Please Pray For Us!!!!


New member
i started this buc i want u people to pray for the victims of South Asian Earthquake especially for Pakistan where more than 40,000 people had died only in Azad Kashmir ... millons of people are homeless.. Two three of Pakistani cities are totally destroyed and now they known as "Dead Cities".And are Northern Areas are effected badly where totally villages are destroyed.

Mostly children are victims..The Donation is coming from all over the world..

i want u people to pray for them.. u can also donate 1 penny or 1 dollar .. i m sure it will make a lot of difference .. but before donating make sure it is a reaible sources..the best is Red Cross and Edhi Centres..i have provide the list below of donating centres..

We people always saying this we want to do to save humanity from suffering.. This is the time to prove your self... This is the time to prove that you really wanted to do something for humanity!!!!

Please Come Forward and Donate generously. Help bring food, shelter and assistance to those now suffering. Pakistan Needs You !

1) Citizens, community based organization and NGOs wishing to contribute towards President's Relief Fun for Earthquake Victims are requested to send/deposit their donations in the above fund opened with the following:

All Branches of the State Bank of Pakistan

All Treasuries

All Branches of National Bank of Pakistan

All Branches of Habib Bank of Pakistan

All Branches of United Bank of Pakistan

All Branches of Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan

All Branches of Allied Bank of Pakistan

Donations, both from domestic and International donors can be deposited in the above branches of the Banks. Donations from abroad can be deposited at all the branches of above banks in foreign countries where such branches exist. In other foreign countries where these branches do not exist donations will be received by the Pakistan Missions and remitted to the State Bank of Pakistan.

2) Donate for Earthquake Victims

" Donations can be deposited in any branch of UBL in Pakistan giving following details.

Account Title

MKRF - Pakistan Earthquake Relief Fund

Bank Name

United Bank Limited

Account No.


Branch Code


Branch Name

Al-Rehman Branch

Branch Address

I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi , Pakistan

For international telegraphic transfer from any bank abroad also indicate

Swift Code


3) Pakistan EarthQuake Relief Fund

UBL 0102598-5

For International Transfers


4) Pakistan-Canada Association


Royal Bank of Canada

Branch No: 05600

Transit No: 003

Account No: 1009067

5) Canadian Red Cross

6)Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Donations to Victims of earthquake:

7)Chk Payable to President of Pakistan Relief Fund

Address: Habib Allied International Bank Plc

97 Cannon Street London EC4N 5AE

Sort Code 60-95-11 A/C 04916670

Thnaks to all of you



New member
Donations are important.

Especially with the bizarre fact that governments are giving less to this than Katrina victims. This is far worse, way more damage and way more casualties.



New member
Donations are important.
Especially with the bizarre fact that governments are giving less to this than Katrina victims. This is far worse, way more damage and way more casualties.
No government is also tryig her level best to save victims..just pray for us..

we need ur prays or donation



New member
Thanks for all the information, it is a terrible loss indeed. *There's also a thread about this in General Talk if you wanna check it out* It IS weird that they're giving a considerably lower amount >.> Hm they need it way more over there. My college has been raising funds from various events and everybody has just been donating spare change and stuff like every day into buckets and stuff. I gave what I can, but yeah, definatly every single penny helps.


New member
Yeah if I see anything here I'll donate too.

But like the Icelandic government gave 30 million ISK to Katrina victims, which is great, but they only gave 18 million ISK to Pakistani eartquake victims :eek:

they should've given at least twice the Katrina amount :rolleyes:

I'll pray. :)



New member
well... the world needs a lot of donations these days, after katrina and this earthquake. i'm not justifying the goverments not giving a lot of money to the earthquake victims, but it's a lot of money to ask for in a short period. the u.s. alone needs 30 billion to recover from katrina, so i'm just saying there's a huge need for donations everywhere right now


New member
thanks to all ..

ya we need now tents nd blackets as winter is coming.. we r importing tents

we badly need them.. nd medical aid we alos need



New member
thanks to all u peolple.. who suported this

now i ve very important thing to tell u... i need ur support..

now we need waterproof tents nd blankets.. in my country there is shortage of tents.. plz collect tents and then contract to Pakistan Embassy.. they will tell what to do next.. remember it will cost u nothing for sending tents.. buc PIA has provided free services .. for importing tents.... please collect tents.. buc the temperature has rached below -0.. people will die from cold ....

Please do collect tents.. nd remember if ur giving used blankets ..then wash them..inorder to aviod dieases nd germs.. we donot ve time for washing

Please do collect tents...

thanks to u people



New member
A heart felt thread. I applaud you.

People! It is because of sweet people like Tuba here that there is charity!! Help her out. Her and her people need it.



New member
A heart felt thread. I applaud you.
People! It is because of sweet people like Tuba here that there is charity!! Help her out. Her and her people need it.
thanks a lot majinkamah .. ya my people really need help..winter is coming and we just enable to provide them shelter!!!

please pray for us ans donate!!

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