Party like a rock star


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2004
Stalkers Want To Know
I thought this video was cool. It has clips of LP, Limp Bizkit, I believe Papa Roach, & Kid Rock in it, but none of them are performing in it.

Copy that into your URL and go to it. It's on YouTube

Party Like A Rock Star - Da Shop Boyz
no offense, but I really hate when people post that really long annoying code lol... Couldn't you have posted the actual short link to the video? lol :p

So actually post ... instead :) Keeps the forums clean then.
one word.


hahahaha... I've said... well, not, I've thought the same while I was on a laugh attack :lol: ... This one was before to watch LP there, so my face has changed to :eek: ... and then :'( Oh, what on the earth is this?? Sincerely, is... is... really painful, and the performance of the women there is just... well, I dont have words (I have them but I dont want to seem an impolite girl)
The song is awsome though!

I'm sorry but I was possesed by the images so I didnt put too many attention in the music, even less when I was just near to stop the video, suddenly I've seen Chester and Mike there... what were they going in it?:eek: ... but, you're all right, after the first impression, I've listened again, and well, the song isnt too bad (a little bit "heavy".. you know, too long for to be a rapper song, from my point of view, of course!:)