Pokemon Diamond/Pearl


New member
stupid question >.>

but does anyone play the games?

they got this killer wi-fi thing where people can trade and battle each other.

It'd be cool to hook up with some people on here :D



New member
I use to play Red, Blue, and Yellow like crazy but stopped when Silver and Gold came out because I was disappointed...


New member
I've been playing these games since the Red and Blue days... I, unfortunately, do not have the money to buy a DS and the games yet... =/ Its a shame, cause I really want to play them, haha.


New member
yo vash!

you wouldn't by any chance have the wi-fi thing set up, right?

we can trade and battle if you wish.

Friend code: 3866-4874-9720

name: Mundo



New member
Lv54 Torterra

Lv46 Lucario

Lv53 Floatzel

Lv51 Luxray

Lv47 Staraptor

and currently training Lv24 Jolteon

Edit: Pokemon Diamond! lol (sorry... didn't read the whole question XD)

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