! PETA Attacks Meat Glutton Al Gore!


Patriot Games


Exclusive: Not So Earth-Friendly? Activists Attack Al Gore
Monday, April 21, 2008

LOS ANGELES - Look out, Al Gore ... People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals says you are refusing to face one very "inconvenient truth."

On Monday, the animal rights organization launched the campaign
offsetalgore.com (conveniently timed for Earth Day) in an attempt to counter
the effects that they say the former vice president's meat-laden diet has on
Mother Nature.

While reps for Gore had no comment, Pop Tarts confirmed with people who have
worked with the ex-veep that he loves his steak and sausage, plus he was
notorious for chowing down on the almost all-meat Atkins diet during his run
for president.

Video: Pop Tarts Talk: Al Gore a Hypocrite?

A recent report published by the United Nations determined that raising
animals for food generates about 40 percent more greenhouse gas emissions
than all the cars, trucks, ships and planes in the world combined.

"Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most
serious environmental problems," said Henning Steinfeld, chief of the Food
and Agriculture Organization's Livestock Information and Policy branch and
senior author of the report. "Urgent action is required to remedy the

So while Gore is known worldwide for his environmental activism and efforts
to build awareness about global warming, is our steak-lovin' "Earth Day" man
a hypocrite? PETA certainly seems to think so.

The campaign encourages people to go vegetarian for 30 days and claims that
that is enough time to prevent the release of more than 270 pounds of carbon
dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere. Studies suggest that this will prevent
more pollution than if a person left his or her car at home every weekday
for 30 days.

Speaking of which, researchers at the University of Chicago also found that
converting to a vegan diet is about 50 percent more effective in countering
global warming than switching from a standard American car to Tinseltown's
fave Toyota: the Prius.

"Americans now eat 1 million birds an hour, and yet Mr. Gore has not
mentioned the fact that poultry production is a huge problem - one reason we
have him holding a drumstick in our ad asking him if he's 'too chicken to go
vegetarian,'" said Ingrid E. Newkirk, the president of PETA.

"Given the fact that vegetarians are on average much slimmer than
meat-eaters, Mr. Gore doesn't even remotely look as if he is fond of
vegetables, grains and fruit," she said. Ouch!
On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:05:50 -0400, "Patriot Games"
<Patriot@America.com> wrote:

>Exclusive: Not So Earth-Friendly? Activists Attack Al Gore
>Monday, April 21, 2008
>LOS ANGELES - Look out, Al Gore ... People for the Ethical Treatment of
>Animals says you are refusing to face one very "inconvenient truth."
>On Monday, the animal rights organization launched the campaign
>offsetalgore.com (conveniently timed for Earth Day) in an attempt to counter
>the effects that they say the former vice president's meat-laden diet has on
>Mother Nature.
>While reps for Gore had no comment, Pop Tarts confirmed with people who have
>worked with the ex-veep that he loves his steak and sausage, plus he was
>notorious for chowing down on the almost all-meat Atkins diet during his run
>for president.
>Video: Pop Tarts Talk: Al Gore a Hypocrite?
>A recent report published by the United Nations determined that raising
>animals for food generates about 40 percent more greenhouse gas emissions
>than all the cars, trucks, ships and planes in the world combined.
>"Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most
>serious environmental problems," said Henning Steinfeld, chief of the Food
>and Agriculture Organization's Livestock Information and Policy branch and
>senior author of the report. "Urgent action is required to remedy the
>So while Gore is known worldwide for his environmental activism and efforts
>to build awareness about global warming, is our steak-lovin' "Earth Day" man
>a hypocrite? PETA certainly seems to think so.
>The campaign encourages people to go vegetarian for 30 days and claims that
>that is enough time to prevent the release of more than 270 pounds of carbon
>dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere. Studies suggest that this will prevent
>more pollution than if a person left his or her car at home every weekday
>for 30 days.
>Speaking of which, researchers at the University of Chicago also found that
>converting to a vegan diet is about 50 percent more effective in countering
>global warming than switching from a standard American car to Tinseltown's
>fave Toyota: the Prius.
>"Americans now eat 1 million birds an hour, and yet Mr. Gore has not
>mentioned the fact that poultry production is a huge problem - one reason we
>have him holding a drumstick in our ad asking him if he's 'too chicken to go
>vegetarian,'" said Ingrid E. Newkirk, the president of PETA.
>"Given the fact that vegetarians are on average much slimmer than
>meat-eaters, Mr. Gore doesn't even remotely look as if he is fond of
>vegetables, grains and fruit," she said. Ouch!

I thought PETA was an organization named People- for -Eating-
Tasty- Animals.
If we are what we eat I'm just a big *****.