PC is not working



If I want to open the internet it just says"Windows cannot access the

specified path or file.U may not have the appropriate permission to access

the item."

If I open control panel and check up my security status or device manager or

for example another system settings it's just saying the same!!I can't even

run my antivirus.What is going wrong?Is my comp infected or something?

Ive got windows Vista 64x2 dual processor,1.00 GB Ram



Lucita wrote:

<span style="color:blue">

> If I want to open the internet it just says"Windows cannot access the

> specified path or file.U may not have the appropriate permission to access

> the item."

> If I open control panel and check up my security status or device manager

> or

> for example another system settings it's just saying the same!!I can't

> even

> run my antivirus.What is going wrong?Is my comp infected or something?

> Ive got windows Vista 64x2 dual processor,1.00 GB Ram</span>

I'm so sorry but no one can answer your questions with so little information

provided. Start here:

The First Question Of Troubleshooting: what changed between the time things

worked and the time they didn't?

The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the malware/virus

status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what programs (and

versions) did you use to determine this?

Be sure the computer is clean:


After you've answered the First Question and done the scanning at the Second

Question's link, if you need more help post back. These links will give you

ideas about what details to include so you can get the focused help you



http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/555375 - How to Ask a Question




Elephant Boy Computers


Don't Panic!


Charlie Tame

Lucita wrote:<span style="color:blue">

> If I want to open the internet it just says"Windows cannot access the

> specified path or file.U may not have the appropriate permission to access

> the item."

> If I open control panel and check up my security status or device manager or

> for example another system settings it's just saying the same!!I can't even

> run my antivirus.What is going wrong?Is my comp infected or something?

> Ive got windows Vista 64x2 dual processor,1.00 GB Ram</span>

Is this you home machine or something you take to work and connect to

their system?

Did you buy from a store or did someone set it up for you? It sounds

like you may have a security setting problem, does anyone else ever use

the machine?

Yes it could be a large number of things so please try to give more

information as others have asked for.



"Charlie Tame" wrote:

<span style="color:blue">

> Lucita wrote:<span style="color:green">

> > If I want to open the internet it just says"Windows cannot access the

> > specified path or file.U may not have the appropriate permission to access

> > the item."

> > If I open control panel and check up my security status or device manager or

> > for example another system settings it's just saying the same!!I can't even

> > run my antivirus.What is going wrong?Is my comp infected or something?

> > Ive got windows Vista 64x2 dual processor,1.00 GB Ram</span>



> Is this you home machine or something you take to work and connect to

> their system?


> Did you buy from a store or did someone set it up for you? It sounds

> like you may have a security setting problem, does anyone else ever use

> the machine?


> Yes it could be a large number of things so please try to give more

> information as others have asked for.

> </span>


I bought this comp at store and the basic set ups I done by myself.No one

else did ever use my computer.

I am using antivirus Avast home 4.8 plus spyware&spybot.Yesterday I scanned

my comp by spaybot and didnt find anything harmful.Long time ago my antivirus

found some kind of viruses but they were removed.Now,I can't open anivirus to

make a scan.I've also scanned the comp with windows defender but did not find


The only changes Ive recently done to uninstall Norton from pc and reinstall

sound card.

Also I found if opening system information bout my computer it all

disappeared.And if I click to restart or shut down my pc it's not working

neither.The same message appears(windows can't access..)



I had the same problem with a firewall once, i got round it by booting

into safe mode( F8 at startup) which enabled me to uninstall/reinstall

it. I've googled the error message http://tinyurl.com58fdha there are

plenty of other instances

of this problem. Hope it helps.


"I first diagnosed symptomless coma

three years ago, and since then the number

of cases has been steadily increasing."


Charlie Tame

Lucita wrote:<span style="color:blue">


> "Charlie Tame" wrote:

> <span style="color:green">

>> Lucita wrote:<span style="color:darkred">

>>> If I want to open the internet it just says"Windows cannot access the

>>> specified path or file.U may not have the appropriate permission to access

>>> the item."

>>> If I open control panel and check up my security status or device manager or

>>> for example another system settings it's just saying the same!!I can't even

>>> run my antivirus.What is going wrong?Is my comp infected or something?

>>> Ive got windows Vista 64x2 dual processor,1.00 GB Ram</span>


>> Is this you home machine or something you take to work and connect to

>> their system?


>> Did you buy from a store or did someone set it up for you? It sounds

>> like you may have a security setting problem, does anyone else ever use

>> the machine?


>> Yes it could be a large number of things so please try to give more

>> information as others have asked for.




> Hi,

> I bought this comp at store and the basic set ups I done by myself.No one

> else did ever use my computer.

> I am using antivirus Avast home 4.8 plus spyware&spybot.Yesterday I scanned

> my comp by spaybot and didnt find anything harmful.Long time ago my antivirus

> found some kind of viruses but they were removed.Now,I can't open anivirus to

> make a scan.I've also scanned the comp with windows defender but did not find

> anything.

> The only changes Ive recently done to uninstall Norton from pc and reinstall

> sound card.

> Also I found if opening system information bout my computer it all

> disappeared.And if I click to restart or shut down my pc it's not working

> neither.The same message appears(windows can't access..)</span>

Either Norton or Spybot "Could" be causing this. Norton is absolutely

the most awful piece of software ever sold to the public.

When you uninstall it a lot remains behind, and if you deleted it

without stopping all it's services first then you may have been left

with part of Norton trying to protect itself from "You" because you

tried to remove it.

It is so bad they have to provide software to remove it. I suggest wait

for other comments then go here, select your version and follow

instructions to the letter.

<span style="color:blue">

> http://service1.symantec.com/Support/tsgen...005033108162039</span>

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