Please Read About Tour With Eminem And 50 Cent!


New member
Finally some good news. I didn't like that idea, even though I like Eminem's work. LP and Em just don't have the same fans, so it would never have worked out.


New member
even if they were...what would be wrong about LP touring with Eminem and 50 Cent........!?... i mean yea.. they don't have the same fans.. but it would bring different types of people together.. wouldn't it... oh.. in some way i guess its for the best..
even if they were...what would be wrong about LP touring with Eminem and 50 Cent........!?... i mean yea.. they don't have the same fans.. but it would bring different types of people together.. wouldn't it... oh.. in some way i guess its for the best..
Well.. I like Em but the fans are too different from each other. When there are mosh pits.. there will be like people actaully trying to kill each cuz they are dissing their favorite bands! lol.



New member
even if they were...what would be wrong about LP touring with Eminem and 50 Cent........!?... i mean yea.. they don't have the same fans.. but it would bring different types of people together.. wouldn't it... oh.. in some way i guess its for the best..
Yep!You're definetely right!I didnt think about it ,but it's cool to bring different types of fans together.May be even some people would like both equally. :rolleyes: who knows..But do you mean like a tour on the same scene or like in the same city? But is this going to happen some day?



New member
..and Jay-Z isnt Linkin Park. They're just friends.
But, in spite of his usual neutralism, Mike is that big a Jay-Z fan, that I don't think he'd want to tour with 50. Not sure about the other guys on that one, but I'm pretty sure they would not like to be connected in any way with someone like 50 cent. And vice versa lol, anyone know if 50 likes LP?



New member
one more note: 50 cent. we're playing w him in bangkok and taipei. i've never met him. howabout i make you a deal: if i meet him, i'll give you guys the report on how it goes (is he cool? is he a ****? etc.) sound fun?
-mike posted yeah...i think he means fort minor though



New member
Even if they don't have the same what? LP toured w/ Snoop and he doesn't have the same fans as LP either and it worked out perfectly. But anyway... it's all good. Everyone's happy :)
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