(pi14) (The Global Fight) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American" (Part Fourt

  • Thread starter Koos Nolst Trenite
  • Start date

Koos Nolst Trenite

Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American"
(Part Fourteen)

6 January 2007
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi14}

(part issue 14
on 4 Oct 2007)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)


People are people - and one can be 'FOR people'
or one can be 'AGAINST people,' meaning:

'FOR LIFE' or 'AGAINST LIFE.' (0)(25)




That is the current fight

- finally occurring, I would like to add, on a global level and
with some awareness THAT it is going on, and, that

IT IS NOT 'some competition between countries that
"naturally" want to oppose or dominate or "win against"
other countries,'

there IS now some awareness, that other countries, even on
the other side of the globe, ARE neighbors,

and that also there, the people are largely just the same
as your own neighbors and as your own family - so,


the ACTUALITY of the fight, that is going on globally,

and that also former Financial Times and current The Times
star journalist-commentator Anatole Kaletsky, (1a)(17M)

not to mention current The Times correspondent Norman Stone,
who is a former Professor of Modern History at Oxford,

are not aware of and do not want to be aware of, because it
exceeds the awareness of THE journalist,

to see the actuality and the causes of history's and
present fights - unable as they are -

to see The Nature of War itself, (9)


between Criminal Minds with their "governments,"

like now again of Russia's Putin, a Criminal Mind who
wants to create a 'dominate-and-be-dominated,' 'deceive-
and-be-deceived,' 'blind-others-and-be-blinded' society,

- according to the gentlemen and journalists mentioned
above, and no doubt also according to Bill Gates and

which is,


on one side - the dominate-and-be-dominated "civilization," which
I have listed many countries of, earlier, as examples -

(plus "neutral" countries, like Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and
Pakistan, for instance - shifting back and forth - )


against the free countries on Earth, which are naturally resisting
that others are dominated, and in which you are preventing yourself
and others from being dominated.' (25)

This is the ACTUALITY of the fight, that is going on

which is further explained, in 'The Nature of War.' (9)



Supposing - not without reason - that you are in dire need of the
definition of truth, I will give it to you, here, again:

Truth is DEFINED as 'that what happened, caused by whom with
what actual intentions.'


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'The whole world
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'

1 Kings 10:24

Based on quotes from:

'Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0} (0)


( ) '(Part Thirteen) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' ("You Must Agree to Dominate and to Deceive,
and to Be Dominated and Be Deceived" as the Criminal's society)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi13-V1.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 13 on 3 Oct 2007 - Version 1.1
on 3 Oct 2007)

'(Part Twelve) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' incl. (My Condolences to Russia and to Earth),
(Putin and Hu Jintao destroying the United Nations Organization)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi12-V1.3.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 12 on 28 Sept 2007 - Version 1.3.1
on 2 Oct 2007)

'(Part Eleven) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi11-V1.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 11 on 27 Sept 2007 - Version 1.1
on 27 Sept 2007)

'(Part Ten) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi10-V3.0}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 10 on 21 Sept 2007 - Version 3.0
on 26 Sept 2007)

'(Part Nine) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi9-V1.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 9 on 21 Sept 2007 - Version 1.1)

'(Part Eight) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi8-V2.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 8 on 19 Sept 2007 - Version 2.1)

'(Part Seven) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi7-V1.2.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 7 on 17 Sept 2007 - Version 1.2.1)

'(Part Six) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 6 on 13 Sept 2007 - Version 2.1
on 14 Sept 2007)

'(Part Five) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi5-V1.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 5 on 12 Sept 2007 - Version 1.1
on 12 Sept 2007)

'(Part Four) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi4-V3.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 4 on 7 Sept 2007 - Version 3.1
on 11 Sept 2007)

'(Part Three) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi3-V1.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 3 on 6 Sept 2007 - Version 1.1)

'(Part Two) Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi2-V1.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 2 on 5 Sept 2007 - Version 1.1)

'(Part One) Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi1-V1.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 1 on 4 Sept 2007 - Version 1.1)


(0) 'Too Far ABOVE Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American" '
{HRI 20070106-V3.0}
(6 January 2007 - Version 3.0 on 3 Sept 2007)

(1a) From The Times, October 4, 2007 'Do svidaniya democracy, and
hello good times,' by Anatole Kaletsky.

(2a) From The Times, October 4, 2007 'Vladimir Putin rescued Russia
from disaster: so let's just leave him be' - Our correspondent
defends the Russian President and his legacy - by Norman Stone.

(9) 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

(17M)' 'Do you make a good journalist?' Multiple choice aptitude test
- (Humor)'
{HRI 20070212}
(12 February 2007)

(25) 'YOUR Role on Earth - A Very Simple Observation'
{HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1-V3.2}
(2 July 2007 - Version 3.2 on 1 Aug 2007)


(see also those given as 'Footnotes,' above)

'Definition of Peace'
{HRI 20070520-V2.1.1}
(20 May 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 28 May 2007)

'What I Told You Already Two Thousand Years Ago...
Plato's Republic'
{HRI 20070821-V1.0.1}
(21 August 2007 - Version 1.0.1 on 21 Aug 2007)

'Definition of Justice'
{HRI 20070817-V1.1}
(17 August 2007 - Version 1.1 on 20 August 2007)

'Koos Nolst Trenite - 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind'
(Introduction to 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind'
{HRI 20021018-V2.1} )
(12 Aug 2007)

'The Mafia Code Against Mankind'
{HRI 20021018-V2.1}
(18 October 2002 - V2.1 on 12 Aug 2007)

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.2 on 9 Sep 2006)
(Version 3.2 (or 3.2.2) published on 17 (or 18) May 2007)
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2.1} (published on 18 May 2007)

'Standard Behavior Of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030509-V4.2.1}
(9 May 2003 - Version 4.2.1 on 30 Sept 2006)

'The First International Law' (FIL)
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.2}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.2 on 10 Aug 2007)

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

'Defining The Major Harmful Or Bad Energies
- As They Are Created And Projected By Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20030611}
(11 June 2003)

'Discovery of Life Energy - History in 1784'
(13 October 2003 quote from 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind,'
from {HRI 20021018-V2.0})

'American Constitution - Destroyed By Benjamin Franklin In 1787,
How' - Quote from {HRI 20021018-V2.0} 'The Mafia Code Against
(10 October 2003 quote, of Version 2.0 on 10 October 2003)

'If Pilate Had Provided King Solomon's Justice...'
{HRI 20041102-V1.3}
(2 November 2004 - Version 1.3 on 2 Apr 2005)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7} also {HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

'Living In The Present - Definition'
{HRI 20030102-V3.1}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1 on 14 July 2007)

'An Argument For Studying History - And For Teaching History'
(Quote from {HRI 20030102} 'Living In The Present - Definition')
(6 January 2003)

'The Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V1.2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.2.1 on 9 Aug 2007)

'You Prefer To Feel The Pleasant, Caring MASK Of Criminal Minds'
(27 July 2005 - Quoted from {HRI 20040920-V2.4} )

'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

'Quote (2) 'Einstein and Freud opposed to Leonardo'
from Version 3.2 of 'Leonardo Da Vinci
- About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's
Past And Future {HRI 20040829-V3.2}'
(27 April 2005 quote from Version 3.2 of 26 Apr 2005)

'My Decision From Finding That Criminal Minds Do Not Change No
Matter How Much Love And Care And Attention You Give Them'
(10 June 2004)

'REFUSING to Invade Iraq, Constitutes SEVERE Crimes against
Humanity, by the Sociopaths Putin, Schroeder, Chirac, Jiang
Zemin, Zapatero, etc. (Attachments not included)
{HRI 20060702-V3.3.2.1-NA} (No Attachments)
(2 July 2006 - Version 3.3.2 on 10 Sept 2006)

'Medical Profession Fails To Destroy Man's Awareness - Being
Awake And Staying Awake - versus - Being Told "You Need Sleep!"'
{HRI note 20060907-V2.0}
(7 September 2006 - Version 2.0 on 10 Oct 2006)

'Un-confusing Christianity - What is Monotheism'
{HRI 20070914} - Quoted from {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}
(14 Sept 2007)

'The Hardly Hidden Ugliness of Tom Cruise'
(18 September 2007 - Version 1.1 on 23 Sept 2007)



Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com