

Destroyer of Morons
Aug 11, 2004

Quite frankly, I think it is bullshit. I know it is old school **** but I just so happened to be wandering around and found it. What do you think people? Is this excusable? Ladies, y'all might be able to enlighten me more on this but all opinions are welcome.

PMS in jurisprudence
As a term of jurisprudence, this may be used as a so-called "innovative defense" via which a defendant may argue that she should not be held criminally liable for actions which broke the law.

In the United Kingdom (1980), Christine English was found "not guilty" of murder; as, although she killed her boyfriend, she was suffering from PMS.

In the US, the Fayetteville Observer-Times reported (June 7, 1991) that Geraldine Richter (Fairfax, Virginia) had been acquitted of drunk driving charges, because of PMS, despite a 0.13% blood-alcohol level. A gynecologist testified on Richter's behalf.
Outlaw2747 said:

Quite frankly, I think it is bullshit. I know it is old school **** but I just so happened to be wandering around and found it. What do you think people? Is this excusable? Ladies, y'all might be able to enlighten me more on this but all opinions are welcome.

That is the stupidest thing i have heard since the hot coffee trial from mcdonalds........

If women can not be held liable for their actions on PMS then men should be able to rape someone without consequence because they have a morning boner...

Gawd this world has gone to ****.......
Vortex said:
That is the stupidest thing i have heard since the hot coffee trial from mcdonalds........

If women can not be held liable for their actions on PMS then men should be able to rape someone without consequence because they have a morning boner...

Gawd this world has gone to ****.......

My point exactly. I know I am late finding this stuff (one of the cases happened in the 80's) but very few people are quite aware of it as far as I know.
But a woman with a really bad case (and I mean, a severe rise in testosterone levels) of PMS is honestly out of her mind.

She has no control over what she does.

The insanity plea should be applicable, at least.

I look forward to you all cutting me down and telling me to shut the **** up, now.

Thanks in advance.
Anna Perenna said:
But a woman with a really bad case (and I mean, a severe rise in testosterone levels) of PMS is honestly out of her mind.

She has no control over what she does.

The insanity plea should be applicable, at least.

I look forward to you all cutting me down and telling me to shut the **** up, now.

Thanks in advance.
Only 5 to 10% of women have severe PMS.
But if she truly has PMS that badly, she should be under the care of a doctor and on some sort of medication to control it, be it hormone therapy or anti-psychotics or whatever. It is her responsibility. There are treatments out there.
That is correct. PMS is a medically diagnosable disorder, and is very rare. Saying that a woman is PMSing is a bit like saying a person is retarded. Very few of those we call retarded actually have an IQ under 70, but we all know what the slang of the term means in comparison to the actual definition. The problem with PMS is that the slang meaning of the term is often mistaken for the actual definition. We would not expect someone who we call retarded as a insult to actually get off due to being incompetent to stand trial, and not woman who fits under the slang 'she's PMSing' would be able to plead out either. Actual PMS is as serious as any case of depression, only these women go through it once a month.

I noticed a reference to the McDonalds case, and my guess is that most people do not know the real story behind that case so I will post the story in the polling booth and see what you think.
I have only met 2 people that I would say are truly suffering PMS (Holy **** it's not funny) I know for myself that right before I bleed, I get VERY irritable, I cry at long disctance comercials, and feel like crap in every possible way. I also gernally go on cleaning rampages around the house. It is actually VERY strange when once a month you really DON'T have control over your emotions and you realize that you will get so damn agitited over the smallest things. It sux. As a reward for surving this 24-36 hour period, you are rewarded by bleeding for a week (ya that helps the mood a whole lot) I can totally understand how someone suffering from an extreme case could loose the abhility to know right from wrong (I threw dinner in an ex's face for telling me it needed more salt "It's right on the table asshole" followed by dinner in the face) If you are smart man, you just won't **** with a women during this time (extreme case or not)
Well the Phreak says this:

He stays most active and well placed into his persona when Mrs. Phreakwars is bleeding. :p
There is a normal hormone cycle in both males and females that alters our moods during the course of one month. They make us moody, irritable, weepy, or just plain mean. They can also affect sex drive, energy, and cravings. This happens in males, too. All of these are normal and do not count as PMS. PMS is a serious medical disorder. It is a chemical imbalance that requires medication. 'I'm mad or upset' for no reason does not describe PMS. Otherwise every teenager I know would be diagnosed with PMS, male and female.
If PMS actually causes homocide then PMS needs be illegal and anyone caught "suffering" from this disease should be euthanised and their "suffering" will end.

What a crock of BullShit, people!!! Grow up and grow and grow a brain... Everyone is responsible for their own actions!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
PMS needs be illegal and anyone caught "suffering" from this disease should be euthanised and their "suffering" will end.
Kinda makes you wonder how many LESS women would complain about it.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
If PMS actually causes homocide then PMS needs be illegal and anyone caught "suffering" from this disease should be euthanised and their "suffering" will end.

What a crock of BullShit, people!!! Grow up and grow and grow a brain... Everyone is responsible for their own actions!

phreakwars said:
Kinda makes you wonder how many LESS women would complain about it.
Normal women do not suffer from this!!!!

People please. This is a serious disorder that, over the years, has been made into a kind of joke. PMS is a disorder the same as Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder. It is not the
Everywoman who HAS the hormones to have their period will experience hormonal changes that effect the emotions, it is impossible not to. What is different is the amount of hormonal change and the extent of the effects. Very few suffer extreme changes and the effects are rarely the same month to month and childbirth and whether or not you breastfeed, or if youuse birth control or other hormonal treatment will efect that intensity. PMS runs a large spectrum of effects.
Well those bitches should be locked up for killing another person and being drunk. They are still self aware that they did it. It was their own damn fault and they should have suffered the consequences. They are no better than the stupid **** who complained about the hot coffee. Having a vagina with issues does not exempt them from equal treatment and punishment by the law.
ToriAllen said:
I noticed a reference to the McDonalds case, and my guess is that most people do not know the real story behind that case so I will post the story in the polling booth and see what you think.

Well i used the mcdonalds phrase because most people dont know the entire story, granted, but it is still kinda the same....

Someone doing something stupid and trying to place the blame elsewhere....

or should i say the biggest part to blame and blaming it elsewhere.
tizz said:
Everywoman who HAS the hormones to have their period will experience hormonal changes that effect the emotions, it is impossible not to. What is different is the amount of hormonal change and the extent of the effects. Very few suffer extreme changes and the effects are rarely the same month to month and childbirth and whether or not you breastfeed, or if youuse birth control or other hormonal treatment will efect that intensity. PMS runs a large spectrum of effects.
Outlaw2747 said:
Well those bitches should be locked up for killing another person and being drunk. They are still self aware that they did it. It was their own damn fault and they should have suffered the consequences. They are no better than the stupid **** who complained about the hot coffee. Having a vagina with issues does not exempt them from equal treatment and punishment by the law.

Men have the same hormonal changes and go through a similar 'change' to menopause as well. In men we call in Mid life crisis, but it is caused by hormone changes. Yes everyone has mood swing and the extent of these is affected by many thing including diet and exercise, however, not every woman has PMS. It does not have a wide range of symptoms. It is a diagnosable disorder that less that five percent of women actually have. It can be likened to Post Partum Depression. Almost all new mothers have the
Vortex said:
Well i used the mcdonalds phrase because most people dont know the entire story, granted, but it is still kinda the same....

Someone doing something stupid and trying to place the blame elsewhere....

or should i say the biggest part to blame and blaming it elsewhere.
The post did make the point you were aiming for. That just reminded me of the case and I thought it might make a good thread/poll...
The people who accept this excuse for murder are the same people who say that they shouldn't prosecute an inner city youth for killing someone in a gang style killing because, "They are a product of their environment". Bull ****!!

She can try to say that PMS was the reason she was so pissed off but it isn't an excuse that should keep her from being prosecuted and convicted like anyone else who gets in a drunken bar fight that results in a death.
I say anyone who has ANY kind of PMS should be dragged behind an ATV through town and beaten half to death then shot in the ****ing head in front of a bloodthirsty crowd. This will teach womankind to stop using **** bleeding as an excuse for being an obnoxious loudmouthed bitch.
Anna Perenna said:
But a woman with a really bad case (and I mean, a severe rise in testosterone levels) of PMS is honestly out of her mind.

She has no control over what she does.

The insanity plea should be applicable, at least.

I look forward to you all cutting me down and telling me to shut the **** up, now.

Thanks in advance.
Honey, this is what we have doctors and medications for.