Political gardening


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I believe the massive swing of voters against the Republican party was directly due to the Republicans not following the will of the people so they were 'punnished'. Any Democrat could beat just about any Republican in any race at that point but on top of that, along came Obama with promises of a different Washington, a Washington that has people working together, erasing partisan lines and open, transparent Government and Whitehouse.........CHANGE.....HOPE.

This message was so powerful it blew away the easy victory Hillary Clinton expected (as well as almost all of the established political circles) and gave Obama the Presidency even though he had absolutely no qualifications or management experience............because the people desperately wanted the "change" that was promised.

Again the powers that be have decided to ignore the people, to do as they please instead of what they were elested to do. Obama has turned his back on all of his promises of change in favor of a purely partisan agenda. Less transparancy than the Bush administration, less access by the media and they are controlling what little access they allow with an iron fist. Ramming through legislation the people do not want. And the whole time pretending he is not doing any of this.

Today a new Gallup poll shows that Republicans beat out Democrats 48 to 44 percent but the deciding factor is the independants who favor Republicans 52 to 30 percent. Recent elections in New Jersey and Virginia show that even with Obama behind these canidates, they lose. Why? Because in my opinion, outside of the strict political correct circles, the average person has figured out that Obama misrepresented himself and the Congress is completely corrupt filled with liberals who call them names if they do not agree with what their elected officials are doing.

So, will the Republicans comming into power again continue to make the same mistakes as before or will they instead stick with the conservative values the people of America want? I am very upset at how poorly the Republicans behaved when they had power before, I for one hope they have learned their lesson.

You reap what you sew and both sides of this are ******** up in my opinion.

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