Paul Thurrott and WinSuperSite Blog - While supplies last A 90-day trial version of Windows 7

"Saucy" <saucylemon@newsgroup.nospam> wrote in message
news:%23UAuln%23KKHA.2404@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...<span style="color:blue">
>( Please excuse my posting this in the IE newsgroup accidently - I intended
>it for here only )
> Paul Thurrott reports:
> [While supplies last: A 90-day trial version of Windows 7 - WinSuperSite]
> [Direct Link - Microsoft TechNet]

Thanks for the info Saucy.

The 'while supplies last' is a bit of curious marketing gimmick, since
according to the FAQ the product key is already built in. So I suppose
they've just decided on a fixed number of downloads or time period for which
it's available (??).

From the FAQ ....

Q: Do I need a product key?
A: No, Windows 7 Enterprise 90-Day Trial has a product key built in, so
there is no need to enter one.
