddler or young virgin.

After that initiation in the fine art of human sacrifice the guest is
expected to carry on that tradition of entrapping others just the same way.
Failure to do so is associated with death and blackmail threats. Death can
be the result of "accidents".

Few people are sophisicated enough to know not to get into one of these
traps or how to get out of them. They have families and they cave in to the
pressure. It then perpetuates itself. They get a baby a month to ritually
kill and entrap all the politicians and police chiefs that might try to stop
their rise to fame.


They go on practicing Christianity by mouth by day, and satanism by night in
their deeds. Some of them are mind controlled by the trauma and drugs at the
initial ceremony and do not even know later that they are satanists. Others
do know.

I would say that about 20 percent are fully aware that what they are doing
is evil and wrong and just don't know how to stop it. About 50 know what
they are doing but deny that it is evil.

They excuse it as their right to be pagan and uninhibited. Then about 10
percent are full multiples and are clueless during the day as to what is
happening at night.

Then about another 20 percent are too lazy and apathic to think about what
they are doing. They are just doing it because others do it.


Let's get down to some of the details, where an investigator could start to
hit pay dirt, namely Yugoslavia, which had many abandoned babies, many of
them light skinned.

The CIA founded three major orphanages including one of UNESCO
>On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:00:22 -0400, bob <> wrote:

Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry(2)

How can we shine the light on this problem of sexual slavery so brightly
that it vanishes under the exposure?

Suppose I told you that a particular Supreme Court Justice was getting kick
backs on the sex slave business from the White House and told you how I knew
that was true?

Let us go back to the 2000 election. I believe that Bush got into office
because the Supreme Court was paid in favors and in money.

What I am alleging is a conflict of interest on the part of at least one
Supreme Court Justice. Others of them might be involved as well. It is
against the standards of legal practice for a justice not to recuse himself
if he has financial ties to the members of a case.

When Bush got into office, all of the cabal that backed him and whose
fortunes rose with him are members of the case.

Now my having been a sex slave to the Bushs and the Rockefellers is how I
know this information. Since I was tortured periodically by Bush, Sr.,
Rockefellers and their henchmen I was under considerable duress to do as
they said.

I was not a free agent.

Rockefeller had me reviewing financial transactions he made as I am a
mathematician with some usual and valuable skills. About a year before the
2000 election I flagged a particular transaction, or rather set of
transactions as likely to prove highly problematic in the future. I
recommended that they promptly be reversed. David Rockefeller declined
saying that it would lead to too much trouble.

The transactions were a series of 6 payments to the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court. The payment amounts were large and curious. They were formed
only of 6's and were progressive. It was like a person with a mathematical
obsession was trying to inform the Justice of their problem in a creative
way. The first check was for 66 dollars. The second was for 666. The next
was for 6,666. The fourth was for 66,666. The fifth for 666,666 and the
final one was for 6,666,666.

So we are speaking of a total payment of over 7.5 million dollars which is
not a trivial amount to show up in a Justice's bank account in a period of
one week. Now I said these were checks and that is not entirely accurate. It
was a bank transfer that was listed as if it was a check on the statement.
But there was no paper trail of checks to back it up.

The transfers came from a David Rockefeller account at his bank to the
Justice's account at that same bank. That bank is one whose records I have
monitored for years for unusual transactions per Rockfeller's orders.
Substantial assets of it are the direct result of the sex slave business,
mostly from the US side of it.

For instance, when Rockefeller charged a man a million for my services, a
million was received from that man by the bank the next day or two . That
was a recurrent and predictable result of my spreading my legs and my mind
as Rockefeller's slave.

I had been in and out of Rockefeller estates and beds as their slave since I
was 16 and DCI Helms ordered it. I said to David Rockerfeller who was hard
of hearing;

MONEY OVER TO THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE?" He appeared not to have heard me
because he replied "I was thinking of you, my dear."

Undeterred, I repeated my question louder and closer to his ear;

This time he looked at me quizzically and said, "Did I forget to put my
hearing aid in?"

He never put it in in the morning before he got out of bed. I moved the
cream colored satin sheet off my naked body and got up and got him his
hearing aid and after he put it in I repeated my question for the third


He said to me "You don't have to yell at me. I can hear perfectly well."
Meanwhile both the butler and the maid had come to see what the ruckus was
about and became witnesses to the answer he gave me. He said, "I wanted him
to know who his boss at the Supreme Court was so I sent him the message in a
way that I knew he would get it. And don't forget it. I am your boss too."

Being a good slave, I kissed his naked thigh playfully and told him that I
would never forget the he was my boss if he would explain to me, a
simpleton, why he sent 6 transactions when the last one would have conveyed
the same message.

He looked off at the distance for a moment and then asked me "Don't you get

The maid and the butler were both still posed at the edge of the bed
awaiting his orders, if there were to be any.

"No," I said as innocently as possible. "Why?"

"You know why." He said somewhat angrily. "The devil can not refuse a
request when asked 6 times."

"Asking him what?" I asked.

"Asking him to do whatever I want." he said somewhat nastily. And then in
case I was too simple to have understood. He said. "I want him to serve my
interests. I have paid him to serve my interests and that is that. He will
do as I say from now on."

Months passed and the elections votes were counted and left uncounted both.
The case went to the Supreme Court. No more than a month after that I was in
that man's David's bed again in order to avoid his guards torturing me yet
once again. He had his hearing aid in. We were in DC at a White House dinner
under Clinton earlier in the evening.

He had mentioned the Chief Justice's name once in the conversation. He had
gloated to Clinton, "That Justice is a good man. I believe that he would do
anything I asked him, to as a personal favor, mind you." David had paid for
my white silk sequinced gown and he was removing it at that moment to expose
a breast.

I asked him in that opportune moment "David, do you think that I should
sleep with the Chief Justice at the Supreme Court?" He asked in a little
spasm of jeolous, as he liked to sell me but only if I objected to the man,
"Why do you ask?"

"Because you don't love me anymore." I lamented.

"Yes, I do." he lied not so convincingly. "I never loved anyone better than
you." Now that part I did believe. He never loved anyone. He did not know
what love was. Love is taking on yourself torture to protect others. I let
the gown fall to the floor and he hurried to pick it up. I kissed the back
of his neck and asked him. "Why did you want to give my services to that
Chief Justice?"

His neck flushed red and he turned to me and said "I didn't think that the
money would cover the full amount for his election services. I was wrong. It
was enough."

"But 6 transactions!" I fussed. "Surely someone will notice."
"I will pay them not to." he said. No one at the bank will tell.

I am not at the Chase Manhattan bank as I tell you.

How does one gets those records to prove the buying of a Presidency? I
wonder how one proves that the Chief Justices's opinion was swayed by that 7
million dollars?

Or is it just enough that he received the bribe? Since I am a sex slave and
men deposited money into Rockefellers private account at that bank, the same
exact account that the Chief Justice received the money from, I wonder if I
can get the records of the money David Rockefeller made from my services and
how he distributed my money?

Since my worth to him as a slave was dependent partially on whether the man
he wanted got into the White House, and that was wages that he stole from
me, don't I have a right to the records that show he paid the Justice to
keep me enslaved to his man at the White House?

Really, I do not understand the law so well. I think that the Chief Justice
owes us all a big apology--he put a sex slave boss's son in the White House.
He accepted a bribe that kept me enslaved and tortured to boot.

Now you could say that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court did not know
that the money he was given came from the sex slave business. And that is
possible. But I think it would be hard for him to say that he didn't know
that David Rockefeller was in that business, because he asked Rockefeller
for my sexual services. And that was before he received the 7 plus million

Now, bear with me as I slow down and try to go through this carefully. It
was about in Clinton's first term. I was at a dinner of State at the White
House. David was there and so was that man who became or was chief Justice
at the time. He was a rather handsome man for his age, though frankly, I
would not have slept with him if I had a free choice without duress.

Part way through the evening he came over to where I was standing next to
David holding his drink. He asked David confidentially-like "Why don't you
send her over to see me sometime?" as if I wasn't there. David and he
discussed the price for my services. The justice raised his left eyebrow at
the figure and set his drink down saying "That is too steep for me".

David made him some kind of deal as I wandered off to get another drink for
the judge so as to not have to listen to myself discussed as an innate
object to be bought and sold at the whim of others. When I returned, a date
was discussed. But the justice was impatient and led me into a bedroom in
the White House. Not knowing his way around well, we will give him the
benefit of the doubt, he put me on Clinton's bed. Clinton thus came in later
in the middle of the evening to find us in his bed. He chuckled and said
"Expensive date, huh?" and left. I guess that everyone knew Rockefeller was
a tightwad. I did see the justice put money or a check in the hand of David.

I am happy to answer questions. The sex slave trade and the drug trade are
directly related in a number of ways. They have the same bosses, the same
agencies and the same money laundering practices in almost any intelligence

However, the CIA and the KGB are not as separate as one would think. That
has been the case since before WW I. One of the Rockefellers funded the
Bolshevik Revolution for Lenin in order to acquire more of the Southern oil
fields of Russia for his Shell Oil.

That meant that in WW I and WW II the Rockefellers had heavy influence on
the KBG and the CIA. This is getting closer to answering your question when
you realize since the Rockefeller's money was originally made in the opium
trade in the 1800's. That family has also been one of the major movers in
the sex slave business, accounting for about 40 percent of it world wide.
They currently have about 28 percent of the drug trade, having slipped in it
for a number of reasons.

Having said how intertwined the two are I now want to say that they usually
have different men handling their operations once you get below the level of
the chief managers.

For example, Nelson Rockefeller, was head of both his sex slave and his drug
business and the heads of the CIA were his public side "employees" in that
he had the power to get them fired or executed.

Casey died as a result of a hit by the Rockefeller family because he didn't
do what they wanted enough to please them. The brain cancer he had was
bogus. It was someone else's X-rays with his name on them. And he was DCI at
the time. He did not fully understand the power structure that he was in. He
was fooled by the organizational charts that show the CIA as a public
institution headed by the President. I tried to explain to him how things
really work. He didn't want to believe me.

The US is not a democracy nor a republic and hasn't been, certainly not
since Carter, but I doubt it was functionally one doing the whole of the
1900s. Howard Zinn in the "People's History of the US" would probably agree
with me. It is easy to see because the populist movement in the 1930's did
not move the govt. The corporations called in the pinkertons and put down
the strikes.

The CIA itself is divided into departments so that while the Dept of Ops
handles moving both drugs and sex slave, different people handle those. It
is like at a University, there are professors of Literature and of History
and though they both read books and sometimes the same books they are
responsible for different aspects of "culture".

Let me get more specific. There was a Deputy Executive Director of the CIA,
#2 man in the agency at one point, who secretly agreed with me that the sex
slave business was wrong. In his office was a filing cabinet that had all
the contracts between suppliers and distributors in it. It was not kept on
computers -- too insecure. The drug trade contacts were in a separate filing
cabinet. He let me destroy the sex slave files in his office one day.

It set the sex slave trade in the Western World into slow motion. It took it
almost two years to regain its momentum. I got tortured for it. I didn't
regret doing it. What I did did not much affect the CIA officers running the
delivery of sex slaves in the field much. They still knew where to get the
slaves and who to deliver them to.

What happened was that the contracts between the bosses were destroyed and
they bickered, each claiming more of a share of the market then they were
entailed to. In the face of that disharmony they were unable to collaborate
well and the trade slowed down about 30 percent, then more as they fought
and they eventually recovered.

Surprisingly, it had very little effect on the drug trade even though the
ships carry both sometimes. It didn't slow it because they still had the
drug agreements and still honored those. The US Navy was coerced into
running both sex slaves and drugs at various times.

Most admirals are strait laced and do not approve and will work very very
hard to stop that sort of thing. But unless one is a remote viewer it is not
possible to inspect every container coming onto a Navy ship for drugs.
People are not as easy to hide.

Let me see if I can go deeper into your question because I think that it is
an important one. The real issue for me is whether it is possible to get
these immoral soul-destroying trades under control on the planet so that
people can have sane lives. I believe that the answer is Yes, it is
completely possible. That is after watching this business for 40 years from
the inside.

Yes, it is completely corrupt and pervasive. Yes, it has corrupted banking,
governments, and our every understanding of what intelligence agencies and
national security is about and how to do them. Even so, even though this
planet has these problems like a terminal cancer patient with several
different types of invasive cancers, I still know that it is possible for
the patient to recover.

I am going to see if I can explain how I know that to you in a way that you
can accept. The simpliest answer is that Nelson Mandela knew he was going to
be president of S. Africa and end aparteid. He said that before he went into
prison the fist time. He said it at a rally. Winston Churchill as a child
knew that England was going to be in trouble later and he would save her.

Gandhi knew he could force the British to walk out of India if he persisted.
General Billy Mitchell knew in 1923 that he had to get the US to make
airplanes because air power would determine who won WW II. I know that I
will reform intelligence and governments world wide to prevent nuclear
holocaust. I often know things with certainty which is why I was useful to
DCIs. I intend to do this and I will, by the grace of God, because it is the
job God has given me and He will not fail me. He never has.

Even though I have been a thorn in the side of Rockefeller, the Bushs, and
the CIA and even the KGB for decades, they have tolerated me and used me,
because my skills are very useful. I really only have one skill, faith. No
matter what problem was brought to me, I could figure out how to reduce it
to the ethical part of it to do and accomplish it - because I relied on
all-knowing all-accomplishing wisdom. Christ walked on water and raised the
dead. He healed the sick. People like Padre Pio have also been associated
with miracles.

Yes, it will take a miracle for the world to change and become sane and stop
worshipping death and destruction. But in my experience, miracles are not
only possible but can be reliably invoked.

Maybe that is more of an answer than you wanted. I used to take an auditorum
full of Naval officers and get them to be psychically very accurate in one
evening. (Then it took they a week to get used to it.) That, like the 4
minute mile, used to be impossible. It isn't any more. The corruptions on
the planet will disappear because of an advance in technology. That advance
is this transmission of being able to directly read the Akashic records.

Then there is no way to hide corruption. The sex slave trade, the drug
trade, the theft of elections, wars etc. all have secrecy as a necessary
ingredient, and lies about the consequences of one's actions. They look like
a lot of separate problems, all very overwhelming. But there is realy only
one problem, a very simple accounting problem - people are not adding up the
real costs to themselves correctly. They don't have the skill needed to do
so. That can be corrected soon.


For forty years I have been a remote viewing trainer for the US govt. The
bosses have liked the results that came out of it but wanted to hide the
technology from the public. They are resisting it going public. But they
will not be able to contain it. It is rather like the hundredth monkey
experiments. The innovation has already become part of the collective
unconscious and will manifest. I trained over 15,000 people. That is a lot
of people who actually know the truth about how the world can shift out of
annihilation. They may still have a little hesitation to use their skills to
expose the corruption to release it into forgiveness and repentance, just
like the early pilots had some hesitation to fly across oceans. But the
inevitability was there.

The Akashic records will become the basis of people's decision making
because so many people have tapped into it. Those records are without bias
or flaw. The decisions that come out of union with them have certainty of
result. Most people have never experienced knowing something with certainty.
It seems like a contradiction.

When I taught at the Pentagon in 1981, I asked everyone who brought my class
a problem to write it down and then later write down if they were satisfied
with the solution that we provided them in a week's time. I had hundreds of
difficult problems brought in and at the end I had only one man not sign
that he was satisfied. He had died in the meantime.

There is a good and workable solution to every single problem that is
ethical to solve. It is just that it can require a lot of faith, courage and
dedication to get to it.

From my perspective Finders was a CIA run mind control sex slave experiment

1) I will first tell you how I knew about the experiment.
2) Then what the goal of the experiment was.
3) Then how the experiment was run.
4) Then what the lives of the children were like under it.
5) Then what went wrong with the experiment.
6) Then what the results of the experiment were.
7) Then what the CIA analysts said what the results were.

This really should be a full-length book on the enslavement of children.

I have 40 years inside the CIA and it was my intention to someday be able to
expose all this abuse of children by the US govt. But I don
>On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:00:22 -0400, bob <> wrote:

Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (3)

The assignment was handed to me by the DCI Gates, the DCI for Bush, Sr. as
President. He wanted me to go to Bakersfield, California, about a 3 hour
drive from where I lived and train a gang of kids how to kill.

To be specific, Gates at a meeting told a group of us, senior CIA people,
about the new initiative
>On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:00:22 -0400, bob <> wrote:

Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (3)

The assignment was handed to me by the DCI Gates, the DCI for Bush, Sr. as
President. He wanted me to go to Bakersfield, California, about a 3 hour
drive from where I lived and train a gang of kids how to kill.

To be specific, Gates at a meeting told a group of us, senior CIA people,
about the new initiative
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:19:05 -0400,
<> wrote:

>>On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 17:00:22 -0400, bob <> wrote:

>Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (3)

Please stop posting porn.

Oh, it's not porn. It's someone's Enders Game inspired fantasy story.

<snip screed>
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 18:53:43 -0400, bob <> wrote:

><snip screed>

Your days as Court Jester are coming to a close.

Do you have anything to say in your defense?

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