Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham



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Randy Who? Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham -Article Continues

Bob Graham, former Florida senator, was Chairman of the "House/Senate
Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the
Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001." From his experience on the
congressional inquiry, Graham wrote a book released in 2004 outlining the
failures of U.S. Intelligence that contributed to 9/11. The book,
"Intelligence Matters," chronicles pre-9/11 intelligence that could have
prevented the attacks; however it does so with palliation and omission.
Graham's book excludes many well established facts, facts such as his
exchange with FBI asset and whistle-blower Randy Glass, facts which are
detrimental to the official narrative. Philly 9/11 Truth, eager to resolve
these unsettled matters, had the opportunity to confront Graham during a
speaking engagement held at Rowan University in New Jersey.

Senator Graham subdivided his speech into three segments each followed
by a brief question and answer session. He began with 9/11, moved into U.S.
Intelligence, and concluded with the "War on Terror." As if expecting
criticism about his dealings with Pakistani Inter-services Intelligence,
Graham preemptively admitted to his meeting with Representative Porter Goss,
and ISI chief Mahmoud Ahmad on the morning of 9/11. Graham claims the three
were discussing Usama Bin Laden while the attacks began and continued to do
so until after Flight 175 impacted the South Tower. After the speech Graham
hosted an open forum. The time had finally arrived for Graham to answer some
real questions.

The first member of the Philly 9/11 Truth-squad, Dominick Ciaramboli,
prompted Graham on the wire transfer of $100,000 by Omar Saeed Sheikh to
lead hijacker Mohamed Atta prior to the 9/11 attacks. If the wire transfer
had indeed occurred, then General Mahmoud Ahmad was the person responsible
for the ordering of the deed. One month after 9/11, General Ahmad resigned
from his post, it was rumored that the FBI was investigating the transfer at
the time. According to the 9/11 commission, the source of the wired funds
remains unknown and is of "little practical significance." Graham was
evasive in his response, but did concede the possibility that Gen. Ahmad
funded Sheikh. Graham added that his concern was not so much about Pakistan
as it was for Saudi Arabia because two of the hijackers living in San Diego,
were aided by and lived with an FBI informant Abdussatar Shaikh who Graham
contends was an agent of Saudi Arabia (7:15).

Graham was then broadsided with a question by Nick Carangi about his
personal dealings with FBI asset Randy Glass (8:54). Carangi explained how
Glass conveyed information to Graham in June of 2001 about a plan by
terrorists to bring down the World Trade Center. Graham twitched and his
gaze hardened as the facts Carangi cited tightened a vice of indisputable
truth around his neck. Glass was a former conman turned FBI asset where he
specialized in underground arms dealing. In 1999 Glass met with a man named
R.G. Abbas in Manhattan's trendy Tribeca Grill, during the meeting Abbas
pointed at the World Trade Center and proclaimed, "Those building are coming
down." Abbas also admitted he was connected to Usama Bin Laden. Glass
reported this incident with Florida State Senator Ron Klein and Senator Bob
Graham. Graham initially confirmed receiving Glass's information and passing
it on to an unspecified Intelligence agency to NBC News but later retracted
his statement with a letter from his office "clarifying" he received Glass's
information after 9/11. In response the former senator sunk to a new low, he
denied any relation to Randy Glass and disputed Charlie Yonts' - his
congressional staffer who met with and was nearly a pen-pal of Glass -
exchanges with Glass and even had the audacity to claim he didn't know the
name Randy Glass. Glass purports to have recorded the meeting with Graham;
the tape has yet to be released.

In a final showdown, Philip Figuireido brought forward the cases of
two major 9/11 whistle-blowers. He began with the account of Lt. Col.
Anthony Shaffer who participated in operations with Army Intelligence that
identified several alleged hijackers up to a year before 9/11 (11:00). In
early 2001 using data-mining, Mohamed Atta and Ziad Jarrah were identified
in a Brooklyn mosque. In May of 2001, Able Danger was abruptly terminated.
After 9/11, Shaffer spoke out about lawyers who stifled attempts to
communicate this information to other agencies as well as the flat-out
denial by SOCOM that Able Danger identified any of the 9/11 perpetrators.
Once again Graham tried to be dismissive but Figuireido pushed onward with
the case of Sibel Edmonds (14:30). Sibel claims that Turkish spies within
the FBI attempted recruit her and one of those individuals, translator Melek
Jan Dickerson, stole top-secret documents delivered them to unknown
recipients outside the FBI with assistance from her supervisor Mark Feghali.
Graham interrupted Figuireido to attack the credibility of the information
by asking what the source was. Apparently the FBI record wasn't enough for
Graham so Figuireido quoted this unwarranted dissent by citing Time
Magazine. Graham tried to dismiss the issue by sardonically equating Carangi
and Figuireidos' concerns with age-old conspiracies muttering, "There are
still people arguing whether or not Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton, or
whether it was a sniper on the bank" and also mentioned the JFK
assassination. His secret service detail, seeing that the senator was
overwhelmed, bailed Graham out by yelling, "Senator Graham, one more

After singing a song, which the senator nervously bumbled through, he
was escorted by secret service into the hallway. With one last face-to-face,
Nick Carangi reiterated the public record of Randy Glass to the senator.
Graham was still reticent to acknowledge even the name Randy Glass, so
Carangi assured the senator that the truth would be pursued and all the
perpetrators of 9/11 revealed, no matter the circumstances. After the event,
Philly member Nick Falcone called author and activist Sander Hicks to inform
him of the confrontation. Hicks had personally interviewed Glass on
live-satellite-TV, and includes a portion of his book, "The Big Wedding:
9/11 Whistle-blowers & the Cover-up" to Randy Glass. When Hicks found out
that Graham denied his meeting with Randy Glass, Hicks referred to the
statement as hilarious.