Pelosi & gang of dems drive up oil prices


Harry Dope

October 17, 2007
Support Wanes in House for Genocide Vote
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 - Worried about antagonizing Turkish leaders, House
members from both parties have begun to withdraw their support from a
resolution supported by the Democratic leadership that would condemn as
genocide the mass killings of Armenians nearly a century ago.

Almost a dozen lawmakers had shifted against the measure over the last 24
hours, accelerating a sudden exodus that has cast deep doubt over the
measure's prospects. Some representatives made clear that they were heeding
warnings from the White House, which has called the measure dangerously
provocative, and from the Turkish government, which has said House passage
would prompt Turkey to reconsider its ties to the United States, including
logistical support for the Iraq war.

Until today, the resolution appeared to be on a path to House passage, with
strong support from the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi of California. It was
approved last week by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. But this evening,
a group of group of senior House Democrats had made it known they were
planning to ask the leadership to drop plans for a vote on the measure.

"Turkey obviously feels they are getting poked in the eye over something
that happened a century ago, and maybe this isn't a good time to be doing
that," said Representative Allen Boyd, a Florida Democrat who dropped his
sponsorship of the resolution Monday night. .

Others who took the same action said that while they deplored the mass
killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire, beginning in 1915, the
modern-day consequences in the Middle East could not be overlooked.

"We simply cannot allow the grievances of the past - as real as they may
be - to in any way derail our efforts to prevent further atrocities for
future history books," said Representative Wally Herger, Republican of

"I think it is a good resolution and horrible timing," said Representative
Mike Ross, Democrat of Arkansas.

The Turkish government has lobbied heavily against the resolution, which is
nonbinding and largely symbolic. But lawmakers attributed the erosion in
support mainly to fears about a potential Turkish decision to deny American
access to critical military facilities in that nation and its threat to move
forces into northern Iraq to attack Kurdish rebels.

"This vote came face to face with the reality on the ground in that region
of the world," said Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the chairman of
the House Democratic Caucus and an opponent of the resolution.

The Bush administration and top American generals have been vocal in warning
that passage of the resolution could cause great harm to the American war
effort in Iraq and have put significant pressure on Republicans to abandon
their support for the measure. President Bush called Ms. Pelosi today and
asked her to prevent a floor vote on the resolution.

"The president and the speaker exchanged candid views on the subject and the
speaker explained the strong bipartisan support in the House for the
resolution," said Brendan Daly, a spokesman for Ms. Pelosi.

The Democratic leadership has been examining the exact level of that support
to gauge its next step, but lawmakers and officials said it was now unclear
whether the resolution could be approved, given Republican resistance and
Democratic defections. "We will have to determine where everyone is," said
Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the majority leader.

Ms. Pelosi, who has promised a vote on the resolution if it cleared the
Foreign Affairs Committee, said she was leaving it to its chief backers to
round up votes. "I have never known a count," she said.

Backers of the resolution, which has the fervent backing of the
Armenian-American community, described the loss of support as slight and
attributed it to the intense lobbying by the Turkish government, the Bush
administration and their allies. They said they would try to change the
minds of some of those who were wavering.

"This is what happens when you are up against a very sophisticated
multimillion-dollar campaign," said Representative Brad Sherman, Democrat of
California, who chided the Turkish government. "Since when it has become
fashionable for friends to threaten friends."

But he acknowledged there was little margin of error for backers of the
resolution, which had once boasted 225 co-sponsors. "If the vote were held
today, I would not want to be my house on the outcome," he said.

Mr. Sherman and others noted that Turkey, at the start of the Iraq war, had
refused to let American forces operate from its territory, and that Turkey's
intentions toward the northern border of Iraq had clearly captured the
attention of Congress.

American military officials in Iraq and in Washington said today that they
were concerned about possible Turkish military incursions into northern Iraq
against the Kurdish rebels, which the Turkish government blames for a wave
of attacks in eastern Turkey.

At the moment, these officials said, they did not see many indications that
Turkish military was preparing for large-scale incursion into the
mountainous strongholds of the Kurdish rebels. They d expressed hope that
diplomatic efforts under way between Iraqi and Turkish officials would ease
the crisis.

"We see no signs that there's anything imminent by Turkey," one senior
military officer said. "So there's time for the diplomacy to work for a few
more days, if not weeks." But, he added, the situation could get "ugly" if
Turkey sent troops across the border and they clashed with Kurdish militias
or Iraqi forces.

The biggest fear, several former officials said, is that Turkish forces
could push past the border and head for Kirkuk, forcing Iraq to respond and
presenting the United States with mediating between two allies and a
decision about whether to commit American troops. Such a crisis could also
draw in Iran, which has also had growing problems with Kurdish groups
crossing into its territory from Iraq.

In addition to the potential movement of Turkish forces, opponents of the
Armenian genocide resolution continued to point to Turkey's role as a prime
staging area for moving American military supplies into Iraq.

"This happened a long time ago and I don't know whether it was a massacre or
a genocide; that is beside the point," said Representative John P. Murtha,
the Pennsylvania Democrat who is urging Ms. Pelosi to keep the resolution
from the floor. "The point is, we have to deal with today's world."

While the resolution enjoyed more than enough support to pass earlier this
year, about two dozen lawmakers have removed their names from the official
list of sponsors of the resolution in recent weeks as a vote on it grew more
likely and the reservations grew more pronounced.

"I think there was genocide in Turkey, in 1915, but I am gravely concerned
about the timing," said Representative Jane Harman, a California Democrat
who said she would l remain a co-sponsor of the resolution but at the moment
would oppose it were it to reach the floor. "I see no compelling reason to
do this right this minute."

Representative Doug Lamborn, a Colorado Republican who dropped his backing
of the measure today, said, "Nothing changes the fact that mass killings and
unspeakable acts of brutality occurred. However, passing this nonbinding
resolution at this critical time would be a destabilizing action when the
United States needs the help of its allies, including Turkey, in fighting
the global war on terror."

David S. Cloud contributed reporting.

Meanwhile, Hillary hires Berger as a consultant on her campaign. Consider
that move in light of what she said regarding the commutation of Scooter
Libby's sentence:
"This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration,
cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice."- Sen. Hillary Rodham
Clinton, D-N.Y.
The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major factor in
rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US economy and due to
trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.

Harry Dope wrote:
> October 17, 2007
> Support Wanes in House for Genocide Vote
> WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 - Worried about antagonizing Turkish leaders, House
> members from both parties have begun to withdraw their support from a
> resolution supported by the Democratic leadership that would condemn as
> genocide the mass killings of Armenians nearly a century ago.
> Almost a dozen lawmakers had shifted against the measure over the last 24
> hours, accelerating a sudden exodus that has cast deep doubt over the
> measure's prospects. Some representatives made clear that they were heeding
> warnings from the White House, which has called the measure dangerously
> provocative, and from the Turkish government, which has said House passage
> would prompt Turkey to reconsider its ties to the United States, including
> logistical support for the Iraq war.
> Until today, the resolution appeared to be on a path to House passage, with
> strong support from the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi of California. It was
> approved last week by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. But this evening,
> a group of group of senior House Democrats had made it known they were
> planning to ask the leadership to drop plans for a vote on the measure.
> "Turkey obviously feels they are getting poked in the eye over something
> that happened a century ago, and maybe this isn't a good time to be doing
> that," said Representative Allen Boyd, a Florida Democrat who dropped his
> sponsorship of the resolution Monday night. .
> Others who took the same action said that while they deplored the mass
> killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire, beginning in 1915, the
> modern-day consequences in the Middle East could not be overlooked.
> "We simply cannot allow the grievances of the past - as real as they may
> be - to in any way derail our efforts to prevent further atrocities for
> future history books," said Representative Wally Herger, Republican of
> California.
> "I think it is a good resolution and horrible timing," said Representative
> Mike Ross, Democrat of Arkansas.
> The Turkish government has lobbied heavily against the resolution, which is
> nonbinding and largely symbolic. But lawmakers attributed the erosion in
> support mainly to fears about a potential Turkish decision to deny American
> access to critical military facilities in that nation and its threat to move
> forces into northern Iraq to attack Kurdish rebels.
> "This vote came face to face with the reality on the ground in that region
> of the world," said Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the chairman of
> the House Democratic Caucus and an opponent of the resolution.
> The Bush administration and top American generals have been vocal in warning
> that passage of the resolution could cause great harm to the American war
> effort in Iraq and have put significant pressure on Republicans to abandon
> their support for the measure. President Bush called Ms. Pelosi today and
> asked her to prevent a floor vote on the resolution.
> "The president and the speaker exchanged candid views on the subject and the
> speaker explained the strong bipartisan support in the House for the
> resolution," said Brendan Daly, a spokesman for Ms. Pelosi.
> The Democratic leadership has been examining the exact level of that support
> to gauge its next step, but lawmakers and officials said it was now unclear
> whether the resolution could be approved, given Republican resistance and
> Democratic defections. "We will have to determine where everyone is," said
> Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the majority leader.
> Ms. Pelosi, who has promised a vote on the resolution if it cleared the
> Foreign Affairs Committee, said she was leaving it to its chief backers to
> round up votes. "I have never known a count," she said.
> Backers of the resolution, which has the fervent backing of the
> Armenian-American community, described the loss of support as slight and
> attributed it to the intense lobbying by the Turkish government, the Bush
> administration and their allies. They said they would try to change the
> minds of some of those who were wavering.
> "This is what happens when you are up against a very sophisticated
> multimillion-dollar campaign," said Representative Brad Sherman, Democrat of
> California, who chided the Turkish government. "Since when it has become
> fashionable for friends to threaten friends."
> But he acknowledged there was little margin of error for backers of the
> resolution, which had once boasted 225 co-sponsors. "If the vote were held
> today, I would not want to be my house on the outcome," he said.
> Mr. Sherman and others noted that Turkey, at the start of the Iraq war, had
> refused to let American forces operate from its territory, and that Turkey's
> intentions toward the northern border of Iraq had clearly captured the
> attention of Congress.
> American military officials in Iraq and in Washington said today that they
> were concerned about possible Turkish military incursions into northern Iraq
> against the Kurdish rebels, which the Turkish government blames for a wave
> of attacks in eastern Turkey.
> At the moment, these officials said, they did not see many indications that
> Turkish military was preparing for large-scale incursion into the
> mountainous strongholds of the Kurdish rebels. They d expressed hope that
> diplomatic efforts under way between Iraqi and Turkish officials would ease
> the crisis.
> "We see no signs that there's anything imminent by Turkey," one senior
> military officer said. "So there's time for the diplomacy to work for a few
> more days, if not weeks." But, he added, the situation could get "ugly" if
> Turkey sent troops across the border and they clashed with Kurdish militias
> or Iraqi forces.
> The biggest fear, several former officials said, is that Turkish forces
> could push past the border and head for Kirkuk, forcing Iraq to respond and
> presenting the United States with mediating between two allies and a
> decision about whether to commit American troops. Such a crisis could also
> draw in Iran, which has also had growing problems with Kurdish groups
> crossing into its territory from Iraq.
> In addition to the potential movement of Turkish forces, opponents of the
> Armenian genocide resolution continued to point to Turkey's role as a prime
> staging area for moving American military supplies into Iraq.
> "This happened a long time ago and I don't know whether it was a massacre or
> a genocide; that is beside the point," said Representative John P. Murtha,
> the Pennsylvania Democrat who is urging Ms. Pelosi to keep the resolution
> from the floor. "The point is, we have to deal with today's world."
> While the resolution enjoyed more than enough support to pass earlier this
> year, about two dozen lawmakers have removed their names from the official
> list of sponsors of the resolution in recent weeks as a vote on it grew more
> likely and the reservations grew more pronounced.
> "I think there was genocide in Turkey, in 1915, but I am gravely concerned
> about the timing," said Representative Jane Harman, a California Democrat
> who said she would l remain a co-sponsor of the resolution but at the moment
> would oppose it were it to reach the floor. "I see no compelling reason to
> do this right this minute."
> Representative Doug Lamborn, a Colorado Republican who dropped his backing
> of the measure today, said, "Nothing changes the fact that mass killings and
> unspeakable acts of brutality occurred. However, passing this nonbinding
> resolution at this critical time would be a destabilizing action when the
> United States needs the help of its allies, including Turkey, in fighting
> the global war on terror."
> David S. Cloud contributed reporting.
"FDR" <> wrote in message
> The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major factor in
> rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US economy and due to
> trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.

Liar. Defecit is

U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury
"George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> So why doesn't Bush jawbone OPEC to lower prices?


Why dont you go back to your 3 rd grade economics classes that you obviously
dropped out of.

Taking inflation into account, prices are still below levels seen in 1980
under teh democrat US President Jimmy carter high inflation years and
outrageous interest rates, when a barrel of oil - in today's prices - was
worth more than $95.

The biggest catalyst for oil's seemingly remorseless rise has been the
simplest economic driver there is: the balance between demand and supply.
Demand is at an all-time high, fuelled by the continued breakneck economic
expansion of the Indian and Chinese economies.

With more than a billion people in each country, and sustained growth rates
of 8% in India and 10% in China, manufacturers and consumers are sucking in
energy at an ever-increasing rate.

China overtook Japan as the world's second-largest consumer of oil in 2003
and is closing in on the US, with demand for oil growing at about 15% a

Analysts worry global demand for oil is so intense that supplies may not
keep pace.

Demand will rise by an average of 2.2 million barrels a day next year, the
International Energy Agency says, compared with the 1.5 million-barrel rise
seen in 2007

What is Opec doing about the situation?

As the leading oil supplier in the world, producers' cartel Opec is under
constant pressure to do something about the price bubble.

It recently bowed to pressure to pump more oil, agreeing to raise its
production quotas by 500,000 barrels a day from 1 November.

Opec has said the market is "very well supplied" with crude and will
continue to be so in the immediate future.

It has blamed speculation by market traders - who can make money by betting
on the future direction of prices - for the continuing price rises.
Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
> "George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> news:ulsRi.6664$
>> So why doesn't Bush jawbone OPEC to lower prices?

> =============
> Why dont you go back to your 3 rd grade economics classes that you obviously
> dropped out of.

Should I bring Bush with me?,2933,154423,00.html

Bush criticized President Clinton for tapping into the reserve in 2000,
suggesting it was a political gesture to help Vice President Al Gore,
then Bush's Democratic rival for the White House.

Bush also criticized the Clinton administration for not lobbying the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, saying Clinton "must
jawbone OPEC (search) members to lower prices." Yet as president, Bush
mostly has emphasized that market forces should set world oil prices.

> Taking inflation into account, prices are still below levels seen in 1980
> under teh democrat US President Jimmy carter high inflation years and
> outrageous interest rates, when a barrel of oil - in today's prices - was
> worth more than $95.
> The biggest catalyst for oil's seemingly remorseless rise has been the
> simplest economic driver there is: the balance between demand and supply.
> Demand is at an all-time high, fuelled by the continued breakneck economic
> expansion of the Indian and Chinese economies.
> With more than a billion people in each country, and sustained growth rates
> of 8% in India and 10% in China, manufacturers and consumers are sucking in
> energy at an ever-increasing rate.
> China overtook Japan as the world's second-largest consumer of oil in 2003
> and is closing in on the US, with demand for oil growing at about 15% a
> year.
> Analysts worry global demand for oil is so intense that supplies may not
> keep pace.
> Demand will rise by an average of 2.2 million barrels a day next year, the
> International Energy Agency says, compared with the 1.5 million-barrel rise
> seen in 2007
> What is Opec doing about the situation?
> As the leading oil supplier in the world, producers' cartel Opec is under
> constant pressure to do something about the price bubble.
> It recently bowed to pressure to pump more oil, agreeing to raise its
> production quotas by 500,000 barrels a day from 1 November.
> Opec has said the market is "very well supplied" with crude and will
> continue to be so in the immediate future.
> It has blamed speculation by market traders - who can make money by betting
> on the future direction of prices - for the continuing price rises.
"Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam" <Scandal@AlGoreon's> wrote
in message news:47165379$0$7208$
> Liar. Defecit is
> U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury

Good luck with your GED.
Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
> "FDR" <> wrote in message
> news:47165086$0$25630$
>> The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major factor in
>> rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US economy and due to
>> trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.
>> ===================

> Liar. Defecit is
> U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury

The Bush debt (accumulated deficits under Bush) is $3.30 trillion.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Search Engine:

"But if we maintain current levels long enough the average annual price
for 2007 could exceed the previous peak of 1980 in inflation adjusted

"Put another way... we are very near all time highs in real Dollar terms."

You'll note that a recession followed the peak of gasoline price high
back in 79. And we are in a position of high debt, rising interest
rates and falling dollar. Thanks George!

Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
> "George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> news:ulsRi.6664$
>> So why doesn't Bush jawbone OPEC to lower prices?

> =============
> Why dont you go back to your 3 rd grade economics classes that you obviously
> dropped out of.
> Taking inflation into account, prices are still below levels seen in 1980
> under teh democrat US President Jimmy carter high inflation years and
> outrageous interest rates, when a barrel of oil - in today's prices - was
> worth more than $95.
> The biggest catalyst for oil's seemingly remorseless rise has been the
> simplest economic driver there is: the balance between demand and supply.
> Demand is at an all-time high, fuelled by the continued breakneck economic
> expansion of the Indian and Chinese economies.
> With more than a billion people in each country, and sustained growth rates
> of 8% in India and 10% in China, manufacturers and consumers are sucking in
> energy at an ever-increasing rate.
> China overtook Japan as the world's second-largest consumer of oil in 2003
> and is closing in on the US, with demand for oil growing at about 15% a
> year.
> Analysts worry global demand for oil is so intense that supplies may not
> keep pace.
> Demand will rise by an average of 2.2 million barrels a day next year, the
> International Energy Agency says, compared with the 1.5 million-barrel rise
> seen in 2007
> What is Opec doing about the situation?
> As the leading oil supplier in the world, producers' cartel Opec is under
> constant pressure to do something about the price bubble.
> It recently bowed to pressure to pump more oil, agreeing to raise its
> production quotas by 500,000 barrels a day from 1 November.
> Opec has said the market is "very well supplied" with crude and will
> continue to be so in the immediate future.
> It has blamed speculation by market traders - who can make money by betting
> on the future direction of prices - for the continuing price rises.
zzpat wrote:
> Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
>> "FDR" <> wrote in message
>> news:47165086$0$25630$
>>> The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major factor
>>> in rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US economy and
>>> due to trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.
>>> ===================

>> Liar. Defecit is
>> U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury

> The Bush debt (accumulated deficits under Bush) is $3.30 trillion.

But hey, that's Republican leadership for you! Don't worry, your kids
and grandkids will still be paying for this war in 50 years.
"Goober Bush" <> wrote in message
> "Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam" <Scandal@AlGoreon's>
> wrote in message news:47165379$0$7208$
>> Liar. U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury


>> **** ! Nailed us again with facts even from Liberal PMSNBC
"zzpat" <> wrote in message
> Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
>> "FDR" <> wrote in message
>> news:47165086$0$25630$
>>> The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major factor in
>>> rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US economy and due to
>>> trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.
>>> ===================

>> Liar. Defecit is
>> U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury

> The Bush debt (accumulated deficits under Bush) is $3.30 trillion.


"FDR" <> wrote in message
> "But if we maintain current levels long enough the average annual price
> for 2007 could exceed the previous peak of 1980 in inflation adjusted
> terms."
> "Put another way... we are very near all time highs in real Dollar terms."
> You'll note that a recession followed the peak of gasoline price high back
> in 79. And we are in a position of high debt, rising interest rates and
> falling dollar. Thanks George!


Let me know when INterst rates reach 22 % for home mortgages like the did
under JimmyCrat's administration.
Until then , i am enjoying record low home mortgage rates under Bush . You
trailer park rental trash would not understad that
What happened to your claim that Pelosi owns Exxon Mobil stock?
First you posted a ling that never mentioned the company. When that
was pointed out you proclaimed that ,like Hillary , she must have sold
her stock. When asked for proof of that you went mute.
Your only replies top requests for cites are:
links that never mention your claims.
replying with unrelated questions.
fleeing the discussion
changing your name.

The world must look very strange when viewed from the bottom of a bottle.
"George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> What happened to your claim that Pelosi owns Exxon Mobil stock?
> First you posted a ling that never mentioned the company. When that was
> pointed out you proclaimed that ,like Hillary , she must have sold her
> stock. When asked for proof of that you went mute.
> Your only replies top requests for cites are:
> links that never mention your claims.
> replying with unrelated questions.
> fleeing the discussion
> changing your name.
> The world must look very strange when viewed from the bottom of a bottle.


And i thought you were going to tell us how great things were under Carter's
18 % Inflation years and how horrible they are now under Bush's 3 %
inflation years.'
Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
> "George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> news:fWvRi.35750$
>> What happened to your claim that Pelosi owns Exxon Mobil stock?
>> First you posted a ling that never mentioned the company. When that was
>> pointed out you proclaimed that ,like Hillary , she must have sold her
>> stock. When asked for proof of that you went mute.
>> Your only replies top requests for cites are:
>> links that never mention your claims.
>> replying with unrelated questions.
>> fleeing the discussion
>> changing your name.
>> The world must look very strange when viewed from the bottom of a bottle.

> ================
> And i thought you were going to tell us how great things were under Carter's
> 18 % Inflation years and how horrible they are now under Bush's 3 %
> inflation years.'

And the winner is.......replying with an unrelated question.
Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
> "FDR" <> wrote in message
> news:471673bb$0$25713$
>> "But if we maintain current levels long enough the average annual price
>> for 2007 could exceed the previous peak of 1980 in inflation adjusted
>> terms."
>> "Put another way... we are very near all time highs in real Dollar terms."
>> You'll note that a recession followed the peak of gasoline price high back
>> in 79. And we are in a position of high debt, rising interest rates and
>> falling dollar. Thanks George!

> ===================
> Let me know when INterst rates reach 22 % for home mortgages like the did
> under JimmyCrat's administration.
> Until then , i am enjoying record low home mortgage rates under Bush . You
> trailer park rental trash would not understad that

I guess comparing Bush to Carter would be appropriate because you could
never successfully compare Bush to Clinton.
Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
> "zzpat" <> wrote in message
>> Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
>>> "FDR" <> wrote in message
>>> news:47165086$0$25630$
>>>> The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major factor in
>>>> rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US economy and due to
>>>> trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.
>>>> ===================
>>> Liar. Defecit is
>>> U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury

>> The Bush debt (accumulated deficits under Bush) is $3.30 trillion.

> ====================
> Liar.

"The National Debt was $5,776,091,314,225.33 when Bush/Cheney took office. "

Present national Debt: 9,059,815,822,657

3.3 trillion since Bush in office.
Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
> "zzpat" <> wrote in message
>> Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
>>> "FDR" <> wrote in message
>>> news:47165086$0$25630$
>>>> The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major factor in
>>>> rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US economy and due to
>>>> trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.
>>>> ===================
>>> Liar. Defecit is
>>> U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury

>> The Bush debt (accumulated deficits under Bush) is $3.30 trillion.

> ====================
> Liar.

The Bush debt is $3.3 trillion. You can't rewrite the numbers. When Bush
was promising to pay down all our debt, the debt stood at $5.7 trillion.
Now, it's over $9 trillion. Unless you're using some of that new
fangled math, the numbers don't lie, but liars do.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Search Engine:
FDR wrote:
> Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
>> "zzpat" <> wrote in message
>>> Al Goreon's Great Global Warming Scam wrote:
>>>> "FDR" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:47165086$0$25630$
>>>>> The devaluing of the dollar versus other currencies is a major
>>>>> factor in rising oil prices. Thanks to the fed and the poor US
>>>>> economy and due to trillion dollar deficits being run up by Bush.
>>>>> ===================
>>>> Liar. Defecit is
>>>> U.S. deficit falls to $163 billion in fiscal 2007: Treasury
>>> The Bush debt (accumulated deficits under Bush) is $3.30 trillion.

>> ====================
>> Liar.

> "The National Debt was $5,776,091,314,225.33 when Bush/Cheney took
> office. "
> Present national Debt: 9,059,815,822,657
> 3.3 trillion since Bush in office.

I think he thinks deficits are the same as debt. Debt is the accumulated
deficits and debt is also future taxes plus interest.

Republicans have it driven into them that it's okay to borrow money,
give it to the rich and then make the next generation pay for their
spending and tax cuts. It's too bad Democrats haven't taken on this
issue. They could easily destroy the entire GOP with this one issue.

$3.3 trillion of debt in seven years proves tax cuts don't work and
proves they've spent the past 30 years lying to us.

Prior to the Reagan Revolution, the debt was $900 billion. Now, it's $9
trillion. Every time the GOP said it could cut our taxes and balance the
budget they were lying.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Search Engine: