Please Look At This I Am Back SniperVirus!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2004
Warp portals in my mind.
I have a dream, that us aggressive arguers, and little cry babies, and all the other members in between, call all post together, without breaking site rules. And in the spirit of
brotherhood, lets all........................ah what the hell, enough of that ****.

Hey its me SNiPeRViRuS. Recently I was banned due to a whole bunch of reasons. I posted on a thread which I did not want to post on.
I was compelled to post there because of Clogz, Mr. Right, who said I should speak for myself, when all of you already knew what would happen.
He then felt that he should talk about how I broke rules and deserved what I got. I lost respect there for him, and Shinoda Bear who could not take
the sarcastic talk from me because I felt that he destroyed my post. That was a wrong thing for me to do and I wont do it again even though I completely disagree with it. The
main idea of this is so you guys know that, even though we dont like some things, we need to sacrifice a little pride and stuff to make this place the great site it always was.

I am back now because of your efforts and the kindness of Atlien. Although I personally dont think I did something wrong,
it turns out I did and I accept that fact. I have indeed broken the rules and insulted a mod. I have dont wrong and I am glad that I was able to come back. I am here to
say that I have changed. I will continue to argue for all I am worth. But this time, I will do it in a respectful way, debating respectfully and appreciating that everyone else
has their opinions. I will try to break no rules and I urge everyone to do they same. You can say whatever you want, as long is it isnt disrespectful. I know this is hard for many of us
and it pains me to do it, but if you really want to keep this site going we need to follow the rules. The forum wars have to stop. You may debate what you want but do so
while following the rules. Atliend(which is pronounced A-T-L ien for the many of you who cant say it) and the mods are all tired of this annoying arguing. It is hurting the site. He wants you
all to know that it will stop. If you dont stop it, you will be like me. Banned. Regardless of how much you have contributed to the site. The new admin will not take it either. We have to stop the fighting and respect each other.
Think of what Linkin Park would say if they saw their fans killing each other. We are scarce as it is. Lastly, please force yourself to appreciate the decisions of the admins and mods. They try to make the site
a nice place to be and if it werent for them, we wouldnt have such a nice community here. Yes, sometimes they make mistakes(guess when), and stuff, but no one is perfect. They do a lot and most of us couldnt do a better job at it.
Their motives are for the better of the site, and in the end that is all that matters.

I am also giving a thanks to every single person that fought to have me brought back and said those good things about me. I appreciate it a lot. It means a lot to me to know that people care. I always thought that I contributed
a lot to the site, and when I was banned for that reason instead of many members who do more than me, I was taken by surprise. I didnt know my leave would cause such an impact.

I will say this again so no one else suffers the time away from the site like me :(

Dont be stupid about things when you are arguing. Make your point and make sure people know its an opinion because you cant always force people to accept things you believe in.
Just show them the other side, look at their side, and move on. We can have fair, peaceful debates. Just dont start to make this place a crappy war zone.

Here I would like to apologize to SB.

Shinoda bear, I am 150% against what you did, however, it was for the site and I thank you for removing the material that should not have been posted there. I just wish you didnt make is sound so sarcastic. I am sorry for mocking you and i would have
dont the same in your position.

To any one else I whooped in a fight,
I apologize for being harsh to you and not respecting your opinions. I am sorry.

*for all of you that now think that snipervirus is now a little nice goody boy, think again {}xx{}::::> lol, I am still one not to be messed with so dont feel too much at ease(now i just gotta think and do it within the rules)*
*gives everyone a cookie*
Lots of hurt, yeah, and apologies all around for that thread. Even if I was defending the site, I did lose my temper in a few posts. I'm for a friendly site, and like SniperVirus said, for a friendly site we need to have sacrifices.
Welcome Back. :)
im gone for a few days, we get a new adminstarter and SV gets banned.... lol anyway welcome back SV!!
*dances in circles and then runs into a telephone post*

there SNIPER you got your fun of the day
Thanks guys!! I just hope you all can understand that we need to have a little more peace around here cuz the mods and the admins are getting pissed off, and they want us to stop or else they will start banning :(
Holy ****... i missed ALOT of **** in the past two days! wow... and.. did we get new mods. or..more new mods.?? Anyways... good to have you back SV!..i now respect you alot more, for what you have just said, and i do think it was wrong that you got banned for stating what you believe in, but, i guess thats the rules, and the rules were...i guess not....ment to be broken!
Wow everything happens when I'm away :(

Big welcome back to ya SniperVirus ^.^ ! I'm glad you got back earlier than you thought! What a relief :) I told you you was missed lol!

That was one huge speech of yours, but I read it all =) I thought it was very sweet!
Well it's good that we got to hear how it went from your point of view. Don't do anything like that again lol =)
Well I'm glad that you're back and yesss, our efforts worked.
It's great to have you back, SV :) I absolutely agree with what you said about the fights and keeping the peace. We just have to know how to control our tempers a bit more, a little sacrifice to make to keep these boards the peaceful online home that they are for so many of us.
*eats cookie* ^_^