Phantom Drive after Restore



I have an Acer Aspire 340 with WHS v1
Last week's storm activity here cause a long power outage.
After the outage, WHS wasn't responding, and the external SATA drive I used
as the Server Backup fried.
I did a Server Restore.
All went well, except the SATA drive is now a "phantom" on the console.
Under Computers and Backup, all the internal drives show and are OK.
However, the no longer connected SATA shows as:
Name -Windows Home Server;
Description - Your home server;
Status - Backed Up.
The SATA drive does not show in Server Storage, as it shouldn't because it
is not there.
Problem: How do I get rid of the non-existent SATA drive backup that still
shows in the Computers and Backup UI?  It is, of course greyed out, and I

can't figure out how to get rid of it.
Any suggestions, please?
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