Pentagon Report: Let's Put Solar Power Collectors in Orbit


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Pentagon Report: Let's Put Solar Power Collectors in Orbit
Friday, October 12, 2007

WASHINGTON - A Pentagon-chartered report urges the United States to take
the lead in developing space platforms capable of capturing sunlight and
beaming electrical power to Earth.

Space-based solar power, according to the report, has the potential to help
the United States stave off climate change and avoid future conflicts over
oil by harnessing the Sun's power to provide an essentially inexhaustible
supply of clean energy.

The report, "Space-Based Solar Power as an Opportunity for Strategic
Security," was undertaken by the Pentagon's National Security Space Office
this spring as a collaborative effort that relied heavily on Internet
discussions by more than 170 scientific, legal, and business experts around
the world.

The Space Frontier Foundation, an activist organization normally critical of
government-led space programs, hosted the Web site used to collect input for
the report.

Speaking at a press conference held here Oct. 10 to unveil the report, U.S.
Marine Corps Lt. Col. Paul Damphousse of the National Space Security Space
Office said the six-month study, while "done on the cheap," produced some
very positive findings about the feasibility of space-based solar power and
its potential to strengthen U.S. national security.

"One of the major findings was that space-based solar power does present
strategic opportunity for us in the 21st century," Damphousse said. "It can
advance our U.S. and partner security capability and freedom of action and
merits significant additional study and demonstration on the part of the
United States so we can help either the United State s develop this, or
allow the commercial sector to step up."

Demonstrations needed

Specifically, the report calls for the U.S. government to underwrite the
development of space-based solar power by funding a progressively bigger and
more expensive technology demonstrations that would culminate with building
a platform in geosynchronous orbit bigger than the international space
station and capable of beaming 5-10 megawatts of power to a receiving
station on the ground.

Nearer term, the U.S. government should fund in depth studies and some
initial proof-of-concept demonstrations to show that space-based solar power
is a technically and economically viable to solution to the world's growing
energy needs.

Aside from its potential to defuse future energy wars and mitigate global
warming, Damphousse said beaming power down from space could also enable the
U.S. military to operate forward bases in far-flung, hostile regions such as
Iraq without relying on vulnerable convoys to truck in fossil fuels to run
the electrical generators needed to keep the lights on.

As the report puts it, "beamed energy from space in quantities greater than
5 megawatts has the potential to be a disruptive game changer on the
battlefield. [Space-based solar power] and its enabling wireless power
transmission technology could facilitate extremely flexible 'energy on
demand' for combat units and installations across and entire theater, while
significantly reducing dependence on over-land fuel deliveries."

Although the U.S. military would reap tremendous benefits from space-based
solar power, Damphousse said the Pentagon is unlikely to fund development
and demonstration of the technology.

That role, he said, would be more appropriate for NASA or the Department of
Energy, both of which have studied space-based solar power in the past.

The Pentagon would, however, be a willing early adopter of the new
technology, Damphousse said, and provide a potentially robust market for
firms trying to build a business around space-based solar power.

"While challenges do remain and the business case does not necessarily close
at this time from a financial sense, space-based solar power is closer than
ever," he said. "We are the day after next from being able to actually do

Damphousse, however, cautioned that the private sector will not invest in
space-based solar power until the United States buys down some of the risk
through a technology development and demonstration effort at least on par
with what the government spends on nuclear fusion research and perhaps as
much as it is spending to construct and operate the international space

"Demonstrations are key here," he said. "If we can demonstrate this, the
business case will close rapidly."

Charles Miller, one of the Space Frontier Foundation's directors, agreed
public funding is vital to getting space-based solar power off the ground.

Miller told reporters here that the space-based solar power industry could
take off within 10 years if the White House and Congress embrace the
report's recommendations by funding a robust demonstration program and
provide the same kind of incentives it offers the nuclear power industry.

Military applications

The Pentagon's interest is another important factor. Military officials
involved in the report calculate that the United States is paying $1 per
kilowatt hour or more to supply power to its forward operating bases in

"The biggest issue with previous studies is they were trying to get five or
ten cents per kilowatt hour, so when you have a near term customer who's
potentially willing to pay much more for power, it's much easier to close
the business case," Miller said.

NASA first studied space-based solar power in the 1970s, concluding then
that the concept was technically feasible but not economically viable.

Cost estimates produced at the time estimated the United States would have
to spend $300 billion to $1 trillion to deliver the first kilowatt hour of
space-based power to the ground, said John Mankins, a former NASA
technologist who led the agency's space-based solar power research and now
consults and runs the Space Power Association.

Advances in computing, robotics, solar cell efficiency, and other
technologies helped drive that estimate down by the time NASA took a fresh
look at space-based solar power in the mid-1990s, Mankins said, but still
not enough justify the upfront expense of such an undertaking at a time when
oil was going for $15 a barrel.

With oil currently trading today as high as $80 a barrel and the U.S.
military paying dearly to keep kerosene-powered generators humming in an
oil-rich region like Iraq, the economics have change significantly since
NASA pulled the plug on space-based solar power research in around 2002.

On the technical front, solar cell efficiency has improved faster than

Ten years ago, when solar cells were topping out around 15 percent
efficiency, experts predicted that 25 percent efficiency would not be
achieved until close to 2020, Mankins said, yet Sylmar, Calif.-based
Spectrolab - a Boeing subsidiary - last year unveiled an advanced solar cell
with a 40.7 percent conversion efficiency.

One critical area that has not made many advances since the 1990s or even
the 1970s is the cost of launch.

Mankins said commercially-viable space-based solar power platforms will only
become feasible with the kind of dramatically cheaper launch costs promised
by fully reusable launch vehicles flying dozens of times a year.

"If somebody tries to sell you stock in a space solar power company today
saying we are going to start building immediately, you should probably call
your broker and not take that at face value," Mankins said. "There's a lot
of challenges that need to be overcome."

Mankins said the space station could be used to host some early technology
validation demonstrations, from testing appropriate materials to tapping
into the station's solar-powered electrical grid to transmit a low level of
energy back to Earth.

Worthwhile component tests could be accomplished for "a few million"
dollars, Mankins estimated, while a space station-based power-beaming
experiment would cost "tens of millions" of dollars.

Placing a free-flying space-based solar power demonstrator in low-Earth
orbit, he said, would cost $500 million to $1 billion.

A geosynchronous system capable of transmitting a sustained 5-10 megawatts
of power down to the ground would cost around $10 billion, he said, and
provide enough electricity for a military base.

Commercial platforms, likewise, would be very expensive to build.

"These things are not going to be small or cheap," Mankins said. "It's not
like buying a jetliner. It's going to be like buying the Hoover Dam."

While the upfront costs are steep, Mankins and others said space-based solar
power's potential to meet the world's future energy needs is huge.

According to the report, "a single kilometer-wide band of geosynchronous
earth orbit experiences enough solar flux in one year to nearly equal the
amount of energy contained within all known recoverable conventional oil
reserves on Earth today."