Police: *** offender kept victim, kids in shed



PLACERVILLE, Calif. (AP) -- A woman who was snatched from a bus stop as an 11-year-old child in 1991 turned up Thursday after being held for the past 18 years in isolation in a backyard compound by a convicted *** offender who fathered two children with her, police said....


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Active Members
This is one of the rare times I will slam law enforcement.

This man was on lifetime probation from prior *** offenses during this entire time. While on probation, the probation officers are supposed to make surprise visits to the home and inspect those homes to be sure the offender is still behaving.

Being as this man was on probation as a *** offender, looking around for captured *** slaves would be part of their responsibilities. I have not seen the list for this man, but it is considered normal for offenders to be swapped around to many different probation officers over the years with a long probation period. So this was not the failure of just one bad officer, it was the failure of many, many probation officers to do their jobs.

Just sad. Sad that a little girl suffered many years of sexual abuse because of some lazy probation officers. Sad that this girl had two children by this rapist, and we know she didn't have reasonable medical care and neither did the children.

This is one of those times a lawsuit is more than reasonable and I would be tempted to have serious words with the probation officers who had worked this case if I was the father of this girl.



New member
This is one of the rare times I will slam law enforcement.
This man was on lifetime probation from prior *** offenses during this entire time. While on probation, the probation officers are supposed to make surprise visits to the home and inspect those homes to be sure the offender is still behaving.

Being as this man was on probation as a *** offender, looking around for captured *** slaves would be part of their responsibilities. I have not seen the list for this man, but it is considered normal for offenders to be swapped around to many different probation officers over the years with a long probation period. So this was not the failure of just one bad officer, it was the failure of many, many probation officers to do their jobs.

Just sad. Sad that a little girl suffered many years of sexual abuse because of some lazy probation officers. Sad that this girl had two children by this rapist, and we know she didn't have reasonable medical care and neither did the children.

This is one of those times a lawsuit is more than reasonable and I would be tempted to have serious words with the probation officers who had worked this case if I was the father of this girl.
Screw that. That ******* should have been shot in the nuts and let to die slowly and painfully from the wounds. People like that don't change and having someone babysit his grown, perverted *** is a waste of our tax dollars. Crimes like these should be one strike, you're out!



Active Members
Screw that. That ******* should have been shot in the nuts and let to die slowly and painfully from the wounds. People like that don't change and having someone babysit his grown, perverted *** is a waste of our tax dollars. Crimes like these should be one strike, you're out!
Well I agree with you there, let the victim family take care of them and save the State a lot of money.

I was just talking about how the system we have has law enforcement who are supposed to be checking him out every now and then so why did they miss a *** slave?



New member
Well I agree with you there, let the victim family take care of them and save the State a lot of money.
I was just talking about how the system we have has law enforcement who are supposed to be checking him out every now and then so why did they miss a *** slave?
.the article I read said that he had built an intricate backyard, within his backyard- the impression I got was that from inside his yard it looked like the stuff was in the neighbor's yard.

He tried very hard to conceal what he was up to.

Not making excuses, just trying to paint a clearer picture. Dude was sick, and went to a great deal of effort to make this happen- to the point that they think his wife was in the car when this little girl was kidnapped.



Active Members
Yes, the wife is supposed to have been there but she was also at the home and knew all about the abuse, she is just as guilty as him.

The stories I have seen say he had tents and bushes set up to try and hide what he was doing but a professional officer should have saw something was wrong just showing up unnanounced. There is no excuses for the many officers not catching this a long time ago.



New member
Yes, the wife is supposed to have been there but she was also at the home and knew all about the abuse, she is just as guilty as him.

The stories I have seen say he had tents and bushes set up to try and hide what he was doing but a professional officer should have saw something was wrong just showing up unnanounced. There is no excuses for the many officers not catching this a long time ago.
It is scary that the probation officer or whatever made several trips througout the years and never caught on that something was going on. What is the point of those trips then? (This is a scenario when my first suggestion would've been perfect.)

And this sicko's wife should rot in jail or be shot in between the eyes, too. How sick is that? How can you not only stay with someone like that, but condone and help him kidnap a child, know of the abuse and help conceal it? Who knows how involved she was in the abuse, too. And those poor children, too. I hope they weren't molested and abused, too...



New member
Screw that. That ******* should have been shot in the nuts and let to die slowly and painfully from the wounds. People like that don't change and having someone babysit his grown, perverted *** is a waste of our tax dollars. Crimes like these should be one strike, you're out!
I think he should be put in a cell with Bubba for 18 years and then drawn and quartered.



Active Members
It is scary that the probation officer or whatever made several trips througout the years and never caught on that something was going on. What is the point of those trips then? (This is a scenario when my first suggestion would've been perfect.)
Exactly, the idea of someone checking up on this scumbag is to protect society, obviously in California, that is not the case.

And I fully support your first suggestion.

And this sicko's wife should rot in jail or be shot in between the eyes, too. How sick is that? How can you not only stay with someone like that, but condone and help him kidnap a child, know of the abuse and help conceal it? Who knows how involved she was in the abuse, too. And those poor children, too. I hope they weren't molested and abused, too...
At the very least she knew, and that is enough to say she no longer deserves to be in society. I would also support a public hanging for someone like this.

In fact that is my suggestion to most crimes, public executions, maybe even pay-per view to raise money for victim rights groups. That would be a deterrent to crime.



Active Members
Well that would be interesting if he was responsible for many murders.

He also did a phone interview where he is talking about some kind of big story that is in the hands of the FBI and they were glad to get the information and it is about him turning his life around.

He sounds very delusional




New member
Well that would be interesting if he was responsible for many murders.
He also did a phone interview where he is talking about some kind of big story that is in the hands of the FBI and they were glad to get the information and it is about him turning his life around.

He sounds very delusional

His own father thinks he's outta his mind. So did neighbors and people that dealt with him. I'm surprised it took this long to expose him again.



Active Members
His own father thinks he's outta his mind. So did neighbors and people that dealt with him. I'm surprised it took this long to expose him again.
Again being the key word in that sentence.

I am with you Chi, take them off the streets, kill them if possible, but once someone has demonstrated they are willing to do these kinds of things to other people (especially children) then why ever give them a chance to do it again?

It brings to mind the "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" saying where if your fooled by someone one time they should feel bad about doing that, but if you let the same person fool you again then that is your fault.

I even say the same thing about people they say are "crazy" at the time they did something horrible. What does it matter if they were crazy? If their capable of tranforming into a monster one time, then they are capable of doing it a second time. They still did it, never give them a chance to do it again is what I say.

I know many people will say that these criminals can "redeem" themselves and pay their debt to society but in my opinion the innocence of a child is priceless. The fear struck in a raped woman who will never be able to forget the attack is priceless. How do you place a "price" on damage done to people that can never be undone? What is the price of a human life? How can someone pay that debt off?

I'm sorry but I do not see it as possible to pay back these kinds of debt to society, once you have crossed certain lines you have proven yourself to be worthless in my eyes and should never be allowed back into society.





New member
His own father thinks he's outta his mind. So did neighbors and people that dealt with him. I'm surprised it took this long to expose him again.
I think that him having a wife gave the false impression that he was possibly turned around. After all, what woman would put up with such crimes. She is worse than him. He is a sick F , what is her excuse.

I totally agree with Chi. Stop wasting taxpayers dollars to provide living quarters, medical care and food for these types of monsters who will NEVER change.



New member
What a bunch of heartless bastards you are!

Don't you believe in the power of reform? All these criminals need is a bit of time locked away to reflect on their bad deeds and with a bit of compassion and the help of our tax dollars, soon they can be freed back into society as new, enlightened citizens ready to do good, industrious, law abiding things.

</sarcasm> <--- "TJ disclaimer"



New member
after seeing ariel views of the yard, I recant my earlier support of the parole officers in this situation.

They should have been able to see something.



This foul crime would never have happened, had this piece of sewage been strung up after some of his previous. I cant think of a better argument for the death penalty - it prevents any further serious criminality from the multitude of jerks out there .

My criticism of the UK, is that we are not allowed a referendum, on whether to reintroduce the death penalty.

My criticism of the US is that you allow these arseholes to keep appealing. If you have absolute proof of guilt AND the offence is sufficiently serious, sentence should not be appealable.

Put him in a box. Let him stew and mull over what he has done. Let him understand he will be hung in one month. Then string him up.



Active Members
My criticism of the US is that you allow these arseholes to keep appealing. If you have absolute proof of guilt AND the offence is sufficiently serious, sentence should not be appealable.
A few years ago me and some friends actually took the time to design a new trial/appeals process with the idea of actually providing a solution to the long appeals process but still allow the chance to find errors, I will offer a very short outline of our idea:

All capital crimes to be video recorded to include all sidebars and meetings in Judges chambers.

Once a verdict of guilty is found, the Government provides the defense a copy of the tapes within 30 days.

The defense then has 90 days to create a complete list of "ALL" appeals. They use video tags to provide context and content. If they believe 40 things were done wrong, then all 40 must be included on that list, no changes or additions are allowed after that 90 days.

The list and video is passed by the prosecuters office who has 60 days to provide rebuttal of the appeals, again point by point in writing.

The final product of both is then sent to a 3 Judge (many of these can be formed) appeals court that reviews each appeal, point by point going down the list. NO LAWYERS talking to the Judges, it is law, no need for theatrics. If all of the appeals are denied, the process is over. They can then apply to the federal/suppreme court but everything is done on the State level.

There are actually pages of details we outlined but I severely simplified the idea for the sake of posting as short as possible here.

In my opinion, the death penalty is not very effective as a deterrent for two reasons, it takes too long to kill the scumbag after the crime so there is no direct crime/punnishment connection, and second, even when it is done, it is too well hidden, they should at the least to pay-per-view and public hangings would be even better.



New member
Pay-per-view death sentences would ****** rock!! But if it's gonna be a PPV event, bring back the guillotine!! For sure the electric chair.



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