Petraeus Points to War With Iran



We wouldn't be getting our troops killed/maimed/psychologically
scarred in Iraq if we hadn't gone in there for Israel to begin with
(scroll down to the 'A Clean Break' post at http://NEOCONZIONISTTHREAT.BLOGSPOT.COM).
Check out the following as well.. Keep in mind that courageous
American Jew (Jack Bernstein) warned US that Zionist Jews would trick
US into fighting wars in the Middle East for Israel with many
Americans to die/get horribly maimed in the process like we have
already experienced in Iraq with Iran on deck:

Robert Stiver wrote:

Here's the latest commentary by an informed, deeply concerned
citizen: ("Petraeus Points to War
With Iran," by Patrick Buchanan, April 11th, 2008)
(I disagree with one element of Buchanan's analysis: "The general's
testimony is forcing Bush's hand...." Petraeus is, IMHO, an ambitious,
willing military-side stooge for the Cheney-led zionazineocons [note
particularly the odious Lieberman in the article] and the dry-
drunkenly adolescent, bellicose, irrational Bush. A lethal
combination, and Gates and Mullen -- with Fallon gone and no longer
providing adult supervision -- today added additional voice to the
warmongering set....)
The Evil USrael Empire is on the march to war...Bob

April 11, 2008
Petraeus Points to War With Iran
by Patrick J. Buchanan
The neocons may yet get their war on Iran.
Ever since President Nouri al-Maliki ordered the attacks in Basra on
the Mahdi Army, Gen. David Petraeus has been laying the predicate for
U.S. air strikes on Iran and a wider war in the Middle East.
Iran, Petraeus told the Senate Armed Services Committee, has "fueled
the recent violence in a particularly damaging way through its lethal
support of the special groups."
These "special groups" are "funded, trained, armed and directed by
Iran's Quds Force with help from Lebanese Hezbollah. It was these
groups that launched Iranian rockets and mortar rounds at Iraq's seat
of government (the Green Zone) ... causing loss of innocent life and
fear in the capital."
Is the Iranian government aware of this - and behind it?
"President Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders" promised to end
their "support for the special groups," said the general, but the
"nefarious activities of the Quds force have continued."
Are Iranians then murdering Americans, asked Joe Lieberman:
"Is it fair to say that the Iranian-backed special groups in Iraq are
responsible for the murder of hundreds of American soldiers and
thousands of Iraqi soldiers and civilians?"
"It certainly is. ... That is correct," said Petraeus.
The following day, Petraeus told the House Armed Services Committee,
"Unchecked, the 'special groups' pose the greatest long-term threat to
the viability of a democratic Iraq."
Translation: The United States is now fighting the proxies of Iran for
the future of Iraq.
The general's testimony is forcing Bush's hand, for consider the
question it logically raises: If the Quds Force and Hezbollah, both
designated as terrorist organizations, are arming, training and
directing "special groups" to "murder" Americans, and rocket and
mortar the Green Zone to kill our diplomats, and they now represent
the No. 1 threat to a free Iraq, why has Bush failed to neutralize
these base camps of terror and aggression?
Hence, be not surprised if President Bush appears before the TV
cameras, one day soon, to declare:
"My commanding general in Iraq, David Petraeus, has told me that Iran,
with the knowledge of President Ahmadinejad, has become a privileged
sanctuary for two terrorist organizations - Hezbollah and the Quds
Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard - to train, arm and direct
terrorist attacks on U.S. and coalition forces, despite repeated
promises to halt this murderous practice.
"I have therefore directed U.S. air and naval forces to begin air
strikes on these base camps of terror. Our attacks will continue until
the Iranian attacks cease."
Because of the failures of a Democratic Congress elected to end the
war, Bush can now make a compelling case that he would be acting fully
within his authority as commander-in-chief.
In early 2007, Nancy Pelosi pulled down a resolution that would have
denied Bush the authority to attack Iran without congressional
approval. In September, both Houses passed the Kyl-Lieberman
resolution designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist
Courtesy of Congress, Bush thus has a blank check for war on Iran. And
the signs are growing that he intends to fill it in and cash it.
Israel has been hurling invective at Iran and conducting security
drills to prepare its population for rocket barrages worse than those
Hezbollah delivered in the Lebanon War.
Adm. William "Fox" Fallon, the Central Command head who opposed war
with Iran, has been removed. Hamas and Hezbollah have been stocking up
on Qassam and Katyusha rockets.
Vice President Cheney has lately toured Arab capitals.
And President Ahmadinejad just made international headlines by
declaring that Tehran will begin installing 6,000 advanced centrifuges
to accelerate Iran's enrichment of uranium.
This is Bush's last chance to strike and, when Iran responds, to
effect its nuclear castration. Are Bush and Cheney likely to pass up
this last chance to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities and effect the
election of John McCain? For any attack on Iran's "terrorist bases"
would rally the GOP and drive a wedge between Obama and Hillary.
Indeed, Sen. Clinton, who voted to declare Iran's Revolutionary Guard
a terrorist organization, could hardly denounce Bush for ordering air
strikes on the Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force, when Petraeus
testified, in her presence, that it is behind the serial murder of
U.S. soldiers.
The Iranians may sense what is afoot. For Tehran helped broker the
truce in the Maliki-Sadr clash in Basra, and has called for a halt to
the mortar and rocket attacks on the Green Zone.
With a friendly regime in Baghdad that rolled out the red carpet for
Ahmadinejad, Iran has nothing to gain by war. Already, it is the big
winner from the U.S. wars that took down Tehran's Taliban enemies,
decimated its al-Qaeda enemies and destroyed its Sunni enemies, Saddam
and his Baath Party.
No, it is not Iran that wants a war with the United States. It is the
United States that has reasons to want a short, sharp war with Iran.
April 13, 2008 1:35 AM

Iran War, Real Fear Petraeus Beating War Drums for Attack
Why aren't we talking about this (be sure to scroll down to the
comments section at the following URL):


My concern is that Hillary Clinton (and other AIPAC hacks in the
Senate) have basically given Bush the authority to bomb the IRGC after
they approved labeling the IRGC as a 'terrorist group' via passing the
Kyl-Lieberman Iran amendment (Seymour Hersh mentions why Hillary did
such via the last part of the following URL from Amy Goodman's
'Democracy Now' broadcast):

Be sure to read the UPI article about the 'JINSA crowd' which leads
off the following URL:
U.S. Middle East policy motivated by pro-Israel lobby:

Re: AIPAC is Pushing US to War with Iran for Israel (see the Scott
Ritter youtubes in the comments section for how he mentioned AIPAC and
that nukes might be used on Iran as well):

The Power of the Israel Lobby in the United States

A War for Israel? Colin Powell seems to think so:

Here is the tiny URL for the above referenced 'Democracy Now'
Seymour Hersh: White House Intensifying Plans to Attack Iran
I looked all around and I didn't see any mention of casualties of any kind
in the Iran.

Surely, Petraeus and the US Army could field a troop of booby-trapped
suicidal camels that can be loaded down with explosives, pointed over the
border toward Iran, and get slapped on their butts.

This is getting ridiculous and it is about time that their meddling starts
costing them dearly.
There is no proof that Iran is doing anything. But that doesn't stop you
coward war-mongers from wanting a bigger war that will get our ass kicked
once and for all and for good.

In <bOJMj.3073$XF3.2564@trnddc04>, on 04/14/2008
at 02:24 PM, "Docky Wocky" <> said:

>I looked all around and I didn't see any mention of casualties of any
>kind in the Iran.

>Surely, Petraeus and the US Army could field a troop of booby-trapped
>suicidal camels that can be loaded down with explosives, pointed over the
> border toward Iran, and get slapped on their butts.

>This is getting ridiculous and it is about time that their meddling
>starts costing them dearly.
in these articles about McCain's lobbyist and USA electronic passport
chips, are more pieces of the neocon preparations for a conflict with
Iran and Syria to expand Military and Security contracts and force
with paranoia a win for McCain in November:

1) on the Washington Times, April,8,08 : "McCain Advisers tied to
lobbying" is a great article that points to Saudi Money and others
, and also on this same paper last week we
found out that all the new USA electronic passports key chips are
in Holland,Germany and Israel and the radio antenna set-up is done in
Bangkok-Thailand ,so there must be thousands of blank USA electronic
passports being used by the Mossad and others ( white powder
anyone ? ) as well as special chosen customers, wonderful,eh? and
obscure neocons in State ( hey! Kaplan how you doing ?) running the
show will get a medal from Chertoff,Mukasey ,Bolten,Bodman and

2) the Media, controlled by the neocons and the oil money,is doing the
classic pre-election fraud: in the last 3 weeks,Ralph Nader gets
interviews and chit-chat while Ron Paul gets ignored over and over
again and all bang-up against Barak Obama,because Paul was right about
the Treasury and the Fed and its the neocons running the Fed, now and
before,the ones bankrupting America's Taxpayers,and Barak is linking
with the people,so all the neocons inside the McCain and Clinton
campaign and working together,are trying to derail Obama,what a
farce !

.....about Nader:where are the millions he got running with the
greens?, where did he get the money for his Real Estate Investments in
NYC ? , his investments in Israel, are they secret ? when you run
for Public Office, money is Public Interest.

3) The neocons inside the Rupublican party work together with the
neocons inside the Democratic party, that's why they keep Hillary and
Barak fighting,so that they all lose to McCain,where his neocons work
with the neocons in the other campaigns,if rural America does not get
this, we are done.

Joshua Bolten in the White House works with Wolfson in the Clinton
team and with Berman,Kagan and Scheuneman in the McCain team, and they
got their own inside the Obama HQ, and Bolten ( W.H.) works with R.
Rahm Emanuel and S.Schumer, they learn what the Dem's are doing and
pass it on to the Rep's,their only interest is to keep USA troops in
the Middle East bombing Iran and Syria, and they are not stupid,
after all,we have been in the Middle East for 5 years because of them
and for them,and most likely we will stay there for a long time,
average America is too naive, Congress even refuses to talk about the
Neocon -Aipac factor in American Politics,it's like fantasy land.

4) the israeli made radio chips for USA passports are the key: 2
years ago,the New Zealand Police cought a group of Mossad agents using
New Zealand stolen blank passports to do weapons and money trades, and
Sec. Chertoff until a few months ago refused for H.S. to use the
Interpol list of stolen blank passports inside H.S.,why ? because the
Mossad is moving around with them, so we must ( and the patriots
inside the CIA and FBI ) expect activity , a fake hit by a fake
alqaeda against the USA to send our troops into Iran,it's a matter of
weeks, before November,and give the election to McCain and his
neocons,Kagan,Kissinger, Berman, Gorelick and Scheuneman,etc.,the same
team that did the WTC Insurance-Saudi - affair, and the USA Taxpayers
watching the games and the players....

America needs a breakthrough in energy, fusion and solar and hydrogen
together spitting energy, if Washington had only a little brain ,it
would push research to get us there,but they never will with this crop
of brains, so nothing !
lakograymatter sez:

"There is no proof that Iran is doing anything. But that doesn't stop you
coward war-mongers from wanting a bigger war that will get our ass kicked
once and for all and for good.
Do they actually give you a choice as to what Koolaid flavor you get to
Last update - 12:01 14/04/2008
Jimmy Carter: Israel must talk to everyone
By Akiva Eldar
Tags: Jimmy Carter, Israel, Hamas

Former United States president Jimmy Carter,
who arrived in Israel Sunday, rejects the
criticism he's been subjected to over his
planned meeting with Hamas leader Khaled Meshal.

According to Carter, peace cannot
be achieved without talking to all
the relevant people, and he will
use the meeting to promote efforts
to release Gilad Shalit and to uncover
the fate of soldiers Eldad Regev and
Ehud Goldwasser.

Carter told Haaretz Sunday in
an exclusive interview that he
intends to check Meshal's willingness
to accept the Arab League peace initiative.

Carter says that acceptance of
this plan by Hamas would be a very
positive step.

Carter said ignoring a large segment
of the Palestinian people would make
it impossible to achieve peace.

Carter also said no one from the
U.S. State Department had tried to
dissuade him from holding the meetings,
and that they were aware of his schedule.

"Before I went to Nepal,
I put in a call for Condoleeza
Rice just to have a personal
conversation with her about my plans,"
Carter said.

"I went over the entire itinerary.

She could not take my call because
she was traveling in Europe,
so she asked David Welch,
who is the assistant secretary of state.

We had a 20-minute conversation,
which was very pleasant, never a
single negative word and not a
single request that I modify my

Carter said he understood the pressures
on the presidential candidates to release
statements critical of his meetings with Hamas.

"I forgive them all and I
understand their motivations,"
he said.

The prime minister and the head
of the opposition are not meeting
with you,

and President Shimon Peres' bureau
said he intends to lecture you about
your attitude toward Israel.

How much does the criticism bother you?

"I'm disappointed, but not distressed.

The most important single foreign policy
goal in my life has been to bring peace
to Israel, and peace and justice to
Israel's neighbors.

I have done everything I could
in office and since I left
office to do that.

The security of Israel is a
paramount and integral issue.

The things that I have done,
the things that I have written,
this long trip that we've been
planning for months is,
in my own opinion,
about consummating that goal.

"In a democracy, I realize that
you don't need to talk to the top
leader to know how the country feels.

When I go to a dictatorship,
I only have to talk to one
person and that's the dictator,
because he speaks for all the people.

But in a democracy like Israel,
there is a wide range of opinions
and that counterbalances the
disappointment that I have in
not meeting with the people
shaping Israeli power now in
the government."

As the one who headed the team
of observers in the election in
the territories in January 2006,

were you aware that Israel
was opposed to elections,

out of concern that Hamas would win,
but that President Bush insisted they
take place as planned?

"It was obvious to me that
the Israelis did not want the
elections to go forward and
that Fatah did not want the
elections to go forward,
but that the U.S. did want
the elections to go forward.

Hamas' position is that they
are perfectly willing for
[Palestinian President]
Abu Mazen to represent
them in all direct negations
with the Israelis,

and they also maintain that
they will accept any agreement
that he brokers with Israelis
provided it will be submitted
to the Palestinians in a referendum.

Hamas is also willing to accept
a mutual cease-fire with Israel."

In contrast to active American
involvement in negotiations
between Israel and Egypt,
the U.S. is not involved
today in talks between Israel
and the Palestinians.

Do you believe the parties
can reach an agreement without
American intervention?

"I'm afraid it can't work
without American input.

At Camp David.

I wrote every word of every proposal.

In other arenas in which I have mediated,
quite often I have just played a communication link."

This week you will visit Damascus.

Do you believe that President
Assad has an interest in renewing
talks with Israel and that he can
be distanced from what your
president calls the "axis of evil?"

"In the long term,
I have no doubt that Syria
has to be involved in negotiations.

I have known the president of Syria
since he was a college student.

If he feels that the U.S.
considers him an enemy,
he is much more inclined
to cling to Iran.

We don't talk to the Cubans,
we don't talk the Iranians
and we don't talk to lots
of people.

But I believe that when
we start a peace effort,
all of the players that
ultimately will have to be
involved in this agreement
ought to be involved in the
negotiations to reach that

"I do not agree with the policy
[about the "axis of evil"] or
with the unwillingness to talk
to someone who disagrees with
you unless he agrees with all
your prerequisites.

I agree with the recommendation
of the Baker-Hamilton committee,
which recommended that we do
include Iran and Syria in the
determination of the Iraqi war.

"When I was elected [president],
there was no pressure on me to
even initiate a peace process
between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

In fact,
Israel's Arab neighbors were
considered to be despicable
and permanent enemies.

Egypt had been to war with
Israel 4 times in 25 years.

I decided that the only way
to make peace was to meet
with everyone.

I met with [Hafez] Assad in Geneva,
Switzerland, I met with Sadat,
I met with Rabin, King Hussein,
all of them,

because I didn't see a way
of achieving a peaceful
solution without involving
all the people -
on a respectful basis -
who would have to pay a
crucial role in the final decision."

Do you suspect that Menachem Begin
misled you in on the Palestinian issue,
and that he intended from the outset
to conclude a separate peace with Egypt?

"Begin committed to withdraw
Israeli military and political
forces from the occupied territories
and then also to give the Palestinians
full autonomy.

I had written in the text
'to give Palestinians autonomy,'
and he insisted that we put in
'full autonomy.'

Begin was extremely courageous, honest and fair.
In article <X2OMj.8862$Q53.3543@trnddc08>, says...
> lakograymatter sez:
> "There is no proof that Iran is doing anything. But that doesn't stop you
> coward war-mongers from wanting a bigger war that will get our ass kicked
> once and for all and for good.
> __________________________________
> Do they actually give you a choice as to what Koolaid flavor you get to
> guzzle?

I vote we let him have the kerosene flavored type next time.


"Oh Norman, listen! The loons are calling!"
- Katherine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"