Peace Activists, Speak out for Science!

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If you are an anti-war activist, you can contribute to science by
participating in a study of how activists think about and relate to
one another during a social movements' middle years.

You can find the questionnaire at:

Just so you know and don't get frustrated or irritated, the
questionnaire should take around 20 minutes to complete (We estimate
30 on the website, but I think the average is more like 20). Some of
the questions may feel a bit repetitious, but they actually do measure
different things and all questions are important to the study.

We need about 80 participants. Two participants will be selected by
lottery to win either an i-pod
shuffle or cash equivalent, which you could keep, donate to your
anti-war organization, or use to buy treats for your kids, cats or
dogs. ALL data are kept on a secure server and are only accessible by
myself and my research assistant. We are ONLY interested in aggregated
trends across participants' responses. We are NOT interested in
individual responses and will NEVER disclose ANY information to any
third party. However, those who would like to participate but would
rather remain completely anonymous may do so by opting out of the
i-pod lottery.

It is important to note that this research has passed review by the
Dundee University ethics committee and complies with the UK Data
protection Act. You can find the study at:

Once the study is complete I would be happy to share the results with
you and your group.

Please tell all your friends, relatives, comrades, and allies about
the study. We hope that, in the future, this information may be
useful to social movements and their leadership, in that it will help
us understand how to retain and grow their numbers when movements
reach their middle years.

In advance, I thank you for your time and support.

In solidarity,
Ronni Michelle Greenwood, PhD
Psychology Department
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4HN
01382 386 816