Podhoretz: We Should Still Bomb Iran!


Patriot Games


Podhoretz: We Should Still Bomb Iran

Friday, January 18, 2008

President Bush should disregard the National Intelligence Estimate's recent
downplaying of the Iranian threat and destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities -
or else nuclear war will be "inescapable," declares neocon commentator
Norman Podhoretz.

Podhoretz, editor-at-large of Commentary, writes in the February issue that
he first stated a year ago that Bush would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities
before leaving office.

But then came December's release of a report from the NIE, which alleged
that Iran had halted its nuclear-weapons program in 2003 - while
acknowledging that the program could be restarted at any time.

In spite of "efforts to demonstrate that the new NIE did not prove that Iran
had given up its pursuit of nuclear weapons, just about everyone in the
world immediately concluded otherwise, and further concluded that this meant
the military option was off the table," Podhoretz writes.

Podhoretz, author of the new book "World War IV: The Long Struggle Against
Islamofascism," recounts a conversation he had with a member of America's
foreign-policy establishment.

"He took the position that there was really no need to stop [the Iranians]
in the first place, since even if they had the bomb they could be deterred
from using it, just as effectively as the Soviets and Chinese had been
deterred during the cold war.

"In response, I argued that deterrence could not be relied upon with a
regime ruled by Islamofascist revolutionaries who not only were ready to die
for their beliefs, but cared less about protecting their people than about
the spread of their ideology and their power."

With the NIE seemingly making it "politically impossible" for Bush to attack
Iran, Podhoretz says the U.S. could choose to "outsource" the job to Israel.

If the mullahs in Iran obtained nuclear weapons, a nuclear exchange with
Israel would become "inevitable," Podhoretz opines, and could even force
Israel to attack key Arab neighbors to prevent them from capitalizing on the
destruction wrought by the Iranian attack.

The resulting horrors would "be far greater than even the direst
consequences that might follow from bombing Iran before it reaches the point
of no return" and obtains the bomb, Podhoretz observes.

But he believes Israel, despite its military strength, would find it
difficult to adequately destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities - so "it is the
United States that will have to do the preventing, to do it by means of a
bombing campaign, and . to do it soon."

Unless we do, he concludes, "we had all better pray that there will be
enough time for the next president to discharge the responsibility that Bush
will have been forced to pass on, and that this successor will also have the
clarity and the courage to discharge it.

"If not - God help us all - the stage will have been set for the outbreak of
a nuclear war that will become as inescapable then as it is avoidable now."
The source of this article is very indicative: "Newsmax is the leading
online source for news for conservatives." It combines all the
whore-scribblers hired by military-industrial complex and/or pro-Zionist
media owners like Rupert Murdoch.
This guy, Podhoretz - one of the original signatories of the "Statement of
Principles" of the Project for the New American Century and graduate of the
Jewish Theological Seminary would have been just funny had he not been so
dangerous. Just like all Zionist (both Christian and Jewish varieties)
propaganda scribblers he keeps scaring Americans with the alleged risks of
Iranians getting access to nuclear technology, but doesn't provide ANY
historical facts proving that Iranians with nuclear technology are more
scary than Israelis or Americans or the British with already existent
nuclear weapons.
Tell us, "Patriot," when was the last time that the Iranians/Persians
launched an offensive war against anybody - the last great Persian/Iranian
military leader, Cyrus the Great, is famous for liberating Jews back in 539
BC and allowing them to return to Israel from their exile to Babylonia/Iraq.
At the same time the highly militant nuclear state of Britain has left very
few regions in the world which it has not tried to rob (remember the Empire
over which "the Sun never sets"?). The most nuclear state of the USA is the
"new boy on the [world] block," yet it has managed to **** up countries all
over the world more than 120 times just in the last 100 years! (Let me know
if you want me to re-post the list of American interventions all over the
world.) And the neo-cons are trying to implant the idea of Iran's danger to
the world in the minds of the American naive believers!
At the same time the nuclear state of Israel (has nuclear weapons and means
to launch them from ground, air, water and under-water) doesn't have a
single neighbor who it has not attacked in the last 70 years since it has
been re-surrected on the semi-desert strip of land extremely poor in the
resources necessary to support life. Those resources, including water, are
so poor, that any attempt to bring additional population to the area will
mean new struggle for survival, so the whole idea of Zionism is totally

"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
> http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/Podhoretz:_bomb_iran/2008/01/18/65655.html
> Podhoretz: We Should Still Bomb Iran
> Friday, January 18, 2008
> President Bush should disregard the National Intelligence Estimate's
> recent downplaying of the Iranian threat and destroy Iran's nuclear
> capabilities - or else nuclear war will be "inescapable," declares neocon
> commentator Norman Podhoretz.
> Podhoretz, editor-at-large of Commentary, writes in the February issue
> that he first stated a year ago that Bush would bomb Iran's nuclear
> facilities before leaving office.
> But then came December's release of a report from the NIE, which alleged
> that Iran had halted its nuclear-weapons program in 2003 - while
> acknowledging that the program could be restarted at any time.
> In spite of "efforts to demonstrate that the new NIE did not prove that
> Iran had given up its pursuit of nuclear weapons, just about everyone in
> the world immediately concluded otherwise, and further concluded that this
> meant the military option was off the table," Podhoretz writes.

Yeh, tell us about those "military options" - this bullish country is famous
for using them whenever it wants something that other people have - like
Iraqi of Iranian oil.

> Podhoretz, author of the new book "World War IV: The Long Struggle Against
> Islamofascism," recounts a conversation he had with a member of America's
> foreign-policy establishment.

Shall we discuss which is more dangerous: "Islamofascism" or "Christian
fascism" or "Zionfascism"?

> "He took the position that there was really no need to stop [the Iranians]
> in the first place, since even if they had the bomb they could be deterred
> from using it, just as effectively as the Soviets and Chinese had been
> deterred during the cold war.
> "In response, I argued that deterrence could not be relied upon with a
> regime ruled by Islamofascist revolutionaries who not only were ready to
> die for their beliefs, but cared less about protecting their people than
> about the spread of their ideology and their power."
> With the NIE seemingly making it "politically impossible" for Bush to
> attack Iran, Podhoretz says the U.S. could choose to "outsource" the job
> to Israel.

Now he comes again to the real instigators of the anti-Iran campaign -
So what if Iranians do not agree with the idea of crowding millions of
Jewish emigrants to the strip of land lacking basic life-supporting
resources - any logically thinking person, Jewish or otherwise will not
support the Zionist idea either!

> If the mullahs in Iran obtained nuclear weapons, a nuclear exchange with
> Israel would become "inevitable," Podhoretz opines, and could even force
> Israel to attack key Arab neighbors to prevent them from capitalizing on
> the destruction wrought by the Iranian attack.

As if Israel has not attacked any of its neighbors yet!

> The resulting horrors would "be far greater than even the direst
> consequences that might follow from bombing Iran before it reaches the
> point of no return" and obtains the bomb, Podhoretz observes.
> But he believes Israel, despite its military strength, would find it
> difficult to adequately destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities - so "it is
> the United States that will have to do the preventing, to do it by means
> of a bombing campaign, and . to do it soon."

Bla-bla-bla, ... remember the Bushists' calls for "preventive" war against

> Unless we do, he concludes, "we had all better pray that there will be
> enough time for the next president to discharge the responsibility that
> Bush will have been forced to pass on, and that this successor will also
> have the clarity and the courage to discharge it.
> "If not - God help us all - the stage will have been set for the outbreak
> of a nuclear war that will become as inescapable then as it is avoidable
> now."

What "nuclear war"??? - The Iranians don't even have nuclear weapons while
the most historically aggressive nations in the world: Britain, USA and
Israel have lots of them (Israel per capita is probably the most
nuclear-enabled after the US)!!!
You're quoting Norman Podhoretz? Everyone, google this nutjob. He's
one of the idiots, who for some reason, had Bush's ear. He used that
influence, with a group of other chickenhawks, to push the idea of
attacking Iraq, though Iraq had nothing to do with the terrorists
attacks. What Podhoretz had on his mind was protecting Israel, using
America as Israel's attack dog.

Anyone listening to Podhoretz is either an idiot or uninformed as to
who he is.

Read up on him. He's nuts.
"basilod" <basilod@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Tell us, "Patriot," when was the last time that the Iranians/Persians
> launched an offensive war against anybody

Who cares?

> And the neo-cons are trying to implant the idea of Iran's danger to the
> world in the minds of the American naive believers!

Death to Iran!

Bomb Iran NOW!

> Yeh, tell us about those "military options" - this bullish country is
> famous for using them whenever it wants something that other people have -
> like Iraqi of Iranian oil.

Nuke their ass and take their gas!

> Shall we discuss which is more dangerous: "Islamofascism" or "Christian
> fascism" or "Zionfascism"?

No such thing as "Christian fascism."

No such thing as "Zionfascism."

"Islamofascism" must be destroyed!

Death to Iran!

Bomb Iran NOW!

> As if Israel has not attacked any of its neighbors yet!

Isreal has NEVER attacked a neighbor. But they have in self-defense

> Bla-bla-bla, ... remember the Bushists' calls for "preventive" war against
> Saddam?!

Yep. Where is Saddam now?


Death to Iran!

Bomb Iran NOW!

> What "nuclear war"??? - The Iranians don't even have nuclear weapons

Not yet. And not EVER.