People saying Cheney is a killer piss me off!


Feb 18, 2006
I hate hearing these leftists crying about Cheney shooting his friend while hunting. It was a mistake!

I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney then ride shot gun with Ted Kennedy.
THUMPER1 said:
I hate hearing these leftists crying about Cheney shooting his friend while hunting. It was a mistake!

I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney then ride shot gun with Ted Kennedy.

What pisses me off even more is that the media and EVERY-****ING-BODY else is talking about it. It's a slow news week. Is there no one dying over in Iraq?

If I rode anywere with Teddy-boy, I'd bring my shotgun along.
What I hate is it has to be made about him being Republican. In fact its about the fact that maybe the old boy is past it and shouldn't be out with a loaded gun anymore, if he can't avoid shooting someone from his own party that was properly dressed...
As I have said before, at least Harry (the guy Cheney shot) is alive and apparently not pregnant unlike the young woman who made the mistake of letting Teddy give her a ride.
THUMPER1 said:
I hate hearing these leftists crying about Cheney shooting his friend while hunting. It was a mistake!

I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney then ride shot gun with Ted Kennedy.

Dicky boy is not a killer, he is a moron, to be a killer you have to kill, not shoot someone who lives :p
the part that really scares me is just how much media attention was given to a hunting accident... Yes, it was the VP, but that only lends itslef to the realization that even if he was drunk, no charges will ever be filed!

So WTF! Report it, follow up on the victims health, and ****ing drop it!

for the love of Enki, we are at ****ing war!
fullauto said:
the part that really scares me is just how much media attention was given to a hunting accident... Yes, it was the VP, but that only lends itslef to the realization that even if he was drunk, no charges will ever be filed!

So WTF! Report it, follow up on the victims health, and ****ing drop it!

for the love of Enki, we are at ****ing war!

I'm supprised he didn't have yet another heart attack, can you imaging the head lines then. VP in shooting accient, has heart attack! Now this is worth printing rofl
fullauto said:
the part that really scares me is just how much media attention was given to a hunting accident... Yes, it was the VP, but that only lends itslef to the realization that even if he was drunk, no charges will ever be filed!

So WTF! Report it, follow up on the victims health, and ****ing drop it!

for the love of Enki, we are at ****ing war!

As I posted elsewhere here, I have no issues with a hunting accident, but your claim that "we are at war" needs some clarification. Who are "we"? And who are you at war with? Last I heard, your illustrious leader declared victory in Iraq a couple of years back now. The occupation force suffers losses, but the democratically elected government is responsible for that ****.

Who are you at war with? Where is the next point of contact? And what is the exit strategy, should the war effort fail?
builder said:
As I posted elsewhere here, I have no issues with a hunting accident, but your claim that "we are at war" needs some clarification. Who are "we"? And who are you at war with? Last I heard, your illustrious leader declared victory in Iraq a couple of years back now. The occupation force suffers losses, but the democratically elected government is responsible for that ****.

Who are you at war with? Where is the next point of contact? And what is the exit strategy, should the war effort fail?

The bush government would say.
Who are we are war with? Why anyone who isn't right wing and christian.
Where is the next point of contact? With anyone who isn't right wing and christian.
Exit Strategy? What the hell is that?!
I also see that we are way off the original thread here.

Has anyone given any thought to the fact that if cheneydude wanted this guy dead, he would be dead, and trickey dickey wouldn't have been within a continent of it going down. ;)
He also wouldn't be fighting a slander and smear campaign; like who doesn't have a few beers on an afternoon shooting trip?

For keeeeeerist's sake? :rolleyes:

Big ****ing deal. Shooting accident. Focus on the real news for a change. :cool:
I didn't read your article, and I don't have to. Harry should have made his position clear before walking up on two blokes with shotguns ****ed and loaded.

It's not just common sense, it is shooter's ettiquette.