people suffering in the US from fears of crime and from pollution



to see neighbors robbed to see residents shot, beat and to labor to breathe
only because leaders can't protect the residents. When I am in good air I
can breathe now and more and more I have to labor to breathe.WE get less and
less days of good air and this is life? This is a hell that has few others
in a so called democracy. Leaders and politicians don't even fking answer
pollution so help me god and experts can prove it
> Is life a set up so pepople have jobs
> Do people have to gasp for air so people have jobs in pharmacies and coal
> and at gas stations?
> Why is it no one cares about anyone anymore especially in cities like mine
> where there is the most depression( get it asthma meds?) most days without
> good air and no one cares if I have to gasp for the only reason being that
> particulate pollution reaches levels that causes my asthma constantly.

People say move? How, its getting worse. Politicians who are basically rich
ignore you.
> Every conceivable connection to lost health is connected to particulate
> pollution
> and its ignored even though I tried to show links and association. I have
> to be the one trying desperately to warn people of the dangers? Are they
> kidding.? Epa set up by Congress to protect people are now being sued for
> not protecting people and let me tell you personally speaking, the people
> who make the laws should be persecuted for murder, because people are
> being harmed let alone not protected. ! The polluters are getting away
> with murder. Lawyers don't even care about personal situations.
> You know I once said. Why do people have to live in fear from violent
> crime,
> from pollution from not having jobs and from asthma when no one is doing
> much different to bring changes? The reason millions are in jail , the
> reasons things don't change is because rich don't care to respond to those
> affected. Millions can't afford doctors after they are poisoned. Many
> communities are overrun by crime the violent type that often supercedes
> murder from terrorists yet no politicians say anything. If your from
> another country we also are getting more and more ways to censure people .
> On they censure people all the time. Yahooo message boards were
> taken down because so many people were saying bad and horrible things to
> each other.. the accumulation of frustration because politcians don't care
> and people don't care. We have no good role models anymore. Where I live
> people are being attacked for just going to work or shopping in the
> subways, we virtually lost many days of good air and no politicians care!
> We are set up for commercial after commercial for health meds and places
> to go after you get sick from this pollution ... like you would nt
> believe. The only things people are building around here are medical
> centers and room for more police cars.. The depressed faces and fear of
> crime and pollution is real in some communties. Why should rich care/ We
> are not a free society we are an aristocratic one where political leaders
> often live in gated communities never ever saying anything where the
> largest cause of death for women in America in some age groups is murder.

> I also said if US flew sorties all day and night in Afghanistan and Iraq
> they wouldn't need troops and the war would probably be going better. Any
> enemy groups that moved in unison would be found by satelite and taken
> care
> and we could do that instead of spending trillions in Iraq. The reason we
> don't , we need jobs
> Life is a set up face it. People don't like to do the right things and
> whats
> especially bad, except for people like Al Gore with global
> warming.everyone ignores fear of
> crime and pollution in the US . What a world , kids have to go to school
> with bomb and gun detectors and with gangs all around them and violent
> crime and its totally ignored. You see people around the world. we are
> slowly destroying ourselves and values. Are terrorists countries who
> depend on hate any better? No but neither is what is happening here. The
> most unbelievable indifference to fears, to poverty to crime and to
> pollution one can only imagine and choke from . To fear a violent death...
> to see how many people look disgusted and frustrated and who don't have
> jobs and to see welfare and social security people don't care one iota
> about others anymore. People are treated like crap.. We have no role
> models