Pat Robertson making more predictions -- he must be off his meds again

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia: Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said
Monday that the United States will risk God's wrath if it forces
Israel to surrender part of Jerusalem to the Palestinians.

"He that touches Jerusalem touches the apple of God's eye," Robertson
said on "The 700 Club," the daily religious news-and-talk television
program he hosts from his Christian Broadcasting Network.

"And if we decide we're going to wrest East Jerusalem away from the
Jews and give it over to the Palestinians, we're risking the wrath of
God on this nation, and I think it's very dangerous," Robertson said.

Robertson made the remarks after watching a CBN news segment about
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's meeting Monday with Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas.

Rice said the creation of a Palestinian state is a top U.S. interest.
Also Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hinted that he is
ready to share control of Jerusalem, saying for the first time that
Israel could do without controlling some of the holy city's outlying
Arab neighborhoods.

Robertson triggered outrage last year by suggesting that former Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was God's punishment for ordering
Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. Robertson later apologized.

In August 2005, Robertson was criticized for suggesting that U.S.
agents should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Robertson's been a nutjob all his life. Why give him any credence ?
Don't you have a life?