Pet Peeves in Parking lots and in Drive-thru lines


Active Member
Jul 12, 2005
1. I hate it when a person in a parking lot blocks you by waiting for a space when the space the person is waiting for, is not ready to go. The fact that people aren't even in their vehicle yet and this person just sits there BLOCKING everyone behind them, which is just RUDE. I was even stuck behind a van with no way out one time, because someone was waiting for a space, that they ended up giving up on, because they were waiting so long for it.

2. I hate when people think it's "THEIR SPACE." It's NOT their space, it's WHOEVER gets there first, unless it is a labeled space such as a handicapped space or reserved. I have heard people complain about someone else took "Their Space" and they had their signal on waiting for it. It's like SO WHAT, it's NOT your space I felt like saying, but I kept my mouth shut not to be rude to that person. I feel that person is in the wrong for blocking the lane or making a person manuver around that person, when NO ONE should EVER have to do this, unless a person has car trouble,then that's different.

3. In parking garages, I have had many rude experiences. One time a lady paid and I knew this because I saw the attendant hand the change to her, but she continued for a good 2-3 minutes talking. I finally got fed up and just honked. It's like SO INCONSIDERATE to do that. I NEVER do that to people, NEVER. Another time a lady was just sitting in a lane in the garage talking to someone and when I honked, they asked "Why are you honking?" I told them I wanted to go home. I feel it's like, GEE, don't consider anyone else in the world, you know. ONLY that person's conversation, no one else's feelings were considered. It's like they were the only people in that garage or something, the way they were acting.

4. I hate in a grocery store parking lot when people put their baskets BEHIND a vehicle. One time I was putting my groceries into my car, when this man just put the basket RIGHT BEHIND my vehicle. I actually put mine in the cart area, but I feel people should at least be considerate enough to put a basket on the side of a car or something, NOT where someone is going to back up when they leave. I just felt that was rude.

5. Drive-thru lines. At a drive-thru daquiri place in the new orleans area, this guy was in front of me and he kept chit-chatting with the employee. I got annoyed and honked. If someone is in the back of a person, I wished they'd be considerate of that person. Another time I was at Taco Bell and there was only me and one person in front of me. She was sitting there looking at the menu for at least 40 seconds or more. I feel if a person doesn't know what they want, they need to just go inside to get it to-go. A drive-thru is suppose to be for FAST SERVICE. ANYTIME I have EVER went through a drive-thru, I ALWAYS KNEW what I wanted. I NEVER held up anyone because I didn't know what I wanted. I KNEW what I wanted before I left my house to go to Taco bell. WHY didn't she just go inside if she was that indecisive. When I had no clue what I wanted, I just went inside to get the food to-go, not to hold up a drive-thru line by being considerate of other people.
Although you have some slight validity, it sounds to me that you are just an impatient self-centered individual who thinks that everyone should jump because you honk and that if somebody hurries in front of you or cuts you off to get to a parking space, even though you are politely waiting, that's okay. WTF? You sound like an asshole.

I once had an asshole like you in a parking lot at a supermarket who I had encountered more than once. This time, I waited for the guy to go inside, then I popped open his hood, ripped out his horn wires and all, and gently placed it on the center of the hood of his car. I was amazed when more than a few people cheered me; I guess this ass had a reputation for honking and shouting at everybody. Well, I waited in my car at a corner of the parking lot and the look on his face was priceless. He tried to ask people if they had seen who did it, and they just laughed at him and told him to go to hell. Funny, he never honked that damn horn in that parking lot again. He waited, politely or he went around.

I think you should stay at home and not venture into public. That way, you never have to take turns or wait for anyone. You have your own house all to yourself; stay there because the world does not revolve around you.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Although you have some slight validity, it sounds to me that you are just an impatient self-centered individual who thinks that everyone should jump because you honk and that if somebody hurries in front of you or cuts you off to get to a parking space, even though you are politely waiting, that's okay. WTF? You sound like an asshole.

I once had an asshole like you in a parking lot at a supermarket who I had encountered more than once. This time, I waited for the guy to go inside, then I popped open his hood, ripped out his horn wires and all, and gently placed it on the center of the hood of his car. I was amazed when more than a few people cheered me; I guess this ass had a reputation for honking and shouting at everybody. Well, I waited in my car at a corner of the parking lot and the look on his face was priceless. He tried to ask people if they had seen who did it, and they just laughed at him and told him to go to hell. Funny, he never honked that damn horn in that parking lot again. He waited, politely or he went around.

I think you should stay at home and not venture into public. That way, you never have to take turns or wait for anyone. You have your own house all to yourself; stay there because the world does not revolve around you.

I don't think he (or she? no idea what gender) meant that he was an agressive jackass driver. At least I didn't interpret that. To me it's just common decency that one is considerate to those around them when in a public place. It's like kids standing in doorways gossiping, while you're trying to get into class. Very annoying. Or standing in the middle of the halls in a mob of ten, and no one can get around. It's inconsiderate, and I do have low patience for it, but I'm not going to yell at them..or..honk my horn?

Either way, people also assume that someone is unconciously just being an inconsiderate jackass, because there are times when stalling, or being in the way has a legitimate excuse.

//edit// oh yeah, and props for ripping out the wires in the guy's car :p
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Although you have some slight validity, it sounds to me that you are just an impatient self-centered individual who thinks that everyone should jump because you honk and that if somebody hurries in front of you or cuts you off to get to a parking space, even though you are politely waiting, that's okay. WTF? You sound like an asshole.

I once had an asshole like you in a parking lot at a supermarket who I had encountered more than once. This time, I waited for the guy to go inside, then I popped open his hood, ripped out his horn wires and all, and gently placed it on the center of the hood of his car. I was amazed when more than a few people cheered me; I guess this ass had a reputation for honking and shouting at everybody. Well, I waited in my car at a corner of the parking lot and the look on his face was priceless. He tried to ask people if they had seen who did it, and they just laughed at him and told him to go to hell. Funny, he never honked that damn horn in that parking lot again. He waited, politely or he went around.

I think you should stay at home and not venture into public. That way, you never have to take turns or wait for anyone. You have your own house all to yourself; stay there because the world does not revolve around you.

It must have been a REALLY OLD car to do that CES, because every car I have ever owned had to have the hood released from inside the car. Unless you opened the car door to get to the release.
Lords said:
1. I hate it when a person in a parking lot blocks you by waiting for a space when the space the person is waiting for, is not ready to go. The fact that people aren't even in their vehicle yet and this person just sits there BLOCKING everyone behind them, which is just RUDE. I was even stuck behind a van with no way out one time, because someone was waiting for a space, that they ended up giving up on, because they were waiting so long for it.
What, 1 more minute of your time is gonna ****ing kill you ??

2. I hate when people think it's "THEIR SPACE." It's NOT their space, it's WHOEVER gets there first, unless it is a labeled space such as a handicapped space or reserved. I have heard people complain about someone else took "Their Space" and they had their signal on waiting for it. It's like SO WHAT, it's NOT your space I felt like saying, but I kept my mouth shut not to be rude to that person. I feel that person is in the wrong for blocking the lane or making a person manuver around that person, when NO ONE should EVER have to do this, unless a person has car trouble,then that's different.
You mean you kept your mouth shut to avoid getting your ass kicked.

3. In parking garages, I have had many rude experiences. One time a lady paid and I knew this because I saw the attendant hand the change to her, but she continued for a good 2-3 minutes talking. I finally got fed up and just honked. It's like SO INCONSIDERATE to do that. I NEVER do that to people, NEVER. Another time a lady was just sitting in a lane in the garage talking to someone and when I honked, they asked "Why are you honking?" I told them I wanted to go home. I feel it's like, GEE, don't consider anyone else in the world, you know. ONLY that person's conversation, no one else's feelings were considered. It's like they were the only people in that garage or something, the way they were acting.
So your saying your the only person in the world, and the world should revolve around you ??

4. I hate in a grocery store parking lot when people put their baskets BEHIND a vehicle. One time I was putting my groceries into my car, when this man just put the basket RIGHT BEHIND my vehicle. I actually put mine in the cart area, but I feel people should at least be considerate enough to put a basket on the side of a car or something, NOT where someone is going to back up when they leave. I just felt that was rude.
So move the damn thing... again... 5 seconds of your time lost... big ****ing deal, you probably need the exercise anyway.

5. Drive-thru lines. At a drive-thru daquiri place in the new orleans area, this guy was in front of me and he kept chit-chatting with the employee. I got annoyed and honked. If someone is in the back of a person, I wished they'd be considerate of that person. Another time I was at Taco Bell and there was only me and one person in front of me. She was sitting there looking at the menu for at least 40 seconds or more. I feel if a person doesn't know what they want, they need to just go inside to get it to-go. A drive-thru is suppose to be for FAST SERVICE. ANYTIME I have EVER went through a drive-thru, I ALWAYS KNEW what I wanted. I NEVER held up anyone because I didn't know what I wanted. I KNEW what I wanted before I left my house to go to Taco bell. WHY didn't she just go inside if she was that indecisive. When I had no clue what I wanted, I just went inside to get the food to-go, not to hold up a drive-thru line by being considerate of other people.
Maybe because they knew they wanted mexican food but couldn't decide on a taco or a burrito, again another case of you thinking of only yourself. There are prices to concider too... maybe all they had was $5 and wanted to get the most for their money, just because YOU know what you want, doen't mean other people do, or should.

In summary, you are an impatient asshole, you need to ****ing lighten up and enjoy life instead of timing it by a scedule of **** to do... maybe then, other people's lack of speed or consistancy won't be so bad... jerk.
Lords, being satisfied immediately just isn't in your cards. Not many people drive to a drive-thru knowing exactly what they want and 40 seconds isn't exactly a big slice of life.

Chill out and live a little. You're going to make yourself sick with your obsession with waiting.

Oh ya, and you're a ****ing wingnut. Please don't reproduce.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
It must have been a REALLY OLD car to do that CES, because every car I have ever owned had to have the hood released from inside the car. Unless you opened the car door to get to the release.

Southern California summer...people leave the car windows down...Life handle, open door, pop hood...grasp horn firmly, twist and pull...Presto. :p

I also once had a Mexican neighbor who was always picked up at 4:30am by a coworker whose communication method was honking the horn about 3 times for 2 seconds each...

One Friday night, the friend came over, got drunk and passed out on my neighbor
Cogito Ergo Sum
that if somebody hurries in front of you or cuts you off to get to a parking space, even though you are politely waiting, that's okay. WTF? You sound like an asshole.
NO, I HAVE NEVER, EVER, made someone wait for me to get a space. I don't stop in the middle of a lane just to grab a space if the people aren't backing up. If they are backing up, then I can't go anyway, so I am stuck there whether I want that space or not. I have even gone down the next lane and then went back to the same lane NOT TO BLOCK a lane for ANY REASON, just to get a space I saw that looked like was going to become available. which I was lucky enough to get it.

I once had an asshole like you in a parking lot
I am NOT an asshole, I actually think of OTHERS BEHIND ME by NOT BLOCKING THEM, WAITING for a space. The people that are assholes are the people that wait for spaces when the space they are waiting for has no one in the vehicle yet even. That's just RUDE. I CONSIDER OTHERS, doesn't look like you consider the law even. I hope you would go to jail for ripping out someone's horn, would serve you RIGHT. LAW BREAKER! I could NEVER do something like slash someone's tires or something like that. That's just WRONG and VERY ILLEGAL.

What 1 more minute of your time is gonna ****ing kill you ??
What an UNCARING PERSON. YOU AREN'T THE ONLY PERSON THAT WANTS TO GET THEIR SHOPPING DONE, SO STOP THIS WITH THE EXTRA MINUTE CRAP. People wouldn't speed just to get somewhere a few extra minutes faster (which is risking a ticket), now would they, if they didn't care about their time. You seem like the type of person that would just sit there and block someone. I wish I would be able to block you so you COULDN'T LEAVE THE STORE when you are finished, HOW'S THAT? Then you'd be pissed now wouldn't you?

So your saying your the only person in the world, and the world should revolve around you ??
NO, there was actually people BEHIND me in the garage, NOT JUST ME. They want to go home from work too you know. Holding up people to have a conversation is SELFISH OF THOSE PEOPLE. There wouldn't have been a problem if they wouldn't have been just sitting there. WHAT JERKS THEY WERE. I actual move to the side of the lane when I am walking from my car to the store, to be CONSIDERATE of the drivers coming down the lane, not to have to be slowed down because of a pedestrian.

So move the damn thing... again... 5 seconds of your time lost
It's NOT about the time to move the basket, it's the act of being so OBLIVOUS to OTHER'S FEELINGS. Not to see that there are people that will want to leave the store and not have to remove a basket to back up. It's the ACT OF BEING RUDE that pissed me off a little.

just because YOU know what you want, doen't mean other people do, or should.

To be considerate of others, they SHOULD KNOW WHAT THEY WANT if they go into a drive-thru line, otherwise, they should go inside to order it to-go. I NEVER have held up a line, because I didn't know what I wanted, NEVER. I am NOT that RUDE or INCONSIDERATE. I don't wastes OTHER'S TIME just because I don't know what I want, that's just very unfair to the others behind me.
Your just now figuring that out ?

True, but I don't give myself a HAS TO BE DONE NOW time frame to follow... why should I ?? Life chores are not that important, nobody is gonna die if I take my time doing my **** I gotta do.

People wouldn't speed just to get somewhere a few extra minutes faster (which is risking a ticket), now would they,if they didn't care about their time.
No, most people speed because they are not paying attention.

You seem like the type of person that would just sit there and block someone. I wish I would be able to block you so you COULDN'T LEAVE THE STORE when you are finished, HOW'S THAT? Then you'd be pissed now wouldn't you?
I wouldn't care, I mean what the hell am I gonna do when I get home anyways?? Put the damn grocerys away, maybe cook, then sleep and wait for the next day, even a 10 minute wait wouldn't break my heart.... ever drove Chicago ??

NO, there was actually people BEHIND me in the garage, NOT JUST ME. They want to go home from work too you know. Holding up people to have a conversation is SELFISH OF THOSE PEOPLE. There wouldn't have been a problem if they wouldn't have been just sitting there. WHAT JERKS THEY WERE. I actual move to the side of the lane when I am walking from my car to the store, to be CONSIDERATE of the drivers coming down the lane, not to have to be slowed down because of a pedestrian.
Ahh so 10 people are losing what... 5 minutes more of time... hell, I'd just take me a short nap while I'm waiting, big ****ing deal.

It's NOT about the time to move the basket, it's the act of being so OBLIVOUS to OTHER'S FEELINGS. Not to see that there are people that will want to leave the store and not have to remove a basket to back up. It's the ACT OF BEING RUDE that pissed me off a little.
So smoke pot and chill.

To be considerate of others, they SHOULD KNOW WHAT THEY WANT if they go into a drive-thru line, otherwise, they should go inside to order it to-go. I NEVER have held up a line, because I didn't know what I wanted, NEVER. I am NOT that RUDE or INCONSIDERATE. I don't wastes OTHER'S TIME just because I don't know what I want, that's just very unfair to the others behind me.
You just wasted my time with this stupid post... you don't see me getting upset.:rolleyes:
Lords said:
1. I hate it when a person in a parking lot blocks you by waiting for a space when the space the person is waiting for, is not ready to go. The fact that people aren't even in their vehicle yet and this person just sits there BLOCKING everyone behind them, which is just RUDE. I was even stuck behind a van with no way out one time, because someone was waiting for a space, that they ended up giving up on, because they were waiting so long for it.

2. I hate when people think it's "THEIR SPACE." It's NOT their space, it's WHOEVER gets there first, unless it is a labeled space such as a handicapped space or reserved. I have heard people complain about someone else took "Their Space" and they had their signal on waiting for it. It's like SO WHAT, it's NOT your space I felt like saying, but I kept my mouth shut not to be rude to that person. I feel that person is in the wrong for blocking the lane or making a person manuver around that person, when NO ONE should EVER have to do this, unless a person has car trouble,then that's different.

3. In parking garages, I have had many rude experiences. One time a lady paid and I knew this because I saw the attendant hand the change to her, but she continued for a good 2-3 minutes talking. I finally got fed up and just honked. It's like SO INCONSIDERATE to do that. I NEVER do that to people, NEVER. Another time a lady was just sitting in a lane in the garage talking to someone and when I honked, they asked "Why are you honking?" I told them I wanted to go home. I feel it's like, GEE, don't consider anyone else in the world, you know. ONLY that person's conversation, no one else's feelings were considered. It's like they were the only people in that garage or something, the way they were acting.

4. I hate in a grocery store parking lot when people put their baskets BEHIND a vehicle. One time I was putting my groceries into my car, when this man just put the basket RIGHT BEHIND my vehicle. I actually put mine in the cart area, but I feel people should at least be considerate enough to put a basket on the side of a car or something, NOT where someone is going to back up when they leave. I just felt that was rude.

5. Drive-thru lines. At a drive-thru daquiri place in the new orleans area, this guy was in front of me and he kept chit-chatting with the employee. I got annoyed and honked. If someone is in the back of a person, I wished they'd be considerate of that person. Another time I was at Taco Bell and there was only me and one person in front of me. She was sitting there looking at the menu for at least 40 seconds or more. I feel if a person doesn't know what they want, they need to just go inside to get it to-go. A drive-thru is suppose to be for FAST SERVICE. ANYTIME I have EVER went through a drive-thru, I ALWAYS KNEW what I wanted. I NEVER held up anyone because I didn't know what I wanted. I KNEW what I wanted before I left my house to go to Taco bell. WHY didn't she just go inside if she was that indecisive. When I had no clue what I wanted, I just went inside to get the food to-go, not to hold up a drive-thru line by being considerate of other people.

Dump your prescription to Ritalin.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Southern California summer...people leave the car windows down...Life handle, open door, pop hood...grasp horn firmly, twist and pull...Presto. :p

I also once had a Mexican neighbor who was always picked up at 4:30am by a coworker whose communication method was honking the horn about 3 times for 2 seconds each...

One Friday night, the friend came over, got drunk and passed out on my neighbor
Lords said:
NO, I HAVE NEVER, EVER, made someone wait for me to get a space. I don't stop in the middle of a lane just to grab a space if the people aren't backing up. If they are backing up, then I can't go anyway, so I am stuck there whether I want that space or not. I have even gone down the next lane and then went back to the same lane NOT TO BLOCK a lane for ANY REASON, just to get a space I saw that looked like was going to become available. which I was lucky enough to get it.

Parking lot lanes are wide enough to accommodate more than 2 cars. You can go by but that would require you actually navigate your vehicle around the other car as opposed to just steering it straight as soon as you could get all of the obtrusive humans out of your way.

Lords said:
I am NOT an asshole, I actually think of OTHERS BEHIND ME by NOT BLOCKING THEM, WAITING for a space. The people that are assholes are the people that wait for spaces when the space they are waiting for has no one in the vehicle yet even. That's just RUDE. I CONSIDER OTHERS, doesn't look like you consider the law even. I hope you would go to jail for ripping out someone's horn, would serve you RIGHT. LAW BREAKER! I could NEVER do something like slash someone's tires or something like that. That's just WRONG and VERY ILLEGAL.

Yes you are; you just don't realize it yet. Here, let me help you. First, take off those rose colored glasses of yours, they make you look funny. Next, any half-witted fool can read your post between the lines. You
Outlaw2747 said:
Just get a technical with a 14.5mm machine gun in the back and call it a day.

She would probably be fine if she had a bowel movement....or just got rammed in the ass....

It might maker her a more likeable person!
Lords, I'm sorry my dear but you are quite simply just full of ****.

You must have been an only child because you are the most vocal and biggest spoiled brat I have encountered in quite some time.

I have gone back and reread every one of your posts in the order that you posted them, and it was chilling to confirm that you have 3 reoccurring themes over and over and over...(hey, at least you're consistent :rolleyes: )

1. "I am so nice, others are not".

2. "Why are others always making me wait and interrupting me?"

3. "My time table is the world's time table...didn't you get the damn memo you rude person?"

Oh I can hear you think not. Well, how about a few tasty quotes (there were many more).

Lords (over several different posts said:
The waiter took my order which from the time we sat down to the time my husband and I got our 2 soft drinks, 10 minutes had already alapsed. We could have our drinks in 4 minutes to minutes, but instead the waiter doesn't want to take the extra steps to walk back and forth to make the individual tables wait longer. Also, he did something that irked me, he had the gall to give the second table's drinks before ours and we ordered our drinks before they did.

WHY delay a customer like that, WHY? Since he took the credit card and bill in his hand, WHY O' WHY did he take it if he wasn't ready for it considering he was bussing a table RIGHT across from us? If he wasn't ready to ring our bill up, WHY did he bother to pick up the credit card and bill then? THAT didn't make ANY sense. He should have just went to ring up the bill and THEN, bussed the table.

He WASTED his time, my time, the other customer's time, product of the company, and another glass that has to be washed.

I have had to wait 15 minutes before for the check to get rung up. I think that is TOO long for anyone to wait to leave, that's ridiculous.

It takes about 10 seconds just to walk to the kitchen, by the time you either get the condiments yourself or the cook gets it for you, it's been at least a good minute or longer by the time it arrives to my table.

That server at Dennys got around 15% for him WASTING MY TIME TELLING THE CUSTOMER(which was me) THAT I NEEDED TO REMIND HIM

Meanwhile, my food is getting cold WAITING for my syrup.

I think it's PATHETIC if the customer knows more than the wait staff about the prices. I have also had a couple of servers charge me $0.04 over the price it stated on the menu for an item

I said
People wouldn't speed just to get somewhere a few extra minutes faster (which is risking a ticket), now would they,if they didn't care about their time.
You said
No, most people speed because they are not paying attention.

YOU know that's a load of BS. Sure, maybe some people don't know there are going 5 miles over, but 10-20 they for sure DO if they have a brain to read the signs that are posted. MOST people speed to get somewhere faster, that IS the TRUTH and YOU KNOW IT. HOW COME PEOPLE RIDE PEOPLE'S ASSES IF THEY DON'T WANT TO GO FASTER ON PURPOSE? They OBVIOUSLY aren't doing it by accident.

I said
You seem like the type of person that would just sit there and block someone. I wish I would be able to block you so you COULDN'T LEAVE THE STORE when you are finished, HOW'S THAT? Then you'd be pissed now wouldn't you?
You said
I wouldn't care, I mean what the hell am I gonna do when I get home anyways?? Put the damn grocerys away, maybe cook, then sleep and wait for the next day, even a 10 minute wait wouldn't break my heart.... ever drove Chicago ??

Since MOST of the people in the world DO actually care about their time, WHY can't you think of OTHER'S FEELINGS, INSTEAD OF JUST YOUR OWN? If I am hungry I care, if I need to go to a bathroom I care, if I am tired I care, so see there are MANY things people want to get home for. Just like students that need to study. If there are people behind me that are tired or hungry, WHY do you NOT CARE ABOUT THAT? I DO CARE ABOUT THAT AND WOULD NEVER BLOCK SOMEONE. ARE YOU THAT SELFISH? That's some extra minutes they can't study because of YOU, if you were to block someone. WHAT A SELFISH HUMAN BEING!

Ahh so 10 people are losing what... 5 minutes more of time... hell, I'd just take me a short nap while I'm waiting, big ****ing deal.

To most people it's actually A BIG DEAL! MOST PEOPLE DON'T LIKE WAITING, ESPECIALLY IN LINES, like a garage line to leave.

So smoke pot and chill.

NO, I don't do drugs. I have NEVER smoked a cigarette or ANYTHING EVER. I have NO IDEA HOW TO. I don't want to die of LUNG CANCER or a heart attack. I don't need pot to be happy, OBVIOUSLY since you are giving me advice, YOU DO! That shows how happy you are that you need something ILLEGAL to make you happy. When I drink a margarita, I am drinking for the fun and taste of the drink. Plus it's NOT ILLEGAL.
Do you have ANY OTHER ****ING PEEVES or are you peeved-out??!!
Get a grip on life you asshat!!
Either learn how to **** or become ****ed!!!!