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Jun 2, 2005
Girl, 11, will be Britain's youngest mother
By IAN DRURY, Daily Mail

A girl is to become Britain's youngest mother after becoming pregnant at 11.
The girl smokes 20 cigarettes a day despite being eight months' pregnant. She conceived aged 11 when she lost her virginity to a boy of 15 on a drunken night out with friends.

The 15-year-old has since been charged with rape by police, and is due to appear again at Edinburgh sheriff court on July 10.

Her 34-year-old mother, who gave birth to her youngest child eight months ago, said she was 'proud' of her daughter.

She will be 12 years and 8 months when she has the child next month. Jenny Teague, Britain's youngest mother until now, was a month older when she gave birth in 1997.

The youngster, who lives near Edinburgh, says looking after her younger brothers has prepared her for motherhood.

But the girl admits she "panics and cries" when babies are unwell and does not feel able to bathe them.

The mother-to-be, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had unprotected sex with the teenage boy, who also cannot be identified, while drunk last August.


She told the Sun: "I didn't think I'd get pregnant because it was my first time. But I'm really excited and looking forward to being a mum.

"I can't wait to take the baby swimming and out for walks in the pram. I think I'll be able to cope as I've had lots of practice looking after my brothers.

"I know how to feed a baby its bottle and I can change nappies. But I panic and cry if they're sick and I don't like giving them a bath because I'm a bit frightened.

"It's good to know I'll have my mum here to help me if I need her."

Concerned she might be pregnant, the girl visited a GP three times but tests proved negative. She learned the truth after buying a home-testing kit from a supermarket.

After the device displayed two blue lines, indicating she was pregnant, she pleaded with a female relative to break the news to her mother. The girl, who has been suspended from her first year of secondary school for fighting, said: "I was paranoid about what my mum was going to say and just frightened about being pregnant too.

"I knew straight away that I couldn't have an abortion because that's something I don't believe in.

"I was upset and so was my mum, especially as she'd just had my wee brother. We had a big argument and I ended up locking myself in my room and running away to a friend's.

"It was really hard but it's brought me and my mum closer, which is good. I knew my mum would stand by me no matter what, but I told her straight away I was going to keep the baby.

"The social worker suggested I got rid of it but I'd never do that."

Smoking at nine

The girl, who has shoulder-length dark hair, began smoking at nine and started drinking tonic wine and vodka ****tails at ten. She claimed her cigarette habit was not harming the health of her unborn child.

She said: "I can give up smoking at any time, but I don't find it affects my pregnancy."

The girl, whose parents split up several years ago, said she would like a baby boy - and may call him Leo.

She is currently being educated at a local community centre but knows she must return to school.

She told the Sun: "My mum has said she will look after the baby so I can go to school. I don't know what I want to do with my life when I leave. I used to want to be a nursery nurse, but now I'm not so sure."

'Proud of my daughter'

Her mum said: "I'm not ashamed of my daughter at all - in fact, I'm proud of her for keeping the baby.

"I know she's worried what other people will say but she can walk out there with her head held high.

"At first I wasn't too happy about becoming a gran. But now I'm used to the idea. I'm really looking forward to having another baby in the house."

The Scottish Conservatives has called for society and families to unite to change attitudes towards sex following the news.

Single motherhood...ain't it grand?
hugo said:
Girl, 11, will be Britain's youngest mother
By IAN DRURY, Daily Mail

Single motherhood...ain't it grand?

I think in cases like this that the welfare of the child should be put ahead of the rights of the Mother. The child should be taken away from this little idiot and given a chance at a happy life. If this little delinquent is allowed to raise the child, the baby will grow up just like the Mother.
I'll just use my post from another site as my reply.........(and I have to a Brit, it makes me CRINGE what this family are doing to people's perception of the UK)

Further to the report of an 11 year old UK girl being pregnant, the Sunday newspapers have printed a little background on this poor child......

Mother: Heroin addict...smokes heroin with her friends at her home.

Mother: Unmarried and not in a current relationship.

Siblings: 5, youngest aged 8 months (to 3 different fathers). At least one older brother.

Preferred dress style: 'dressed like a tart with lots of makeup and very short skirts' (according to the father of her unborn child).

Education: Has not attended school for some time now, goes to a 'centre for problem children'.

Daily routine: Watching TV and smoking.

Relatives and neighbours have stated that the girl had been saying that she wanted to get pregnant for some months before actually managing to do so.

The girl herself states that 'she will be a good mother due to the experience she has had, looking after younger siblings'... her neighbours state that although she looks after them frequently, she cries when they are ill because she doesn't know what to do and she is scared of bathing them.

The 15 year old father of her child claimes that the girl told him she was 16 when he had sex with her at a party in his own mother's house.

The boy has been charged with rape because Scottish Law states that sex with a minor cannot be classed as concensual. Legal experts believe that the case may well be discontinued due to the fact that it may not be in the public interest to continue.

Social Workers have warned that the girl may not be able to keep the child.
________________________________________________________________ where have these Social Workers been for the last however many years? Neighbours are said to have reported the family on MANY occasions due to the neglect that the children are suffering.

I feel sure that this child has INDEED had a LOT of experience of looking after her younger siblings....mainly when her 'mother' has been too stoned to move! What chance has she had to be a child herself???

Despite the conditions that this poor child is living in, Social Services have made the decision to LEAVE her there, living in squalor with heroin being openly smoked all around her.

How did she end up at that fateful party, miles away from home in the first place? She went with her older brother. Doesn't that say it all? What SANE parent would allow SUCH a young child to attend a party in the 'care' of a sibling who was very likely to be drunk within an hour.

So this 'mother' leaves the babies in the charge of the girl...and the girl in the charge of the older brother....WHO, I ask myself, does this 'mother' bother herself to be 'in charge' of?

Someone needs to lock this IDIOT 'parent' up and throw away the key!
Feckless Wench said:
I'll just use my post from another site as my reply.........(and I have to a Brit, it makes me CRINGE what this family are doing to people's perception of the UK)

Further to the report of an 11 year old UK girl being pregnant, the Sunday newspapers have printed a little background on this poor child......

Mother: Heroin addict...smokes heroin with her friends at her home.

Mother: Unmarried and not in a current relationship.

Siblings: 5, youngest aged 8 months (to 3 different fathers). At least one older brother.

Preferred dress style: 'dressed like a tart with lots of makeup and very short skirts' (according to the father of her unborn child).

Education: Has not attended school for some time now, goes to a 'centre for problem children'.

Daily routine: Watching TV and smoking.

Relatives and neighbours have stated that the girl had been saying that she wanted to get pregnant for some months before actually managing to do so.

The girl herself states that 'she will be a good mother due to the experience she has had, looking after younger siblings'... her neighbours state that although she looks after them frequently, she cries when they are ill because she doesn't know what to do and she is scared of bathing them.

The 15 year old father of her child claimes that the girl told him she was 16 when he had sex with her at a party in his own mother's house.

The boy has been charged with rape because Scottish Law states that sex with a minor cannot be classed as concensual. Legal experts believe that the case may well be discontinued due to the fact that it may not be in the public interest to continue.

Social Workers have warned that the girl may not be able to keep the child.
________________________________________________________________ where have these Social Workers been for the last however many years? Neighbours are said to have reported the family on MANY occasions due to the neglect that the children are suffering.

I feel sure that this child has INDEED had a LOT of experience of looking after her younger siblings....mainly when her 'mother' has been too stoned to move! What chance has she had to be a child herself???

Despite the conditions that this poor child is living in, Social Services have made the decision to LEAVE her there, living in squalor with heroin being openly smoked all around her.

How did she end up at that fateful party, miles away from home in the first place? She went with her older brother. Doesn't that say it all? What SANE parent would allow SUCH a young child to attend a party in the 'care' of a sibling who was very likely to be drunk within an hour.

So this 'mother' leaves the babies in the charge of the girl...and the girl in the charge of the older brother....WHO, I ask myself, does this 'mother' bother herself to be 'in charge' of?

Someone needs to lock this IDIOT 'parent' up and throw away the key!

I wholeheartedly agree with you...We have crack whore Mothers here as well popping out children in order to get more money from welfare (the dole).
I have always said that the welfare of the children should be put ahead of the rights of the so called parents of the children. Unfortunately the law does'nt see it that way and often leaves children in the hands of people who will do them harm either through neglect or abuse.
In my opinion, the moment these 'parents' choose illegal drugs or neglect their kids...they give up ALL parental 'rights'.
It happened in England, where society looks on a pregnancy at 11 years old as something to be ashamed of, not something to be proud of. Had it been in another country where society smiles upon young mothers then it would be a completely different matter.
Stop thinking of her as a child, an 11yrs old is fully aware of life and what goes on, they are not innocent and neither should they be treated any differently than that of an 18, 19 yr old....

You think taking this child away is going to help? If anything she will get worse and it might possibly make her worse, on the other hand if she is supervised and forced to take responsibility for her actions them maybe it could turn her life around.

If she is capable of having sex then she is capable of taking responsibility for this. Do not think of her as a child because she is not. She freely had sex, she freely takes drugs and she naturally able to have a child.
Mariama said:
Stop thinking of her as a child, an 11yrs old is fully aware of life and what goes on, they are not innocent and neither should they be treated any differently than that of an 18, 19 yr old....
Translation: Yes, most 18 year olds cry when left under a great deal of pressure.

You think taking this child away is going to help? If anything she will get worse and it might possibly make her worse, on the other hand if she is supervised and forced to take responsibility for her actions them maybe it could turn her life around.
Yes, make the crying 11 year old take care of a child, it will help build character.

If she is capable of having sex then she is capable of taking responsibility for this. Do not think of her as a child because she is not. She freely had sex, she freely takes drugs and she naturally able to have a child.
Or, as they used to say... If she is old enough to bleed, she is old enough to breed, right ??
The little SLUT thats just wrong. Where was this little bitch when i was 12.

This is a true case of it starts in the home, hell her mom most likely pimped her out. " hey buddy you got some good dope, i got a tight 11 year old" Put a bullet in the horror mom's head.
GF Admin said:
Perhaps but we are talking about Scotland and Scottish customs and social norms, England has turned Scotland and Ireland into welfare states, England is just reaping the rewards of 50% taxation to support lazy ghetto people be happy you live there and can get all that free social medicine and welfare, you have the queen, you have the history and you have all those unassimilated immigrants jolly good for you now you have an 11 year old mother isn
GF Admin said:
Exactly and who are we to be so critical of the way other cultures live and such. It just bothers me that Americans are so critical of the way things are done in most parts of the world.

You must be some kind of pedo to actually be serious.
GF Admin said:
Perhaps but we are talking about Scotland and Scottish customs and social norms, England has turned Scotland and Ireland into welfare states, England is just reaping the rewards of 50% taxation to support lazy ghetto people be happy you live there and can get all that free social medicine and welfare, you have the queen, you have the history and you have all those unassimilated immigrants jolly good for you now you have an 11 year old mother isn’t it grand to be British Cheeri-o

Society in Scotland and England is similar, in neither country is it acceptable for an 11 year old to become pregnant.

As for the 50% taxation....where on earth are you getting your 'facts' from? We don't have that amount of taxation, either on goods or wages.

Most Brits think of the Royal Family as a complete waste of time and drain on the country's already limited resources....make them work for their wages, same as the rest of us have to, damn leeches!

'Free social medicine'....LMAO!! You could die waiting to be treated, FAR better to PAY for any treatment you require.

Sure we have history, but so does any other country, it just seems that ours is interesting to the rest of the idea why, it bores the ass off of me!

No, it's not 'grand to be British', I have never claimed it to be so. Having lived in a number of different countries in Europe; England may be my country of birth but it is not my country of choice. Pass me a plane ticket and I'd be out of here tomorrow!

As for Ireland; Ireland was given the chance to be a separate country, the majority of the citizens voted against the choice, hence the ongoing troubles in the North. Been there, been spat at, no wish to go back.
Feckless Wench said:
Society in Scotland and England is similar, in neither country is it acceptable for an 11 year old to become pregnant.

As for the 50% taxation....where on earth are you getting your 'facts' from? We don't have that amount of taxation, either on goods or wages.

Most Brits think of the Royal Family as a complete waste of time and drain on the country's already limited resources....make them work for their wages, same as the rest of us have to, damn leeches!

'Free social medicine'....LMAO!! You could die waiting to be treated, FAR better to PAY for any treatment you require.

Sure we have history, but so does any other country, it just seems that ours is interesting to the rest of the idea why, it bores the ass off of me!

No, it's not 'grand to be British', I have never claimed it to be so. Having lived in a number of different countries in Europe; England may be my country of birth but it is not my country of choice. Pass me a plane ticket and I'd be out of here tomorrow!

As for Ireland; Ireland was given the chance to be a separate country, the majority of the citizens voted against the choice, hence the ongoing troubles in the North. Been there, been spat at, no wish to go back.

Tell me if this is true of your medical treatment...I was told that depending on what you have wrong with you, you might have to travel some considerable distance to get treatment with someone of the correct speciality. Here in the US, thats not so much the case unless you have something really unusual. When Insurance companies are involved, they have to offer an in network provider within approximately 50 miles from your home or they have to pay the out of network rate and charge the patient in network fees.

I knew someone from the UK and he had to travel all day by car to have an epidural to treat his Osteoperosis. Not too mention what I have heard about trying to get in to see a dentist in the UK.

I also spoke with a young woman who wanted an abortion, she was forced to travel a great distance by train to have the procedure performed.

I was under the impression that money was taken out of your paychecks in order to pay for the healthcare, if you choose to have private healthcare insurance you pay for that up and above what you pay for the NHS.
It is true that occasionally, you may have to travel a distance to get your healthcare in anything less than 2 years! (Athough the NHS claim that you will never wait more than 18 months). Damn annoying too. The reverse doesn't apply though, you can't 'choose' to go to a treatment centre out of your area just because you KNOW the waiting lists are shorter...but the NHS (National Health Service) CAN choose to send you to one.

As an example; my father needed a cataract operation. In his area there is a 2 year wait for the procedure. 2 years down the line he would have become disabled to the point that he would no longer have been able to drive. He was offered the choice by the NHS to travel 40 miles from home and have the surgery with a month. Beats me how some areas manage to keep their waiting lists down while others can't.

NHS dental services are practically unobtainable now, due to the fact that NHS dentists were forced to charge lesser amounts for work they did than had they been working in the private sector. Dental treatment offered under the NHS is not in fact free, but subsidised.

Money IS indeed taken from our paychecks to pay for this 'free' healthcare (treatment is 'free' but medication cost approx $10 per item), most people who work now choose to pay for private healthcare over and above what is already taken from their paychecks though due to the fact that they would lose their jobs waiting for the NHS to offer them the treatment they need to become fit for work again.

At the doctor's practice that I attend, if you need to see the doctor, you have to phone the practice between 8am and 10am and give your name and brief details of your illness (to a very snooty receptionist). You then have to sit by the phone and wait for the nurse to call you back....she will then decide if you warrant an appointment or not.IF she decides you are allowed to see the doc, it will be at his convenience, not yours. For ****'S sake, what about those of us who are ill, need to see the doc but still go to work because we don't have the choice to stay home and wallow in our illness. I am not an idiot, by the time I decide to go to the doc I have already tried home remedies, been to the pharmacy etc etc.

The whole system stinks. It needs an 'opt out' for those who choose to pay for private healthcare insurance. Sadly, at this point in time there is no opt out choice.
GF Admin said:
I am sobbing..OOOO the woes of socialistic Euro-trash, waiting to see the doctor, the dentist the candle stick maker.

Don't know why you're sobbing, no one here was asking for your sympathy. In fact if you read the last couple of lines of my reply you'll see that I too think the system here stinks. In my reply before that I stated that I would quite happily leave England....I'd even wipe my feet on the way out to make sure I didn't even take a grain of dust from this damn country with me!

As far as I can see, the 'stagnant decay and public apathy' is more prevalent here in the UK than in any other country in Europe.

Sadly, I am quite 'used to the illiterate 11 year old mothers, the drugs and the illegal immigrants' . Until society changes, which I doubt it ever will, the situation will get worse and worse.

The only thing that will ever change society is when parents consistently live up to their responsibilities and raise a generation of decent human beings. Until then....we're ****ed!
Feckless Wench said:
Don't know why you're sobbing, no one here was asking for your sympathy. In fact if you read the last couple of lines of my reply you'll see that I too think the system here stinks. In my reply before that I stated that I would quite happily leave England....I'd even wipe my feet on the way out to make sure I didn't even take a grain of dust from this damn country with me!

As far as I can see, the 'stagnant decay and public apathy' is more prevalent here in the UK than in any other country in Europe.

Sadly, I am quite 'used to the illiterate 11 year old mothers, the drugs and the illegal immigrants' . Until society changes, which I doubt it ever will, the situation will get worse and worse.

The only thing that will ever change society is when parents consistently live up to their responsibilities and raise a generation of decent human beings. Until then....we're ****ed!

Unfortunately the trend today is "its not my fault"...Someone else did this too me. You see it in medicine, you see it in the courtroom, you even see it in the ravings of "whatever" who blames the American White man for creating AIDS to kill off the black men in Africa...
Yup, and until people face up to their responsibilities and accept the consequences of their own actions...nothing will change.