Playing video games for a cause?


New member
Watch the Speedgamers live NOW at .TheSpeedGamers are attempting to beat all 7 Zelda console titles in 72 hours. They will have until 5pm cst Monday to complete all 7 games. Donations are being taken for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Prizes will be given away upon completion of each game to randomly selected emailers.


-The Legend of Zelda (nes)

-Link’s Adventure (nes)

-A Link to the Past (snes)

-Ocarina of Time (N64)

-Majoras Mask (N64)

-Windwaker (gamecube)

-Twilight Princess (wii)

Please email us your thoughts and comments and we will read them live on air!

Make sure to do

Thank will d’aneglo from the wii cast every hour.
quoted from ZeldaUniverse

They already passed a few I think. I thought it was a stupid idea to have videos of themselves playing a video game nonstop for that long streaming live, but then I found out it was raising money for a charity. My brother was watching it before and now my connection is next to dead but meh.

Check it out!



New member
ZOMG, nniiiceee idea, video games for a good cause, really u only hafta give the gamers food+drinks and theyre basically IN, cause we all know the true gamer at heart does not **** for money, but GAMEtime!


New member
Are a member of those forums? Ive been at that site forever haha, big Zelda fan. Sounds crazy but I think its a cool idea as long as they are doing it for something.


New member
It's an awesome idea. I'm glad people are still trying to do stuff to help out others.

Too bad the guys failed at passing the games =P



New member
lol yeah ah well, i didn't watch a lot due to connection issues...

...I'd like to do something similar sometime, but I'm too lazy and don't have enough gaming friends to join me

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