

New member
How many pets do you have? what are they? and what are their names?


> A dog - Sasha - Beagle/Kelpie/Terrier

> Two cats - Miffy & Blaze - Ginger/white/black/tan

> Two rats - Pixie & Dixie - Grey/white/brown



New member
technically I have three...

Houdini, little female tabby cat (insane ball of fur).

Fatcat, who lives up to his name.

Bandit, 13-year-ol black lab.

But then there also my grandparents' 8 dogs and cat, who I also consider mine.



New member
I have a cute little Maltese dog..her name is Findik which is english for stands on 2 legs and holds on to my feet when it knows that I'm gonna leave the house


New member
I have one cat Jack who is black and has tiger patterns on his coat then I have a few stray who I feed who I named Sam who is white and has black and brown patterns on his coat and the other I call the Warrior who has alot of scars on him but is probably more loyal then a dog he has a white and orange coat.


New member
I wish I had a cat... O.O Except my mom's sure it'll end up being her responsibility and my sister's like semi-allgeric.




New member
I just only have two pets. One reddish/tan Doberman Pincher that we named Rusty and an African Gray Parrot that's named is Smoky.


New member
Rav has two cats and seven fish;

If they say pets reflect their owners I am trully horrified... and amused ;)

Zed is near 16, big, ginger and white bitsa (bits of all types of breeds) with a temper to match - my boy.

Nug is 6 or so, caramel, extremely affectionate and equally independant, part siamese and something else - my girl. Neither one ever really shut up. Unless they're sleeping or eating. Yup, sounds like me. 0_0

My fish don't have names. The other fish I had before them that all had names have passed on, their names were Bennington, Bourdon, and Shinodagasm... yes, true story. If fish could kill themselves they probably would have with names like that :)

That's it.



New member
I have four pets.

Jacob Riley, my bunny.

Abbey the long-haired tabby cat.

Buster the short haired black cat.

And Kiera, the golden retriever/shelty/chow mix puppy.

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